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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. He is just poses for photo :). Anti-reflection devices I, think, use aces of sniping, for example SBU special unit "Alfa" or counter-sniper unit "Blyskavka" (eng.lightinng) of UDO (Departament of State Guard) special unit "Bulat".
  2. All depends from map size - CMSF had smaller maps, thus, of course, on small-sized map MLRS salvo will cause mass destruction (and may be for own troops too). But on large map their usage have a sense. On Donbas MLRS uses in so wide scale, that I, think, in case of full-scale conflict its usage will have much more level, so, there is no reason to cut off its form the game. For example, during Vuhlehirsk battle, limited salvo of Grads on DNR forces was launched on demand of company size forces, besiged in the town, though by field manuals, usage of Grad is possible not closer then 1000 m from forward lines of own troops. So, I think, when player select "huge" size of map, MLRS should appear in unit list. In that case corps-level arty support should be also deleted. 2S19, 2A65 and 2S7 uses by decision of sector command, but not for requests of company commanders
  3. Heh... Why we should request UAE about this...mmm... MLRS-train ? Possibly it's good for flat dry desert, but in our spring and autumn black-soil mud it just will bog down. UKR now is adopting new guided rocket "Vil'kha" (eng. alder) for "Smerch", in this way "Smerch" will turn in some equal of HIMARS (except SAM component) Salvo of Smerch on Donbas, summer 2014 Russians in September 2014 conducted as minimum two strikes with "Smerch" on our rear base camps in 60 km from the border, whcih were dislocated near villages Dmytrivka and Pobeda (50 km north from Luhansk). Russian command on eve of shelling have sent to our troops in that area ultimatum - to withdraw or will be destroyed. Our command was forced to accept ultimatum, but havn't time to evacuate all personnel and vehicles from that camps. About in 22:30 of 3 Sep enemy rockets hit the camp near Pobeda, and in the night between 3 and 4 Dep - the camp near Dmytrivka. Remained personnel hide in blindages and brick farms, but in Pobeda a 300 mm rocket hit blindage and kill at once 16 servicemen of 27th MLRS regiment (has MLRS "Uragan"). In Dmytrivka were killed 5 soldiers three of 1st tank brigade and two of 12th territorial defense battalion. Number of wounded I don't recall now. Almost all vehicles, equipment and things remained in camps were destroyed. Among armor in both camps were destroyed BM "Bulat", BMP-2K, BTR-80, two MTLB, two special vehicles on base of BTR-80. Also 10 Feb of 2015 Russian launched cassete rockets of "Tornado-S" ("Smerch" with upgraded targeting system) on Kramatorsk airfield. Before attack Russian UAV (Orlan-10... may be...) was detected over the airfield and shot down with SAM "Buk". Since some time rockets twice with 30 min intervals rained the airfield and the city. 17 people were killed (7 millitary) and 64 wounded (17 military), was demaged one helicopter and radar.
  4. Ammo dumps critically needed for defensive operations. Nobody will not defend position in front of attack of many armor, if ATGMs and others will have only "near the weapon" ammunition load...
  5. I heard, that according to Minsk agreements only Army have to keep frontline, not NGU. But there is no such article in agreements indeed. So, I don't know why was assumed such decision. Though, sometime NGU battalion "Donbas" and separate recon units of "Azov" , both belonged to 18th NGU operative regiment have tasks on frontline. These SP-ATGMs were adopted in summer 2015, when no intensive warfare like in 2014. "Golfcars" in first time appeared in 1st operative brigade as far as 2012 (in that time it named 14th Internal troops brigade "Bars") - its were armed with AGS-17. But I also never heard about its combat usage. In whole 1st NGU brigade have many new vehicles and equipment, but motivation of personnel and command is very low. This unit, which dislocated near Kyiv, always considered itself like elite "court" brigade, which must to maintain of current authority protection, but not to sit under shellings in trenches. In 2014, when in this unit were included new-formed NGU battalions, gathered from Maidan volunteers, was many both-side conflicts between former swarn enemies - troopers of "Bars" treated to Maidan insurgents with the same cruelty (even conscripts, not only contractors) like riot police units "Berkut".
