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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Yes, I said that wrong, can't edit it. correction: set up on south/right edge of the PzC map. yes, 1kmx1km PzC hexes. I will double-check later, but yes seems about right. 800 max stacking limit per hex.
  2. well you used "great" as an adjective so I must take that personal maybe... http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5427/details Crank one out!
  3. OK Chappy, Here is your hex number chart so keep this handy as you put in your orders and I can do the actual PzC unit moves. Right now all your units are just stacked along the right edge. NOTE: North is to the left, so the right map edge is the south edge. This is because I used PzC Salerno's Crete map to make this Ortona map. I needed a river near the coast with a decent sized city and a highway.
  4. Yep, they just sat there limbered and at the start of the next turn I noticed they were deployed with the trails in the spread position. Maybe the actual transition event/animation happened during the previous turn but I did not notice. But the point of this thread: for German Pak40 crew is deploying the gun but it doesn't say deploying. so, relax and standby.
  5. If they ever have a Combat Mission convention and said one of the speakers would be JasonC, I'd be getting a ticket.
  6. OK, one ATG is now deployed after the crew moved it and their actions never said deploying so I guess that confirms it. Actions just said spotting while it sat their "limbered".... Thanks guys.
  7. Yeah, that makes better sense! LOL, this was a QB that I goofed up and thought was gonna be me as defender in a town but it was an ME instead so I am scrambling these guns up a hill on a road and into some brush in town. OK, scrambling is not the word. Meandering slowly up the cobblestones like an after dinner stroll is their speed. But they made it and now 1 is limbered in the brush looking down the road and the other ended up partly in a house. I guess we'll see if it deploys in there with good LOS!
  8. I will advise and report back here on what happens if they survive! Thanks Ian.
  9. I searched a bit but didn't stumble upon the answer... I have a pak40 and had the crew hump it over to a new spot with a blue line and ended that final waypoint by facing the gun and depressing deployment. They seem to be there and it just says spotting and no deploying and gun still says limbered! Seems to have been a few turns... Come on already, set it up!!! What did I do wrong?
  10. I'm glad you like it! Next steps: 1.Hex Number Guide: Later today I will post a PzC map hex number guide so you can get your units on the east edge of the map for the start of turn 1. ...and then use the hex number guide to tell me where units move to for the rest of the game...<move A Coy to hex (3,4) via hex(4,4)> for example. I know you do not have the actual PzC game so we'll take it slow to figure out how far they can go and when they spot an enemy unit, etc. 2. CMFI GL OOB: Tomorrow I will send you a scenario file with the details on all your units, headcounts,supply levels, experience & motivation. By this weekend we might be able to have you tell me where your units start from and your first turn moves and we'll see what assaults or skirmishes occur to start the creation of the PBEMs.. No hurry. Better to get off to a good start then botch it by rushing.
  11. Chappy, You can use this thread as you like for discussion with your players as this Ortona Operation is a slightly different approach compared to the Eindhoven Operation. It will not be team versus team but is best described as a Forumite team versus the umpire coordinating a programmed AI style resistance at the Operational level with me hiring PBEM foot soldiers to fight the battles. They are contracted ahead of time and know they cannot read this thread or any other thread you create for your team discussions and planning. You have a lot of players so the PM system we used for Eindhoven team HQ can't work because BFC forum PM has a max number of people that can be in it. FYI.
  12. Here is the proposed org chart! I added in some stray platoons so we could get PBEMs for every player interested.
  13. Kuderian, No snow Fred! Sorry. Well, my research so far, and correct me if I am wrong, but for Ortona campaign of December '43, there was no snow. Just cool to cold weather, not numbing snow and frost type weather. I lived many winters near Naples and in the distant mountains were snow capped but we had relatively mild temps down in the plains near the sea and I believe the Adriatic side was the same.
  14. I put out a PM to everybody who said they were interested so we will see who musters up for battle.
  15. Will this CMFI module include the Schwimmwagen?
  16. I don't have any screenshots or saved games to prove it... Maybe I misunderstand where this thread just turned off but I have seen some of my ground units open fire on their own troops. It was only for part of a turn and then stopped. One time was on Macisle's "Under the White Manor" map in a battle against The Teacher. And definitely one other time in another battle. I will keep a better eye to save the file from now on.
