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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. @HerrTom Obvious bug. Can you send me saved turn ? Second issue, which I see here - stupid AI behavior. Both RUS infantry and UKR tank crew instead to run behind own destroyed vehicles and retreat in safe place, are running directly in LOS of enemy weapon or playing Rambo, shelling enemy BMP with AK in front of it guns.
  2. No, SACLOS. Already no, alas. Too hard to stabilize a guidance from shoulder launch. Now upgraded system with light tripod is testing.
  3. Can you replay it and see in details ? Looks like its a reason for bug report, especially with driver death.
  4. Em... HOW ??? Was there a penetration ? 30 mm ? The same question then. And from what range and in what point the tank was hit ?
  5. This hidden in last part of his text - "for more precise computing of enemy positions... there are very useful PDAs with special military maps for precision work". Ballistic calculators and schematic maps were in first generation of these "FBCB" in early 2015. Now all systems,developed by volunteers can operate with special soft wich allow precisely determine coordinates of target by GPS and PDAs now can receive information from different recon equipment, mark these targets on interactive map and transmit informatin in different ways to clients - artillery, staff etc. Of course, each system specialize for own purposes, one more useful for artillery (GIS Arta ), other (Kombat) for recons and mech.units, other (Kropyva) more equal to US FBCB, other (Army SOS) - for interaction with UAV, recons and artillery. That was disinformation. All of four mentioned above "FBCB" systems weren't hacked by Russians. All about its work principles nobody will not tell by quite understandable reasons... Also too few information about counter-mortar radars using. By the same reasons. Though was one article, where told about several successful conter-battery works during late 2015 - 2016. You need to note, that in conditions of Minsk commanders of platoons, companies and battalions can't call heavy mortar or artillery support. A permission gives only sector HQ and gives it very reluctantly if this is "usual" shelling. Only when obvious escalation began, sector command don't prohibit counter-fire (except if enemy firing form dense residual areas) and then our gunners have a fun... You also some overestimates current role of Russian regular troops. In such local clashes they don't participate. In current position war most hardly working Russian UAV operators, EW/SIGINT crews and artillery in stand-by mode, possibly special forces teams make diversion and search operations as "militatnts".
  6. Three interest episodes of past days on background of position war. 4th of March. DNR source reported two "motor-boats" of Ukrainian Navy have shelled DNR forces some eastern of Shyrokyne from 1km. Looks like this were two Grif-class Maritime Border Guard boats, armed with 23 mm guns. If this not fiction, it very intrerestng - since a loss of one Grif /BG-119/ in Octtober of 2014 from enemy ATGM, this can be first combat using of these vessels against enemy infantry since 2,5 years: https://www.novorosinform.org/news/67170 5th of March. Separs tried to use "crawl offensive" tactic somewhere on Svitlodarsk bulge - under cover of mortars their small unit advanced forward, dug in and about day shelled our positions. 1st battalion of 54th brigade uncovered enemy position, marked it on own PDA for mortar battery /crowdfunded FBCB analog/, mortars have destroyed position - enemy losses 1 KIA, 8 WIA. About this wrote in own FB Yury Mysiagin, volunteer, wich supply 54th brigade. 6th of March enemy tanks in "promka" area have changed a tactic and rolled on direct fire positions. One was hit with some AT-weapon and lost a track. Alas has been towed on reapir.
  7. This is Duplet ERA which protects tank from tandem HEATs. Nozh can't resist to tandem warheads (but can reduce its effectiveness approx on 20 %).
  8. DFS was working less than a day. Enemy artillery again damaged elictricity network. Avdiivka also without electricity. 1 KIA for 4th March, 12 WIA. One have died in hospital - here on photo. Rostislav Trukhanskyi. Contractor of 72nd brigade. Not full 20 years. Week ago near Avdiivka close explosion caused him multiple fragment wounds and broke both legs, which medics were forced to amputate. But this young soldier is just one from thousands fallen. Persuade ? Fedaralization ? First politic, which will try to do this will hanged on Maidan. Only one way to end this war - our troops on the border, Russian "vacationers" and "volunteers" must go away, all DNR/LNR forces must lay down a weapon, and they even can go to Russia. Less scum, better for us.
