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Everything posted by Hister

  1. Guys, I see my post was partly misunderstood. It was way too brief and prone to stir trouble - that much I admit. I wrote it quickly before I joined snow fights with my neigbors due to fresh snow deliveries. I didn't want to miss that fun but really wanted to comment on pnzldr's comment about that girl accusing USA soldiers for her father's death. I never said and I don't believe Iraq would remain in status quo forever. Yes, sooner or later **** would hit the fan - internal situation there was ripe for that. I've read the history on Iraq, all the reasons that lead to current ISIS appearance, etc. some time ago. I wanted to understand why ISIS exists and why they were so successful in gaining ground. I did my research and was able to better understand what kind of impact USA's invasion made in that situation. Steve and others accusing me of being an ignorant person making a too simplified statement have all the right to do so basing their opinion of me on that short statement I made but I don't share their view about myself, heh. I have all the respect and admiration for Steve knowing his capacity to analyse geopolitical happening in the world and predict what will likely happen in the future, his view of the war and his plentiful other above average capabilities. Likewise I can show nothing but respect to pnzldr reading what he went through, reading his fascinating AAR in the CMBS forum, etc. BUT I will fight for my right to express my opinion in the context of the post I'm refering to. It wasn't I started to talk about completely unrelevant stuff to what was spoken here. I made remark on pnzldr's remark with which I couldn't fully agree. Anyone saying my remark was pulled out of my ass and is a total lie or totaly distorted truth should stop for a moment and take a deep breath. Individual soldiers should defenitely not be equated with their countries policies and agendas but countries use those soldiers to achieve their military goals. Accusing me this is a wrong statement is not OK, really not OK.
  2. Oh, didn't know what those arrows are used for - will start tossing positive points around.
  3. No Steve, I didn't want to derrail the topic although seeing the couple of responses now it could evolve into a flame post. I do stand behind that statement though. Sorry to all you guys who served there and my statement insulted or otherwise stirred negative emotions. That was not my intention. Sincerly. Now let's carry on with the stories.
  4. Well, in retrospect US illegal invasion of Iraq set a chain of events that destabilised a country which was able to function only by tough hand ie. dictator and that girl had all the right to be angry on you guys - tools in the hand of the invasive government.
  5. Oh that's great news then! Don't let me disturb you kendar.
  6. Thanx for chimming in Steve. It's good to know official designations for different situations. Ukraininan military calling separitists terrorists is not really right/correct in my book. Same as is not rebels calling Ukrainian army fascists. But each side has got to villify the other in order to be able to pull the trigger more easily. To return back to topic, my grandpa was once stopped by Italian commander and asked if he has seen any partisans in the area. He said he doesn't know or seen any. He was given a chocolate bar (that was a very rare commodity back then in those parts) and was patted on the chest. He was hiding a letter from one partisan group to another underneath his vest just on the spot where he was patted by the commander. This commanders group was later engaged by partisans and this particular commander died in the firefight. I could feel in the voice of my grandad he was not at ease about this event. He was often tortured by Italian teachers at school for speaking Slovenian or singing Slovenian songs which was prohibited by fasist government at the time and had much hate for Italians in genera lbut this particular event disturbed him to some degree. It tells a lot in my opinion.
  7. I'm at work now kendar so can't use my headphones and have background noise from people here but it sounds as an improvement. Could you perhaps also add a version with much subdued sounds of explotions in far distance but of low intensity ie. not exploding all the time like in vanilla?
  8. Vladimir. I don't know who was on the other side of where your bullets landed but I wanna point this out: term terrorist was and is often used by different sides to trick the mind into thinkink killing your opponent is OK. You could easily tag certain terrorists as freedom fighters for example. It all depends which side is talking about them. My grandpa was designated a terrorist by Italian and German soldiers in WW2 who in the eyes of the locals were the agressors and occupators. As a kid/teenager he was helping the partisans as a messenger between different isolated groups scattered in the mountaneous region of Slovenia so they could coordinate their operations better. Partisans at the time employed warring tactics which gave them the most chanches of survival while doing as much damage to the enemy as possible and of course by doing so they mostly employed hit and run missions with full on engagements happening too but not so often. As such he was much praised in Yugoslav society back then and was of course not labelled a terrorist by the people who lived in Yugoslavia. But partisan deeds could justifiably be labelled as such by the way they operated, tactics the used. It's a thin line between what determines you being a terrorist or not one. It certainly was and is the most abused term which enables soldiers to come out of the firefight with (more) unscatched concious, (more) soothed mind and a chance not to have nightmares after the war is over.
  9. Just watched the movie, finally. It shows the grim side of the war well. So well it almost makes you doubly think playing a game simulating just that. BUT it screws up by non believable "We've been riding this beauty since Africa" story, all those German AT guns missed shots, Tiger firefight (to some degree) and all bits and pieces of final battle which is fubared to the Moon and back. They botched what could have been a great movie with those scenes. Not disappointed I saw it though. I would give it a 6.8 out of 10.
  10. Hi kendar. Night one has a kind of a machine sound in the background which should be omitted. Day one is a bit too intense with crickets. Good start otherwise. Thank you.
