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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. This news already have a little beard, very strange that GurKhan only now cryes "alarm-alarm" %) First tanks already really in service, but this is long-time upgrading program - how to improve capabilities of T-64BV in most fastest and cheapest way. GurKhan mented only about new thermal sight (and pointed incorrect type), but upgraded tank has some other features - GPS navigation and Nozh ERA in K-1 containers. Upgraded tank as I know hasn't any different markings after "BV", and visually it can be recognized only by inner SMART type GPS antenna in back part of the turret
  2. Give me some ash, I will sprinkle my head %) ... Emmm... Where is shame smile here?
  3. In real world VOG-17 grenades too weak to inflict appropriate damage to troops, covered in structures (if you will not throw grenade directly in the window of course), so naturally it uses the gun, which easy crashes brick walls and even concrete roadblocks, which set as fortified checkpoint.
  4. YPJ (Kurdish women fighters) hit Turkish Leopard near Shayh Khuruz. Possibly AT-4C ("Konkurs") was used - on the videos of other ATGM attacks exactly the same ATGM presents.
  5. In the time of "Bagration" operation Red army has, for example, motorcycle battalion as part of tank corps: HQ&control, 74 men, 5 armored cars, 21 motorcycles tank company of three platoons - 10 tanks T-34/Valentine IX, 43 men armored carriers company - M2/Universal Mk.I, 76 men, 10 armored vehicles 2 x motorcycle companies per 110 men: each per 3 platoons per 31 men and 15 motorcycles AT-gun battery, 38 men, 4 x 57 mm guns Red Army used AM-600, M-72 (copy of BMW R71), HarleyDavidson, Indiana motorcycles. To Land-lease motorcycles cydecars were attaching from M-72
  6. 45 mm gun is battalion level weapon, so its anyway will be operate in sight of the enemy. As you know, crews of these guns called its "goodbuy, Motherland", because a chanse to survive was too low. In summer 2014 happened ineterst fight between MT-12 and T-72B mod.1989 in Luhansk area. Our checkpoint was attacked with enemy armor and MT-12 have time to make 11 shots and at last hit the tank in lower front hull (the tank was decomissioned after the battle). Next close explosion from other tank badly damaged the gun and crew abandoned it. Some later In Ilovaisk area MT-12 gun, deployed aside a road and masked like a bush shot out Russian 8th brigade convoy and destroyed rare MTLB-6MA and two usual MTLBs.
  7. There is exists a term "readiness time for firing from the march" or "readiness time for firing from unprepared position". Exactly by this situation is measuring time of AT guns deployment. For example, in CMBS initialy MT-12 has 5 minutes of readiness and 7 minutes of limbering. But official army normatives say about 1 minute of preparing to fire from the march for "good" mark. In real, trained crews are easy reducing this time to 45 seconds. Thanks, now this fixed. I remember my angry, when in CMBB soviet 45 mm AT gun must spend about 2 minutes each time after it was moved even on 10 meters, though this gun allowed to fire almost at once. Here is for example of UKR MT-12 deployment from the march:
  8. You should not use such acid dark green color %) Here the real Stuhna-P photos
  9. Glad to help Of course, Ukrainain army and tank troops among it have many REAL problems, but not that, which claimed by Russian propagandists.