  9. Аhah. More trolls ! Bellingcat and Ukraine@War investgations with satellite shots? No, not heard. For why ? This is western fakes and photoshop! Only RT, only Life, only Kiseliov, only hardcore ! If CIA personally didn't show for me sat shots thеn вывсёврётинастамнет ! @IMHO My post reflected situation on 2nd of March, when Russian part of SCC OSCE rejected to give written guarantees of cease fire around DFS. Yesterday guarantees were received and demining was continued under OSCE control with both sides together - as you see on 1:34 a servicemen of Ukrainian State Emergency Service (writing "Служба порятунку" on his back unlike DNR "MЧС") also enetered in DFS building with OSCE representatives. About 1:17 episode with "shelling of sappers" - good show for TV Radio chat: "Incoming of 120mm right from "Hospodar" on sand quarry". This is 1350 m from DFS on east - see wikimapia. They are covering near their car, but no sound of mortar shell in the air. Just distant explosions. As for me several shots from Yasynuvata fork in querry direction. To create "right" TV-picture "evil ukies trying to foil work of sappers". I support blockade and consider that many in our political elite have a profit with trading with "Ukrainian controlled factories on temporary uncontrolled territories" (sounds weird) and because of that they started information campaign "blocade=econonic disaster", but indeed it's just "horror stories". No more any comments, because this is offtop.
  10. Well. Some interest details of our position war near Avdiivka. Here TV-reportage from one of position of 72nd brigade in Avdiivka vicinity. One guy says that they in the night have walked with shovels from Butivka mine close to enemy and dug in new positions. Enemy only through two days uncovered their advance, because didn't see they through tree-plant. I don't know either he means known advance on 300 m, happened more than moth ago, or this is something new. I doubt, our troops can seize positions on second tree-plant on east from Butivka, which merge with southern overpass, keeping by enemy (northern overpass with VOP "Almaz") seized by our troops. Also soldier tell about enemy tanks, which shell them and Avdiivka - they can't hit its, because enemy tanks firing indirectly from close position. This tactical trick our tankers started to learn in 2015 (recon with PDA on LOS as spotter + tank crew), but I first time hear about this trick from enemy side. Though this method uses as far as in Soviet times.
  11. Marines are not Navy ? All units listed there have visaual proofs. But critical analysys of information for vata... Unreal. Oh... What a trolling ! I just applaud you ! You asks about this screen with T-90A "are they Russian tankmen" ? And say me "proof of what" ? "- Where your proofs ? - Here. - Where your proofs, that your proofs are proofs - Here - But this is Ukrainian and western sources. Can you give me proofs with link on Russian source. Can't ? Haha ! It's all fake then !" Guys. Just ignore this troll
  12. This is not tank crew - they havn't combinesons. This is just LNR fighters of "Zarya" battalion, posing on background of T-90A of 136th motor-rifle brigade. Both participated in assault of Luhansk airport 31st Aug 2014. Man in the middle - Andrey Marochko, now press-secreter of "Peoples militia of LNR" in rank of mayor. Article about T-90A of this brigade here: http://sled-vzayt.livejournal.com/3367.html This guy, Askai, writes good articles about Russian regular units and armor in Ukraine: http://sled-vzayt.livejournal.com Also here full database of all Russian regular units, which were spotted in Ukraine by OSINT: http://russian-presence-in-ukraine.silk.co Ahah. He is real person Dorzhy Batomunkuyev, serviceman of 5th tank brigade. Of course, his interview to "Novaya gazeta" is a fake of "white-ribboned" 5th column. Ok, here is detailed Askai's article about units of 5th tank brigade participation in Debaltseve battle: http://sled-vzayt.livejournal.com/?skip=10, though really Russian participation in Debaltsevo was episodical - no more two-three tank companies and approx same number of mech.units. Also several batteries of artillery and EW. Man, you still rejecting obvious facts. Fasion on "Prove, that our troops are there!" have already changed on "Yes, we are there. And what ?" Even on Lostarmor there are no any Russian, which rejects presence of... hm... "North Wind" (unofficial code name of Russian regular troops on Donbas). And of course all international organizations use a term "Russian agression in Ukraine" only because evil Obama dictated it
  13. Oh, I just have about 10-years experience of discussions on Russians around-military forums Only with very small part of Russians can discuss with arguments, on other 90+ % better don't waste a time. Sappers are demining stations, but works going too slow because of enemy shellings. Reserves of water in Avdiivka left on one day. Water will be delivering State Emergency Service from Kharkiv. OSCE UAV was shot down yesterday in that area. OSCE can't say what side shot. Yesterdays losses are biggest since Svitlodatsk battle - 1 KIA 22 WIA. 11 of them wounded and traumatized in Avdiivka area. SP-gun blew up on road bomb near Sartana - too close to combat area, possibly enemy diversion group could set TM-62 mine or road bomb. @Battlefront.com Yes. On photo a tree-plant in "promka" area after shellings.
