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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. In equipment also included trucks, not forget. Even on LA doesn't want to count its - its hundreds. Also Tymchuk said abot 58 % of mech.units park, not UKR army total Ранее о потерях 58% парка механизированных частей
  2. By your link: Сейчас я могу об этом сказать, поскольку этого уже не существует, что на 60-65% военная техника в частях, которые стояли на первых рубежах, была уничтожена и не было чем защищаться. "60-65 % of all equipment.... stood on first lines and was destroyed". I didn't hear anything about tough tank clashes in Chernihiv, Kharkiv or Kherson direction.
  3. Most of our destroyed vehicles have turned out on territory sieized by DNR/LNR forces (South pocket, Sector B and Ilovaisk, Debaltseve, Novoazovsk area). Thus, their photo correspondents and soldiers were hurring to make a shot of destroyed and captured "ukrop" armor - propaganda, no more (and this is right). But our soldiers also make photos of own destroyed or broken and decomissioned vehicles on rear bases. And post in social networks. So, Lostarmor results in Ukrainian part is close on 90 % to real picture. Good example - in your table pointed 85 lost D-20 howitzers. This is almost 5 full battalions. D-20 were included in quantity one (later two) battalions in motorized rifle brigades - 56th, 58th, 59th in 2015. Where these brigades participated in what fierse battles during two years to lost almost all own brigade kit of arty ?
  4. Someone everytime has an ache in one place, when see "Ukraine" in topics And starts flame. "Background information" of some weapon control monitoring mission report ? Difference,which some in Russia has interpreted as 100 % combat losses ? Ha! I don't recall... looks like Janes or some other issued the same difference data between number of jets/choppers in 2012 and in 2016 and make a conclusion Ukraine lost on Donbas about hundred of its. Nobody thought that weapon can be decomissioned, moved from reserve to 4th and 5th cathegory (rust) or sold. SIngle way to confirm losses is a photo proofs. Russian Lostarmor.info resourse has gathered huge database of destroyed/captured weapon from both sides, so REAL CONFIRMED Ukrainain losses in hard weapon is (including captured): tanks - 219 BMP - 458 BTR and BRDM - 270 MTLB - 86 BMD/BTR-D - 26 SP-guns - 74 Towed guns - 92 (including MT-12) MLRS - 38 (among its only 10 BM-27 and no one BM-30) Everybody can see it here: http://lostarmour.info/analytics/ and check photos Yes, losses is big, but not fantasy big as on screen above. Significant part of vehciles were destroyed on stationary positions by enemy artillery, on mines, were broken and abandoned by crews or were just abandoned in encirclements.
  5. Because this tons of work to make all types of force structures at once. And questions of marketing And what difference between both models? How designers should to do to reflect this in game model ? Molot uses the same shells as 2B11, It looks absolutely identical. Weight (less of metal )? And is this a reason to make new model instead just rename current one ?
  6. Basic game was issued in early 2014 and there are no "lot of Humvees" yet. Oh, except 47 M1097A2 and 10 M1097 armored in Ukraine, but its all was in VDV service, not mech.troops. The same about IR sights, UAVs and other. Terrible quality copy of 2S11 for astronomic money. Do you know about instruction NEVER to fire with this mortar in traditional way - only with a cord, that crew have a time to cover. Because of several cases of explosion of that "new" moratrs which take several lifes... Most of new equipment in use of VDV, so be patient and wait for module :)
  7. 24 August 2014. Troopers of 39th territorial defense battalion "Dnipro-2" (in present time security battalion of 55th artillery brigade) under enemy mortar fire in trench near Mnohopillia village in 7 km south from Ilovaisk, where was rear supply point of troops involved in Ilovaisk assault. They doesn't know yet, that Russian troops already have crossed a border and approaching to it to close a trap...
