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Everything posted by Hister

  1. Thank you dragon! Looking forward to give it another go now that you polished it! Planning to make any revisions in CMBN campaign too?
  2. That's the spirit Dragon! I like storydriven campaign since there are not many with so immersive story out there. So stick to your original idea and balance it right. You could make a compromise and enable the player to move around units at the start which are not explicitly mentioned of their whereabouts in the story and lock those who are. Good luck and I think we all owe you a pint of beer.
  3. Zveroboy1, Afghanistan did contribute to Soviet downfall. It for sure wasn't the only reason but it did provide an addittional burden on the country whose military expenses were proving to be too much in comparison to economical output.
  4. Baneman, he is not really the only one playing it out that way.
  5. Up to date quality campaigns and scenarios with included triggers and immersive storytelling.
  6. Yes they mostly are. You would need to check if the the naming convention of the texture files being used is the same. If not rename accordingly. The quickest way would be to check if both games have the same gun type. If models match then find a modder who modded this gun for cmbn and check how files are named. Then put the modded gun textures that are now prooerly namwd n the Z folder of cmbn. Start the game and see if it works...
  7. Vanir, I set my nvidia settings to what your screenshot shows. I get visuals which don't suit my demanding taste. Namely lots of shimmering caused by Antialiasing transparency set to Multisample and jaggines due to Anisotropic filtering set to off which having 8xCSAA can't fix. It indeed launches ones frames high but it's the visual fidelity out of it that doesn't fit my needs. Doing these recent nvidia control panel changes and testing them I'm now certain it's not my CPU giving me below 20 frames in hedge and forest heavy maps when shadows and shaders are set to on but rather my old GPU not being able to churn out decent frames for visual fidelity I want. There were lots of debates how some people claim they get fabolous frames but they forget to mention how their nvidia settings are set. The above graphical settings I talk about are not application controlled and are set by quality preference in the nvidia panel or set manually in it separately. Bottom line is each gives tremendous visual quality difference between low and high options. One can have the ingame settings set to high but if he/she has these two nvidia panes settings set to low visuals are still crap while frames are high. That's the disparity I was seeing here I think. Am more confident now that getting new gpu will allow me to have crisp enough visuals with for me playable frames (above 25). As for wego and realtime differences I personally haven't noticed any.
  8. Spot on Jorge. You really have an eye for composition.
  9. Yes, I indeed love Vice news. Seems balanced enough and asks the right questions. Ever since their main reporter for the conflict has been tortured by separatists the frequency and to an extent also quality of the reports has sonewhat fallen. They seem to be getting slowly back on track now.
  10. Ain't gonna remain quiet for a long time... Good one Ian.
  11. Anything below 20 FPS in this game suck big time for me. Vanir, I'm buffled about your card managing to produce decent fps at such settings. :-o
  12. I'm in the process of getting the hang of the game and thus do reload although sometimes I have a problem of ruining the immerson factor by doing so. Threads like this are a good reminder reloading should be done for learning reasons and when AI does something you didn't plan like occassional quirky vehicle pathfinding.
  13. I am currently getting my ass kicked in Going to Town battle scenario playing as Russians. It's defenitely cool to see those triggers in play - gets the immersion factor up and makes the game harder. Not playing quickbattles ever since I had WTF moments with them in CMBN.
  14. Oh, I bet having Italian mistress is sweet but I have to limit myself to financial sustainability. When CMFI will be nicely rounded in a discounted whole module/pack package I'll happily jump in bed with it.
  15. Well, I fell in love with my first CM game - CMBN and with every patch and module/pack my love for it strengthened. I currently play with 3 mistresses, besides CMBN also CMRT and CMBS. When I switch between them I feel like I'm in the harem. Each mistress is different enough to another that I don't get bored 'cos I always find something new and different in each.
  16. Buildings by Tanks a lot mod is not suitable for MG scenarios.
  17. Yp, credentials might be an issue but then again predicted Syria and Ukraine flashpoints give you lots of interesting credit. Of course there are "other" better credentialed people out there but not many have given such insights as you have, have they? Besides, your time that was/is invest into following this conflict is nothing to scuff about. Anyways, I brought it up 'cos it could be realized. Am dropping it now 'cos it's offtopic here.
  18. SeinfeldRules, could you perhaps make a bigger distinction between green and yellow grass? The original look as designed by map makers when using these two in combination seems to fade away too much.
  19. Very bad timing then! I haven't lost any tanks to artillery (yet). Hope it stays that way.
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