  6. SSO doesn't say many about own work. Since three years of war we know only about several episodes with their participation. And these episodes almost all for 2014 year, when they as far as were not named SSO and havn't such vehicles. This is other volunteer-developed vehicles for SSO - fire support buggy "Pegas" and recon-assault car. Both in small series were built in car-service and given to SSO units. SSO havn't special light transport. In 2014 its was armed only with Urals, KAMAZ and some BTR-80. All absolutely weren't appropriate for special forces tasks. So if state can't do anything, volunteers built vehicles. "Pegasus" with different armament And recon-assault car Though, such class of vehicles in small number was officially adopted in National Guard. 1st NGU operative brigade has SP-ATGM Stugna-P battery on UTV CF MotoTracker800 base. But it never used in fights.
  7. Some offtop. Spring is coming, terrain is full of dirt - SSO (special operations forces) crew on volunteer-made buggy is preparing to ride
  8. This is Fort-221 rifles (licensed Tavors), but its were for parade battalion of VDV. Actually these rifles in small quantity use in recon VDV and marines units, less more in National Guard and some in SSO. But as I know, many soldiers are treated disbelief to this weapon and take AK for operations. Camo pattern on thees guys is "varan-ZSU", National Guard didn't wears multicam, they have "olive" uniform - on 3:50 National Guard unit is going.
  9. This is new variant of T-72B3 with "additional protection". Moved to Rostov region for new-established 150th motor-rifle division. Russian MoD have oedered 154 T-72B3 in such variant. But this is not T-72B3M
  10. ATGM too havy for carry it in offensive. Also position was in direct LOS and lower than enemy position in Pikuzy, so using and stable guiding of missile under fire would be problematic. May be ATGM was mounted on BMP, but to use it in front of enemy tank is suicide. And btw BMP crews as ususally have very basic training for ATGM using, so that weapon mostly doesn't use. About Balakleya storages explosion there is no exact information. Officials say about diversion, because fire was set in several places. Locals say they heard a sound in the night sky like from UAV engines. Balakleya is one of the biggest storage. Here in underground and surface concrete bunkers stored about 20 % of all 125 mm tank and 152 mm artillery ammunition. Also in huge quantities under open sky here stored outdated shells and missiles, which expect for utilization as well as ammunition, which waits sending to frontline. Exactly its both now burning end exploising. Among other ammunition - SAM missiles for S-300 and "Kub" (not in service). In 2015 Balakleya storages already tried to set fire with flares, but personnel have extinguished the fire. Also Russians with UAVs already made fire on storage near Mariupol and huge explosions near Svatove (among all other ammunition we lost battery of MLRS Uragan). Though after Svatove, almost equal damage have suffered Russia on own range in Rostov region. Some sources say that was our SSO simmetric response... Will see what will be in that time... On video huge explosion on 1:51 Scale of disaster
  11. Updated information about fight near Vodiane. As bacame knowingly, our troops have attacked not the height 73, but smaller position on the road Vodiane - Pikuzy (on the map pointed by red rectangle and arrow). After repelling enemy group probe with ZU-23 and 82 mm mortars our forces counter-attacked this position with approx. platoon with covering of 1-2 BMPs and tank. Marines approached to the trenches and during close fight seized its, most of enemy garrison was destroyed - 7 KIA, other 5 WIA and unharmed fighters have retreated on outskirt of Pikuzy. Marines immidiately became to deepen trenches, but pause in battle was short - enemy began shelling of own lost position from trenches in Pikuzy. From the town was moved a tank, which also shelled our position. Looks like both tanks want to destroy in first order opposing infantry positions, then own vis a vis. Both continuously have changed positions, twice our artillery forced enemy tank to retreat. Enemy artillery also shelled our positins, preventing advance of reinforcements. Further enemy made salvo with "Grad", which has been filmed, but all salvo hit the Vodiane village instead our position. After three hours of skirmish and shellings our marines have a lack of ammunition, our tank exhoust all rounds and left battlefield. In this time, when intensity of battle was reduced, enemy tank rapidly approached on 200 m to our positions and became shot out trenches. Our BMP engaged tank with 30 mm gun to distract it from marines, but tank shelled BMP and damaged it with close explosions of HE ammunition. BMP also was forced to retreat. Further under covering of tank, MG and mortar fire, enemy reinforcement have attacked our position. Being under heavy fire and with limited ammo marines became retreat. In this time long MG burst shot dead two marines and three injured (by other version one marine was killed by sniper). Troopers have time to take only wounded comrades - bodies of two killed marines and some number of ammunition (mostly RPG-22) fell in the enemie's hands. Overall our losses 2 KIA 7 WIA, enemy by marines data lost 9 KIA 13 WIA. DNR forces reported 10 KIA from Ukrainian side, knocked out BMP and only three wounded from own side.
