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Everything posted by Ts4EVER

  1. Thanks! Probably that big windows update.
  2. Hi, when trying to start CMFI I get this message: License Error There was an error with your license. Please contact your vendor for assistance. It's CMFI + Gustav Line but no 3.0 or 4.0 upgrade. Never upgraded outside of the content updates, in fact.
  3. In earlier Kstns, MP43s were also just called MPs. In fact, before they were renamed to "Sturmzug", the units to be equipped completely with MP43s were called "MP-Zug" for a while. This is also why in many older wargames "Volksgrenadiers" were modelled with high numbers of MP40 instead of Stgs. The Germans never planned to issue 9mm SMGs en masse, however, they always planned to replace SMGs and Rifles with MP43s. The light infantry kstns were the first to receive this new organization. I doubt they actually managed to implement this, but I am reasonably sure that they always meant MP43s in those kstns, along with some others from late 1943, early 1944 (cavalry and begleit infantry for instance).
  4. Are you sure about the MP40 allocation? I am asking because German kstns usually only mention "Maschinenpistole" and starting in 1944 that usually means MP43s, especially when used en masse by infantry. Only in the later toe's did they rename this to "Sturmgewehr". If you look at these pictures from February 1944, showing members of a Skijäger unit (which might have used that same light infantry toe), you will notice that they use MP43s in considerable numbers: I have never heard of a single case where the Germans wanted to issue massed 9mm smgs, it was always about the new assault rifle concept. MP40 production certainly never increased to accommodate this, in fact, they got replaced in production by the MP43 and later in the war the Germans bought additional Beretta smgs instead of making more MP40s. This is also a problem I have with the Gebirgsjäger TOE in Final Blitzkrieg: In my opinion the amount of MP40s is unrealistic, these were meant to be StG44s at this point. Now, would they have enough StGs? Probably not, but they certainly wouldn't have enough MP40s to make good the shortfall.
  5. The soviets received some bazookas per lend lease but seem to have rarely used them. I know of one photo taken during the Vistula crossings, showing a soviet sapper with an early model (M1) Bazooka. They seem to have used them as engineering equipment.
  6. No, the StG44 was replacing the MP40 in production. In fact, I think the MP40 is a bit over represented in VG companies in this game, not to mention the Gebirgsjäger units where the "MP" from the TOE was apparently taken to mean MP40 (It meant StG44s). Missing StG44s were usually not replaced by additional MP40, but G43s, Beretta smgs or just K98ks.
  7. Nice stuff. The modern games are of no interest to me, but I am looking forward to the expansions for Italy and Red Thunder. Especially Red Thunder feels a bit "generic" in its present state, with many kind of cookie cutter scenarios. It will be nice to get some more content here.
  8. My rule of thumb when seeing the first AI spotting rounds is to move the first unit that made contact with the enemy. Chances are they are the ones targeted.
  9. It was used in Normandy by one of the Armored Divisions involved in Cobra, as well as the 30th infantry. They got rid of it because of friendly fire, since camo was associated with the Germans.
  10. I might have asked this before... does the camo of a soldier have an ingame effect in CM?
  11. That is probably pretty hard to implement, considering you would need different animations for different crewmembers and gun types.
  12. I played it as well (actually have video of it). It isn't a bad scenario, but like almost all scenarios in that campaign it is a bit too large to play properly, in my view. I am also not a big fan of how CM2 handles line of sight in this kind of terrain, which makes many engagements kind of annoying.
  13. I think this is more of a problem on the Eastern Front than in Normandy.
  14. Considering how many Fausts were captured in Bagration, it would be cool to see Soviet troops with Panzerfaust 30s in the late war module.
  15. Yeah I think the M91/30 never fell out of use. I'm a developer for the Forgotten Hope 2 Mod and when we did our Eastern Front expansion, we decided to only put the M44 on our 1945 map.
  16. Thanks. I wonder if the second MGs in those squads were sometimes in short supply and they used the AVT40 instead.
  17. A 1943 platoon had how many people in each squad then? And did they use the 2 lmg squads like in the game?
  18. Too bad about Chris, hope he gets better. I am certainly looking forward to the new Italian module, although I have some reservations about 4.0.
  19. Actually, from my research I get the impression that the infantry was quite well equipped with personal weapons in the Ardennes, at least when it comes to assault rifles and the like.
  20. Certainly looking forward to the WW2 modules! The CMSF stuff is of no interest to me, but I have enough WW2 content to let other people have some fun as well
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