  14. Very strange, now link is working and all reportage in English with subs %)
  15. They have delivered notice and Nasirov simulated heart attack (usual practic for our corrupted officials). Four his lawyers now claiming that delivering was illegal. On photo - delivering of notice and transporting of "suddenly heart-attacked" Nasirov to resusctitation. But I have only one question: WHAT THE HELL THIS CAN RELATE TO MILITARY OPERATIONS ? How that Kinophile said - distracting ? And also offtoping and spamming
  16. Can we back to the thread ? 28th Feb enemy heavy shelled almost all positions along Svitlodarsk bulge, especailly in Troitske-Popasna area. 2 soldiers of 54th brigade was killed. Probe or even attack on our position have took place in Troitske village area in 15 km SW from Horlivka. Two hours of fighting with LSA and heavy infantry weapon. The enemy fire suddenly finished and our positions were hit by some strange ammunition - locals say they never heard before such type of explosions - one ucommon shot sound and triple explosion. Possibly enemy covered in this way retreating of own unit. In that time our artillery came in the game and shelled different enemy locations during two hours in barrage mode. Today enemy artillery and tanks all day with some pauses shelled our positions around Avdiivka and "promka". In the city have fell 20 different rounds. Were several direct shots in modular buildings and private houses, but fortunately without victims - there are no inhabitants inside. Today SP-gun of 36th marines brigade blew-up on mine on road bomb somewhere in Mariupol sector. 1 KIA, 4WIA. Unclear where and how it happened - SP-guns operates usually in close rear, where diversion groups almost can't reach.
  17. Man, something wrong with your chronology :). Can I recall you also, that first blood on Donbas is a blood of Ukrainin activist Cherniavskiy, which was killed during attack of thugs on pro-Ukrainain march in Donetsk 13th March ? In March also VSU were sent to protect east border from possible repeating of "gentle green men" actions, because on Donbas was't any army unit excepting 156th SAM regiment. Punish ? Ahah. So, armed Girkin detachment, wich infiltrated on territory of Ukraine and captured Sloviansk and Kramatorsk at 11th April, came just to gift a roses ? Can I recall you Girkin's words "I have pulled trigger of war"? Without Girkin and hybrid Russian support, all on Donbas would finished like in Kharkiv - all "Russian world" adepts just would lay faced down.
  18. I don't know about F-35, but RQ-4 Global Hawk approx 1time per 2-3 weeks entering in our airspace with turned on transponder and conducting own task along frontline on high altitude.