  8. For example, I have found next data for fragments OF-49 120 mm mortar shell for 2S9 Nona: number of fragments up to 3500, mass of fragments 0,5...1,5 kg, velocity of fragments 1800 m/s, guaranted armor penetration by fragments; 8 mm from 15-20 m and 12...14 mm from 7-10 mm. If we say about T-64, then this close explosions can penetrate thin lower side hull armor between tracks (25 mm) and rear hull with hit and ignition of engine.
  9. HE (not fragment) shells as a rule created different fragments - from large to tiny, all depends from material of shell, its features for fragments creation and brisance. Here examples of different HE shells fragments: 120 mm or 122 mm 122 mm Possibly from Grad Looks like 152 mm And even so...
  10. SU-100 and T-34 never used on Donbas. The train moved these vehicles possibly for V-day parade in Russia. On early stage of the war, separatists took off IS-3 and T-34/85 from pedestals and tried to use. But its guns, of course were inactive, though engines, even after dozens years of silence have turned on. Both used mostly with propaganda purpose. IS-3 was arned with MG on turret and guarded checkpoints. Both were abandoned, when UKR forces became advance (IS-3 engine has broken)
  11. Sevreral days ago, our positions between Vodiane and Pikuzy, Mariupol direction. Mortar shelling and trenches
  12. He said "meter by meter", i.e. continuing of "crawling offensive" tactic. Nothing new. Of course, as acting president in that time, he had gave permission on operation in airport in 2014. Or should he gave up strategic object - airport in hands of armed men, which seized it and wait "gentle green men" in IL-76 ? Bombing... Heh... Pair of Mi-24 have launched only unguided rockets and shelled building with a canons. But their attack had only caused death of several fighters on the roof and inside terminal and made more morale suppressing effect. Looks like enemy leaders believed that Akhmetov had influed on authorities as weel as in case with seizing of administrative, police and SBU buildings, and wouldn't any attempts to take newest airport back with shooting.
  13. In February I posted information that DNR KAMAZ truck was destroyed on outskirt of Maryinka by UKR forces. Now the video has appeared and surprisingly this was ATGM "Baryer" (vehicle mounted analog of "Stugna-P") of BTR-4E of 92nd mech.brigade. Video has been filmed from display of BTR-4. Operator at the end says "Looks like it hit between a cabin and bodywork". One DNR troper was killed, one heavy wounded (the arm has torn off), troopers in bodyowrk have got light wounds. Place of truck hit pointed by red circle on the map
  14. Alas, no. If the OSCE pointed out the coordinates, I would be able to find this place on the map and say where the enemy is expecting a threat, but by this picture I can't say anything. Looks like this pisition guards a corner of crossroad somewhere in fields. Our positions are on west and south-west from Kalynove.
  15. I think, this is just uncomplited positions, pay attention on "NEWLY-DUG" word. OSCE UAV filmed only first phase, when engineer vehicle have excavated trenches - you can see fresh ground on breastworks. Soon soldiers will come and finished it with shovels - make covers, blindages and firing positions.
  16. Thanks! I didn't post this photo 100 %. What can I say ? Mortar shell has round head and slow speed of falling, so it capability to crack or penetrate tank top turret armor is close to zero, but if it will hit in hull top on engine area it can makes effect. Next. both sides uses 120 mm mortar shells of two types: 16 kg OF-843B with 1,4 kg of amatol (1,35 kg TTE) and 16,1 kg OF-36 with 3,6 kg of amatol. (3 kg TTE). Compare this with bullet-type nose and higher speed of artillery shell, for example, 122mm 21,76 kg OF-462Zh with 3,67 kg of hexal /A-IX-2 (5,69 kg TTE). OF-462 claims 42 mm of steel penetration. So, we can conclude, that mortar round has lesser chance to destroy tank in direct hit, than 122 mm artillery shell.