  11. It doesn't state much intil you add number of tankers - what was the approx. number?
  12. Gotta see this movie finally to see whose opinion is aligned to what i will think/feel about the movie. Missed it in the theaters.
  13. Apocal, people dieing in combat will never go away. When out machines will be spent we will throw ourselves in the fight before admitting we lost whatever the cause the war was fouoght for. Basic human nature or better said animal nature. Vet, good story. He he. Reading aboit all this lethality I might see how armies are afraid to close in and just exchange pot shots from distance. Has something like this happened in Eastern Ukraine?
  14. Well, I'm reffering to a CMBS type of combat where combat motivation and modern weapons make for a big mess on both sides.
  15. dragon, tried the newest iteration. Great work on those textures! Burned ground and vehicles is a fantastic addition! There are some problems though. German and US jeeps that are burning do not have the burned out texture on them. There is also one German tank that has burnt textures but when you move away from it with the camera non burnt textures pop in. It might be a good idea to write a note that you have to put .cam file in the campaign folder and the textures folder in the Z folder where all the other mods reside. Otherwise many users who are not well versed in tagged mod use might be missing on the excellent texture and music stuff you'e put in. Yeah, added music is great too!
  16. Reading about this lethality to infantry etc. one could think anyone enlisting in the army must be crazy.
  17. Well Baneman, to that I would say you have to be insane to enlist with all the modern weapons who insta kill huge numbers of soldiers available these days. So,you might not be so insane after all.
  18. One is already being made for CMRT but no release date yet.
  19. What about having penal troops being sent over the field to step on mines and see where enemy is and then send in the sappers to mark the mines and then send regular troops to attack the enemy and thus finish the scenario? Was that how it was historically or not?
  20. I've got two stories to share with you guys. When Slovenia separated from Yugoslavia in 1991 I had 7 years, my dad was an officer in Slovenian territorial defense army. He was charged with having to make sorrounded and demoralised Yugoslav people's army pockets surrender. Being negotiator he went through some heavy stuff including having a pistol pointed at his forehead from a frenzied Yugoslav post commander to being shot at by his own subordinate soldiers who thought he was part of a JLA push trying to break through the ring when on his way back from negotiations. He was lucky and jumped behind a rock which barely defended him from the bullets which whizzed inches from his head. Many bullets were fired until his guys heard his screams and realized in shock what they just did. I remember him holding a kalashnikov on 3 occasions that I saw him return home briefly with magazines some of which had red and blue tape markings on them. Dunno what those were for, gotta ask him. He said he will defend his country and us until the end, my mum was crying being afraid him and us wouldn't make it. Situation was grim indeed. Odds were against Slovenian army at the time but luckily Federal yugoslav army wasn't deployed for real and only smaller skirmishes happened and the fighting ended in less then 2 weeks. When alarms went off, me, my sis and mum hid in the basement of our house. We also had gas masks with us who were provided to us in case chemical warfare would ensue. I was excited as a kid and tried to encourage my mum. Luckily it all turned way better then in Croatia and Bosnia. War sucks big time. Wished Slovenia wouldn't give a precedense to all the rest - should have been resolved with negotiations and no arms. There was this one time when my granddad who also lived in our house lost his nerves and started shooting on bypassing Yugoslav migs who were provokating by flying so low whole house would be shaking - he was ex policeman, guarded Tito on some occassions back in the day and had the right to pack a gun which he used against the planes. Luckily no retaliation would ensue but I remeber my dad and some other villagers being mad at him for provoking the hornet to drop bombs on our village. I was never enlisted as a soldier because in Slovenia we got "prefessional" army and there was no more general draft. Those born in 1983 like me were the last generation who was still inspected for health and asked in what army branch we would like to serve. We were aged 17. Since I had horses at home on our farm who I rode back then I asked them if I can enlist in a cavalry forces, hehehe. They were laughing like crazy and I was like, erm, don't you have horses any more in the army? Gosh was I stupid, hehe. Well, in my defense I was not interested in anything military related back then. When we were inspected we had this ritual originating from Austro-Hungarian times when we would hop on the decorated trailers who would be towed through villages in the valley. Those trailers were packed with booze and a traditional music was played with harmonica. It was a ritual of passage when boys became men. At the time I was agains alchocol and was by then never drunk. I was bullied to drink on that trailer and got drunk for the first time in my life. He he. Things got interesting - I was told I was singing and wawing the flag a lot. Don't remmeber that part but I do remeber the event when our guys stopped a postman who was driving his car and turned the car on the roof. We also were stopping traffic saying they have to pay if they wanna pass. Police made a blind eye 'cos this things were supposed to happen. Since the professional army was established no such ritual exist and you now never really get a ritual that would make you a men. A shame.
  21. Article in The Guardian called "Generation War: what did you make of BBC2's German drama?" greatly summarized my feelings and thoughts about the movie. Google search for it.
  22. Original script had Victor escape the Gestapo. Check the Wiki. Script must have been changed quickly and that part of the movie was most criticized, rightfully so.
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