  10. OMG! In third time here this ridiculos fake about "ERA, which destroys tank" from known T-64 hater GurKhan! Well, maybe good that this moved to separate topic. So about GurKhans approvals: 1. Bulat is failed project BM Bulat was designed at the end of 90th years in order to improve combat capabilities of T-64B to T-80UD level. But economic crisis of that time didn't allow to release this project in full volume. MoD demanded to make upgrading as cheap as possible and designers offerd two variants - T-64BM1 (cheap upgrade) and T-64BM2 (more cheapest). Malyshev's tank factory after Pakistan contract acomplishing, almost stopped all works, so to support it, government decided to order upgrade about hundred ot T-64B into T-64BM. Yes, many specialists understood, that tank will have some problems (especiually with engine when mass significantly grew), but it anyway will better than older T-64B. NOBODY couldn't imagine that Bulat will fight in real! By this reason MoD rejected thermal sights and some other things, whih made a taknk more expensive. But in crisis years Bulat was a real achievment, because it "widely advertized", like wrote GurKhan. SInce 2005 to 2013 87 tanks were upgraded, 10 of them in initial "more cheapest" T-64BM2 variant (not represeneted in the game) 2.Ukrainian army refuses from Bulats No. "Moving tanks in reserve" and "refusing" are different terms. Bulats can be useful in for example new tank brigade of new formation (14th TB now exists mostly on paper, but with real HQ). Many Bulats are now on Malyshev' factory in awaiting of repair, but factory still busy on BM Oplot-T for Thailand. 3. Nozh ERA is dangerous for the tank itself Damned fake. GurKhan have posted photos of Bulats, which blewed up on mines with ammo detonation or which were destroyed by direct hit of MLRS or large-caliber artillery on statinary positions and shouted like idiot: "Ha-ha! Nozh suck! Stupid ukies made ERA, which blow up tank itself!" Photos, which he posted in own article: This one was lost 21.07.2014 in Georgiivka village. During engagement with enemy tank he got HEAT shell from own vis-a-vis between turret and hull. There was a fire in tank and crew withdrew to village. They almost didn't try to extinguish fire and just abandoned own vehicle. When fire became strong and got ammunition it detonated and teared off the turret. Fragments of explosion also wounded two paratroopers on the checkpount nearby. This one was lost in 4th-5th of Sep 2014 in Dmytrivka. Base camp of several units, among them 1st tank brigade was hit by MLRS "Smerch" salvo. This tank tried to escape, but was hit with close explosion or with sub-ammunition of MLRS rocket. Left side of tank burned out with ERA blocks, of course. All three crewmen were killed. If Nozh so bad and dangerous, that Ukraine refuses from Bulat, how then GurKhan will explain that in new upgrade project of T-64BV this ERA will substitite old K-1, but will be mounted in K-1 containeres? And why he doesn't want to see real work of Nozh, like on photo below? Debaltsevo bulge. This BM Oplot got HEAT from enemy T-72 mod.1989. Crew alive, tank in service. Strange, but all ERA blocks didn't detonate like said GurKhan Shyrokyne area. T-64B1M (Congo contract with improved placement of Nozh ERA) of "Azov" regiment. ATGM hit. Tank stil in service So, single reason of future retiring (but not immediate) of Bulats is not "dangerous ERA", but 17-years old solutions and issues, tied with its. Now developed new upgrading program of T-64BV, which for less money will increase capabilities of these tanks: thermal sight, new digital radio equipment, new improved optic, GPS navigation, Nozh ERA in K-1 boxes (easy repair in field conditions). First upgraed vehicles will be transfered already in next year.
  11. Fighters don't carry RPG tubes all time on own back by "days and weeks". Its lay in boxes in ammo dumps and use itself only if need. There is no any order how much RPG-22/26 should have a squad or platoon, all depend from current tasks.
  12. Can we play the similar scenario later, but with my version of the map, which will reflect real terrain (more hard for attackers)? Alas, when I had started to make a map I encountered with a problems with elevation set. My PC is too slooooooooow for large arrays. I have i5 3 GHz, 4 Gb RAM and Intel HD2000 video. Maybe more DDRs can solve a problem? Or new videoсard ?
  13. I think, here it prototypes of "Gorka" uniform anf dark-green body armor. Alas, both these guys from 72nd brigade aleady dead... But color obviously not so saturated. "Gorka" also has not so bright green colors and hasn't MM-14 camo. Need to say, our troopers not often use "Gorka" because it very popular among DNR/LNR fighters. Though, 25th airborne brigade like it. Also it sometime use recons and was many situations, when separatist patrols thought they meet friendly troops %)
  14. Armor in the game has enormous capabilities of fast spotting of targets, especially if its have thermals.
  15. Wiki says: Forward looking infrared (FLIR) cameras, typically used on military and civilian aircraft, use a thermographic camerathat senses infrared radiation.[1] Our soldiers said effectiveness of thermal cameras significantly has been reduced on hot weather at the daylight and devices consumed much more energy. But I've read this two years ago, when army mostly has older generation thermal cameras for hunting, gifted by civil volunteers. Now mostly FLIR (LWIR) gen 3 in use.