  19. This is "back side of medal". Though army still keeps motivated core of privates and officers, which can't go home because "if not I'm, then who's ?" And many guys, which have demobilized, say "if real war will begin again" we are ready to turn back. When battle on Svitlodarsk bulge started, many people enlisted exactly in 54th brigade. Ahah. Typical soviet scholl-hystorybook stereotype "bands of Petlura". Read something about posts of Petlura in UNR government and UNR army structure first, then say "irregular". Sloviansk operation is more wide than actions around town. Read something about Krasny Lyman battle and other. Of curse on May-June of 2014 we have small, untrained and unsupplyied army, but our strategy was encircling the city and cut off it from supply. Of course, we could directly assult the city, completely ruined it with atrillery and airstrikes, to ditch in urban combat hundreds of own and enemy troops and civilians - all like Russian army in Grozny.
  20. Our soldiers say - best times for Ukrainain army were in late 2014-2015. Despite on all сhaos, bloody battles and defeats. There are many new people came to army (as well as servicemen and civil volunterres) with own new initiatives, which radically changed many things and found full support from side of Minister of Defense. Peak of form was on 5th wave of mobilization. This sound strange, but mobilized soldiers of 4th-5th and partially last 6th wave have much more motivation, than contractors now. But rejection from next mobilization wave and significant raising of payment for attraction of more contractors, caused that in army gushed a flow of old-school retired officers of Soviet military mentality and soldiers-contractors from small towns and villages, many of which go to army not to defeat the enemy, but "to serve" and receive money. HQs of brigades, Joint Tactical Groups, Corpses, General Staff, MoD cabinets filled with huge number of "old farters", which do only absolutely seemless paper work and force of frontline units commanders to fill tons of paper. And strictly control this with multiple committees. How to you "Journal of soap accounting, given to servicemen" or "Journal of accaunting of washing of personnel in bathhouse"? And such marasm counting with dozens and hundreds. Frontline troops hate them possibly more then separs. And staff rats in the same way hate frontline soldiers. Many incompetent commanders supressed all initiatives of own soldiers and volunteers. Contrarctors unlike mobilized have became almost as slaves - any attempt of soldiers to complaine on bad supply or commander's incompetence on higher levels can finish itself with commander report on you "bad behavior" and cutting of big part of month payment. Many veterans and motivated soldiers reject to prolong own contracts and demobilize themselve - they don't want to serve in this "soviet style" army. And many motivated young guys, which see this ressurection of "soviet guard" reject to sign contracts or go to "Azov" or VUC (Right Sector units) or UVA (splitted from RS units, which followed for Yarosh). So, our veterans say, alas guys, our army again rapidly falling back into "sovok" and paper marasmus instead warefare and development.
  21. Yes, I meant exactly this, but this is allowed informatin for media. Many other is nor for TV.
  22. It's too hard to say... NATO training mostly directed on small groups work, enchencing of communication and interaction between commanders, but what exactly western instructors teach us - this is unknown. VDV and Natinal Guard units mostly trainaing by western programs and about per one batalion from some mech. brigades. All what I see on maneuvers video - offensive, capturing buildings, repelling attack and counter-attack, forcing the rivers. So, we are obviously preparing for "Croatian scenario". Last operations on front is more similar to WWII - short rush forward, to secure positions and to defend its under heavy enemy artillery fire and enemy attacks. Like in WWII, all solving how troops steady under shelling, which continues 6-10 hours day by day and how quickly troops can dig in or extend existing enemy trenches. Donbas war already call "war of artillery". How NATO experience good for such position war - I don't know. But in real offensive, urban combat, I think, it will be useful. Btw, many our soldiers say, that during joint training NATO soldiers in the same way learn from us. During last maneuvers in Georgia US officers were shocked, when have seen how our marines worked in mined and booby-trapped forest and how they set this "surpises" for opponents.
  23. Sorry for previous post - forum engine bug. @IMHO no any casualties in this inсident. If this happened, our media would have raised cry to the sky. Absolutely minor incident have caused a flame on two pages %) Such stories from DNR/LNR, where one groups disarmed and shot others can tell dozens, but how this relates to clashes on frontline ? _______ Today after shelling from tank and artillery a headframe of Butivka mine (UKR fortified position between Spartak and VOP Almaz) completely collapsed. There are no observers on it, only cameras. But now spotting capability of Butivka defenders will reduced. Headframe several days ago... ... and now
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