  17. I recall about one battle, which completely was solved by intensive artillery and MLRS strike. This is battle for Novosvitlivka in Aug 2014. UKR vehicles on positions were heavy bombarded, crews in panic withdrew, most tanks and light armor were destroyed. This was BM Bulat. Direct hit BMP-2 thought it hide well, but Russin shell thought else. Looks like fragments and wave of the shell, wich hit in nearby brick structure, hit vehicle and cause fire and detonation In some meters from this one, other BMP-2 has found own end... Looks loke direct hit, but may be also detonation from fuel or ammunition hit by fragments. Another direct hit in BM Bulat RKhM-4 (NBC unit vehicle on base of BTR-80). Close explosion 120-122 mm. Turret has gone, vehicles knoked out. Later was burned. One more BM Bulat. I can't say either direct hit or result of something big hit the building and initiated tank detonation And piece of shugar on top. Juanuary of 2015, Hnutove. How look T-64 after direct hit with something heavy - I heard two versions 152 mm 2S5/2A36 Giatsynt shell or even 203 mm 2S7 Pion
  18. I just show several exampes of UKR vehicles, which were destroyed by fragments of close explosions. In most cases fragments set fire fuel or caused detonation of ammunition. This is photos form summer 2014, when our troops stay on the border and were shooting out from Russian territory with mortars, artillery and MLRS. BTR-80, Marynivka border checkpoint. Despite on trench, fragments set fire APC and caused small detonation with moving of turret. BMP-2, same location. I doubt what exactly happened, but looks like large fragment side hit and detonation. T-64BV, same location - set fire and burned after artillery strike, but no direct hit. There are a lot of photos on Lostarmor, but this is big piece of work to select armor, destroyed by arty shell fragments. I can say only one - any Soviet/Russian/Ukrainian tank will not survive direct hit of artillery shell 122 or 152 mm despite on ERA blocks on top. Side hull of tanks also vulnerable for big fragments of MLRS and shells - I wil try to find photo of LNR T-64, which was hit by close Grad explosion - several fragments penetrated side hull (ERA blocks doesn't react on fragments - its too slow relatively APFSDS) and kill tank commander. Tank remain operational after small repair. About light armor "fragment protection" nothing to say it is not exists. Side hulls of BTR 70/80 and BMP easy perforate even with 7,62 AP bullets for SVD, no words for 12,7 and higher. Standard side armor protection of BTR-4E (not E1 with additional armor plates) has STANAG2 level and maintain protection from fragments of 155 mm shell, which explodes in 80 m
  19. Hmmm... I don't recall a photo of TANK... But... May be you means this 1V13 from Avdiivka, which caught 120 mm mortar bomb or 122 mm arty shell ?
  20. Just example of LNR fortifified positions near Kalynove village, eastern side of Svitlodarsk bulge. When I see fortifications in CM I only can sigh...
  21. Yesteday's (?) loss. BTR-70, probably 81st airmobile brigade blew up on the mine. Casualty list for today has 1 KIA and 2 WIA from this brigade, but pointed cause of death and injuries - MON-50 claymore type mine explosion. Possibly two different cases
  22. Yes, except Navy - 73rd center doesn't subordinate to GUR.
  23. SSO since 2016 is separate structure (before was belonging to Army intelligence like in Russia). Consists of SSO Command, 140th Special operation center (created on base of 8th regiment), 3rd special forces regiment, 8th special forces regiment, 73rd Naval special operations center, 142nd special operations training center.
  24. I can say only for our side - a tactic of "crawling advance" will be continue, possibly in more active way, but not soon - now many troops on frontline are rotating. For example 54th brigade on Svitlodarsk bulge is going back and 53rd is changing it. So, in this conditions, can expact DNR probes to push off our troops from recently seized positions, because of new-arrived troops not so good to know terrain features.
  25. Some words about DNR forces territorial gains for first three months of 2017. Without major clashes they also advanced in "grey zone" (bright green areas on maps) 1. On Mariupol direction, south-east from Dokuchayevsk town they approached to lateral road Novotroitske - Hranitne in our close rear 2. On Donetsk direction, enemy have approached to our outpost positions in Nevelske village between Krasnohorivka and Pisky.
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