  12. Alas, too many influent officials have different points of view on this sharp question. Somebody got big profit from ordering ammunition in Bulgaria and Lithuania via state defense companies, some have own commercial interest in factory building and trying to pull own building company for state funding and somebody wants to pull own... F...ing corruption and personal gain... Nobody thinks about state interests. Officials only offering. Last offer - 2018 year.
  13. Full power of course. Sound is like loud clip. But we have other problem. SVDs already have big wearing of barrels and stock of these rifles not so big, Also we have a lack of special sniper bullets, so ammunition load consists of mostly with common rifle bullets. This significantly reduces capability of long range shooting even for experienced snipers (and because of volunteers are buying for them more appropriate rifles). New optic and bipods allow to compensate this problem with little bonus, but anyway accurate shooting on ranges more 600-800 m even with this upgrading still problematic. But standard used SVD in the hands of usual "marxman" can effectively works only whithin direct shot range (approx 400-450 m). In order to hit a target with such worn rifle and common rifle bullet on ranges more 600 m need a sniper with level not less "crack" by CM classification %). Absolute record for SVD is 1350 m target hit in 1985 during Afganistan war - this is on 50 m more than can maintains PSO-1 sight.
  14. No. Volunteers are equipping weapon only for properly trained soldiers. Else this will be waste of gathered money. But as a rule sniper units consist of servicemen, which want to develop own skills. Unlike in US army, in post-soviet armies there is no difference w/o "sniper" and "marxman". Both name "sniper". Marxman need much less time for gaining of basic sniping skills in order to properly shot on 400-600 m. Of course, real snipers are hardly training, for them volunteers buy other rifles - Zbroyar Z008, Zbroyar MZ10, VPR308, Barret M82/M107 (also several dozens of these rifles was bought by state), HOWA1500 etc. Its mostly goes to SSO (special forces) and most qualified snipers of sniper companies
  15. Ukrainain drone adjusting mortar fire on enemy trench during fighting for "Almaz" position near Avdiivka January-February of 2017. At the beginning it's evident how enemy soldier walks in trench, further mortars start to work. Here map location - red circle shelled position, yellow circle "Almaz" position, seized by UKR forces. Blue lines - angle of drone camera view. In tree plant along railroad dug very trench from "Almaz" to road fork. Part of this long trench shells on video
  16. 1. Of course, no ! "Azov" is a National Guard unit, Right Sector units partially integrated in army structures as recon-assault platoons and companies or exists independently. "Azov" was created by Andrii Biletskyi, former leader of Social-Nationalist Party under protection of Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov. Battalions of Right Sector have raised from Maidan Self-Defense forces and people of leader of Right Sector Dmytro Yarosh. Total 22 battalions was declared as Volunteer Ukraianin Corps of Right Sector (ukr. DUK PS), but indeed on frontline with arms were fighting no more 3-4 battalion approx. per 100-150 man each. Other "battalions" were playing more political, than military role. Since Dmytro Yarosh had left Right Sector leader post because of inner political tensions, he established Ukrainian Volunteer Army (ukr. UDA) - under his rule crossed about half of combat units of DUK PS. Units of Yarosh work in tie communication with SBU. Politically these three units and political forces, wich stay behind it are absolutely different - "Azov" is brightly social-nationalist organization with "eyecandy" features like neo-nornanism and neo-paganism, alas this attract to unit real neo-nazi, but their number not critical. Political heading of current Right Sector party I should name "ochlocrathy nationalism". The curse of political force of Dmytro Yarosh - I should name "statist nationalism" 2. I think usual "linear" unit on search&patrol. Too green and scary guy in front of operator (I can translate their talks, but me too lazy ) ). Such people don't appoint in recon units. 