  16. Hm... Why IRs so critical? Are there many night scenarios usualy playing? %)
  17. We have lost 16 KIA in past month and enemy 24. Small-arms clashes, mortar fire exchanges and sometime artillery and even MLRS. Is it "frozen conflict" ? Of course, "Russians can be in Kyiv in several days", but UKR army 2017 is not the same as in 2014 even without Oplots and IR sights in every rifleman. Even in 2014 we succesfully could stop Russian offensive in Luhansk sector and didn't allow enemy to repeat there Ilovaisk scenario. So, if Russia will want to force Ukraine for something by the way of limited or full invasion, they will have critical losses. What's wrong with BTR-4? Its participates in war since 2014. 25th airborne, 92nd mech. ans some National Guard units have it. You can be shure - BMP-1 and T-72 will be in next updates.
  18. TVT Archer IR sight series are ordering by MoD. It's not adopted yet, but permited for exploitation.
  19. Ukraine should write without "the". This is first. Second. What do you mean "stopping making them"? This is about Bulat or Nozh ERA ? BM Bulat was "emergency project" for support of KhKBM and Malyshev's tank plant. Upgrading to Bulats was finished in 2011, last 9 tanks were completed in 2012, but army hasn't money to buy it. They were bought only in 2014. The war showed main weak points of the tank - weak engine, which overheting, abscence of modern IR sights and hard of initiated ERA blocks replacing in field conditions. Army needed many tanks on NOW, so was assumed logical decission that will be more cheaper to repair mothballed T-64BV, then upgraded its to Bulat level. Nozh ERA is expancive thing, in 2014-2015 there was many other needs and there is huge number of FREE K-1 ERA was stored. If you open White Book 2016, you see that for this year 17500 new blocks of ERA were bought. According to T-64BV modernization program, among other things, K-1 will be substituted on Nozh, but in K-1 boxes for easy replacing. The myth about "Nozh", wich after initiation is destroying whole tank and killing a crew it's a fake - Khlopotov (or someone else) posted photos of Bulats, which blew up on mines or were hit by large-caliber artillery shell or MLRS with detonation of ammunition, and jumped for joy "Ahaha ! Look at this silly tank! One shell and all ERA blocks make BOOOM with complete tank destruction !" I just post these photos of Bulat and T-64B1M (upgraded T-64B1 for Congo with Nozh). First got HEAT shell from T-72B mod.1989 during Debaltsevo, second was hit by ATGM. As you see, after Nozh work tanks still in service, crew also looks quite alive %). Most of Bulat's losses was because of mines and artillery shells, especially in Novosvitlivka-Khriashchuvate in the nd of July 2014, other important reason - low motivation and training level of 1st tank brigade crews. In many cases, when tank was damged, they just bailed out and didn't fight for saving of the tank. As result a fire expanded, reached ammunition and tank detonated or in better case just burnt out. By the way K-1 is more dangerous - was many happens (among both sides), after 125 mm HE shell hit a tank, K-1 set fire (but didn't explode) and sometime caused burning out of the tank, if crew couldn't extinguish fire by own forces.
  20. Writing above: "Black Zaporozhians" - during a war separatists have named 72nd as "black brigade" (I don't know why). Because of this on unoficcial emblem brigade became to paint a sculls on black background. In this year several brigades were receiving honor names, and HQ decided to outplay this unofficial name. Brigade have received a name of Black Zaporozhians - in a memory of famous 1st cavalry regiment with this name in period of First war for Independence of 1918-1920 - they have black uniform. Writing around contour: "Ukraine or death" - the slogan of that historical cavalry regiment
  21. Hm... Very strange bright dark-green color... What is prototype? 72nd like other mech.brigades uses standard MM-14 camo. Of course, on frontline they are using many other camo patterns, but MM-14 prevails. Only decolorized patches are using on uniform, patches in colors only for use out of combat/ training zone This is new field patch of 72nd. But indeed exists many different unofficial versions of brigade's patches. Official one as a rule uses only on official events Recent patches: Every brigade's unit also has own patch, for example Recon company: 2nd mech.battalion
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