3. There is no arny standard how must be on your weapon. The state gives to the soldier bare AK-74, SVD, RPK etc. Further all depends from soldier's desire - either he will fight with standard weapon or he will buy or order at volunteers need upgrades. Suppressors mount on different weapon many usual soldirers, as well as collimators, pikkatini plank etc... For example, typical upgraded SVD for sniper company purpose looks like this. Of course, all for money, which gathered volunteers, the state almost doesn't play any role in that. Snipers inside platoons usually uses standard SVD w/o upgrading.
  17. 1. Why exactly Azov ? Sights of such level appointed for high-level professional work. This is level of special sniper units in SSO or SBU "Alfa" special force. 2. I don't recall now either it video really for May 2016 or for summer 2015, but never mind. This is northern outskirt of Shyrokyne, roadcross with cemetry nearby. At the beginning of video troopers probably firing in cementry direction. This is some patrol of marines. At the end one guy says "we have one injured". 3. This is 20th numbers of September 2014, Nikishyne village. First probe of enemy to advance in Debaltseve area. This is not special forces, but 11th territorial defense battalion "Kyivska Rus' " (second with such name) - now this is 11th motorized infantry battalion of 72nd mech.brigade. That rifle, which you have took over M4 indeed customized AK-74 with collimator and other features. 11th battalion had many experienced and motivated men, which really like weapon and were upgrading its with aid of civil vilunteers. Sight on SVD probably KonusPro - very popular model for this rifle, which also is going to army via civil volunteers. This optic extends zone of effective fire of SVD to 600-800 m against 400 m of standard PSO-1 (for regular level shooter).
  18. There are heavy clashes started at the morning between Vodiane village and Pikuzy (old name Kominternove) town. As I wrote recently, tensions on that part of front have significantly raised in last time - both sides continuously keep fire contact and suffer losses. Two days ago enemy 120 mm mortar shell hit observation post on our positions and killed two soldiers. On this time REAL situation still unknown, so I'm posting here official information: At 9:30 of morning two enemy groups in force about 40 men attacked our position near Vodiane village. Our troops engaged them and after fight counter-attacked and advanced forward. After enemy have used artillery anf MLRS our troops returned on own position. Enemy have launched 55 120 mm, 40 122 mm, 40 152 mm shells and 65 Grad rockets. In action have are participating units of 701st marines battalion of 36th marines brigade and probably small unit of Ukraniian Volunteer Army (ukr. UDA) of D.Yarosh. Reportedly our losses 2 KIA, 7 WIA. Enemy losses 6 KIA, 9 WIA (5 KIA because of direct hits on their position). Enemy position damaged, but unknown what exactly - main "height 73" (also known as "Derzkiy") or smaller on 1800 m on NNE from height 73 Simplified scheme of positions in that area. Height 73 in red circle in real some westward and UKR position in front of it indeed far to west too - on the limit of Vodiane. And this is video, filmed on observation camera, which fixed part of enemy artillery strike and Grad salvo, which hit mostly village. Almost all inhabitants as far as year ago abandoned Vodiane, though some still in western part beyond the gully
  19. Vivid green grass tips that this is not mid-February action :). This is just old video, re-uploaded in Feb 2017. I forgot where it filmed, but this is 2015 or 2016 year.
  20. Not so armor bad, as US APFSDS ammunition better. And yes, fast spotting and "x-ray vision" (C) sorry, forgot author this is big issue of the game. And not only for tanks, and not only for US.
  21. I think, scale of CM battles too tight for Shturm usage. This is "long hand" and AT-reserve. In Donbas I know only two cases of Shturms in combat. During assault of Vuhlehirsk these vehicles was too late directed against enemy tanks, when its already entered to the town. One Shturm was destroyed almost from rifle distance by enemy tank, second was abandoned end didn't engage. Other case happened also during Debaltseve battle, one Shturm have destroyed from 5 km two of enemy armor and one damaged. So, for Shturms need huge map.
  22. This building has been abandoned since 2015, because situates in danger area on the city limit. It already was hit several times with tank guns. Enemy periodically shelled it, because there are Ukrainan positions nearby and sometimes snipers use top floors of this building for observation and night hunting. But here fresh impact in building with inhabitants. Fortunately, no one was harmed
  23. Neither BM Oplot nor BTR-4 havn't anything simiar to FBCB. Yes, BM Oplot has TIUS-NM system, which allows to determine own coordinates (GPS/GLONASS) and heading, displays waypoints and routes and exchages this information between tanks of own unit (battalion level maximum). Also this system dislays deployment of subordinated tanks relatively to the tank of platoon, company and battalion commander and allows to give simple commands and telecode information via radiochannel. But system can't display tactical situation, so this is "simple PDA with GPS and SMS featuers" %). Since 1.04 this is implemented in CMBS - BM Oplot received "PDA" device.
  24. Looks like we will have new hot point soon in Luhansk sector. Kryms'ke settlement on so-called "Novobakhmutka road". Since strange and tragic battle for "checkpoint 32" in Jan 2015 this part of front long time was relatively calm. But since 93rd brigade was moved in this sector, warfare has been intensified. Some say this is because unlike units, which held these positions before, 93rd as most hard fought unit (18 months without rotations since 2014) have more agressive behavior, they just couldn't "keep cool and watch". Quantit yof clashes and shelling significantly grew, but Bakmutka road anyway couldn't equalize by intensivity of shellings with Svitlodarsk bulge and promka. But about two weeks ago Kryms'ke more and more strated to mean itself in ATO HQ daily reports. This was mostly mortar and ATGM shellings. We lost several soldiers there. At 4th of March enemy diversion group tried to pass our minefield with assist of sappers in Zholobok village area (some SW from Kryms'ke on the map) in order to make something in our close rear, but group blew up on mines - 4 KIA, 3WIA. In the night from 9th to 10 th of March possibly was logic continue of this episode - enemy tried to attack and seize out forward observation position in Kryms'ke area, using our "crawling offensive" tactic, but looks like our intelligence or SIGINT well done and when enemy assault group have concentrating for advance some "bad thing" have fell on their heads - 5 KIA and unknown, but big number of WIA, as said civil volunter Roman Donik, which is supplying 93rd brigade. Enemy attack was foiled, and since 2:00 of night they fired as revenge from Sentianivka (old name Frunze) 70 Grad rockets, 60 120 mm mortar shells and some 152 mm shells on our positions near Kryms'ke. Also 15 152 mm artillery rounds hit Smolianynive village outskirts in 23 km NNE from Kryms'ke and in 28-30 km from enemy positions. Looks like enemy moved a battery of 2A36 "Giatsynt-B" with 30 km fire range directly on forward lines to reach the village. Probably enemy detected there our battery, which hit DNR troops, prepared for assault - I have no more ideas, why they shelled area of that village in operative rear of our forces. Also yesterday MoD reported about MLRS Uragan maneuvers in Luhansk region, may these things some tied between each other. There is no information about our losses exactly in that area, but for 10th of March we have total 2 KIA, 16 WIA. Today in this area was relatively "calm" if not count heavy infantry weapon and rearely mortars. Looking for possible continuing...
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