  17. Version 1.0 CMPzC Battle Booklet (The PBEM Foot Soldier’s Guide) CMPzC is an operational combination of Battlefront’s Combat Mission (CM) and John Tiller’s Panzer Campaigns (PzC). Here is a link to download the Panzer Campaigns demo if you are curious and want to see what it is like. http://www.johntillersoftware.com/Demos.php 1. In CMPzC you get to fight some CM H2H battles as part of a greater context. Your victory or defeat down at the platoon or company level will impact the greater overall mission up at the brigade or division level. Additionally, your unit’s casualties in one battle can leave you in a tough spot for later battles. The operation is created by the Game Manager from a PzC game scenario. Nothing is ever perfect and compromises must be accepted in certain areas to allow the Operation to press forward. Thanks for joining us and we hope you enjoy it. 2. The Operation starts with a PzC turn with certain phases (movement, offensive fire and defensive fire) and if any assaults are declared then there will be 1 or more CM PBEM battles. Your chance to shine! As background, PzC hexes are 1kmx1km and a PzC turn is 2 hours. The in house policy is to restrict the Operation to a max PzC turns of say 3, 5 or 6, but always 10 or less. So, think of it as a day of operational battle. The overall PzC Map is likewise restricted to a nominal 10kmx10km area. PzC units are typically company size units for infantry, troop/platoon size for tanks. I try to have no more than 10 units per side including artillery and HQ’s. All these limits are to keep things manageable and provide the best chance that we will see it through to the end. 3. Rules: Here is the basic set of rules first created by noob… https://sites.google...operations/home 4. As a PBEM foot soldier, you will be assigned a unit for a battle. Your team will get a chance to download the map beforehand with no enemy units on it. Just the proposed battle map with your own unit in their set-up zone (SUZ). Study it carefully. If you see any issues, bring them up immediately, BEFORE the PBEM starts. Don’t waste your time with set up yet. You must wait for the actual PBEM battle turn to commence your deployment. 5. Battle Start LOS: Be warned that some of these PBEMs CAN start off with units in LOS of each other. Take cover as needed or as best you can right from the start. 6. Exit Zones: Most often you will have an exit zone strip of Action Square (AS) tiles along some edge of your map. Stay away from them unless it is time for a designated retreat or withdrawal ordered or permitted by your CO. 7. Battle Objectives: Hit Alt-J to see what objectives are designated. Ask your CO for any clarification on your goals for the battle beyond normal SOP of protecting your own forces and destroying the enemy. 8. Artillery and mortars: Please follow the rules for our policy of restricting artillery and mortars from overtaking the game. Defender cannot preplan any fire. Both sides have a max diameter for area fire per “tube”. 20m per EACH mortar and 35m for EACH “tube” of regular artillery. Plus up to 10% wiggle room since it can be hard to exactly adjust it with your mouse. The exact diameter you have requested can be double-checked in the artillery mission dialog box under the spotter for the mission. Example: 2 mortars would be an area target of 2x20=40x1.1= 44m max diameter. 4 x105mm artillery guns = 4x35=140x1.1 =154m max diameter. Got it? 9. PBEM turn rate: Well, we don’t expect you to play 5 turns a day but also if you will be gone for several days due to RL, please let someone know. Perhaps if the absence is significant then we should assign a substitute to assume control of the battle. Or perhaps we can wait for your return but at least raise the issue so we can figure it out together. Thanks. 10.Fog of War (FOW): Please maintain FOW and have a fair battle so don’t go looking in the other side’s thread or browse around where you shouldn’t. 11. AAR’s: It is not required but it is greatly appreciated to do an AAR in the BFC forums with screenshots and some cool commentary.
  18. OK, here is the PBEM Foot Soldier Battle Booklet Version 1.0 CMPzC Battle Booklet (The PBEM Foot Soldier’s Guide) CMPzC is an operational combination of Battlefront’s Combat Mission (CM) and John Tiller’s Panzer Campaigns (PzC). Here is a link to download the Panzer Campaigns demo if you are curious and want to see what it is like. http://www.johntillersoftware.com/Demos.php 1. In CMPzC you get to fight some CM H2H battles as part of a greater context. Your victory or defeat down at the platoon or company level will impact the greater overall mission up at the brigade or division level. Additionally, your unit’s casualties in one battle can leave you in a tough spot for later battles. The operation is created by the Game Manager from a PzC game scenario. Nothing is ever perfect and compromises must be accepted in certain areas to allow the Operation to press forward. Thanks for joining us and we hope you enjoy it. 2. The Operation starts with a PzC turn with certain phases (movement, offensive fire and defensive fire) and if any assaults are declared then there will be 1 or more CM PBEM battles. Your chance to shine! As background, PzC hexes are 1kmx1km and a PzC turn is 2 hours. The in house policy is to restrict the Operation to a max PzC turns of say 3, 5 or 6, but always 10 or less. So, think of it as a day of operational battle. The overall PzC Map is likewise restricted to a nominal 10kmx10km area. PzC units are typically company size units for infantry, troop/platoon size for tanks. I try to have no more than 10 units per side including artillery and HQ’s. All these limits are to keep things manageable and provide the best chance that we will see it through to the end. 3. Rules: Here is the basic set of rules first created by noob… https://sites.google.com/site/cmpzch2hoperations/home 4. As a PBEM foot soldier, you will be assigned a unit for a battle. Your team will get a chance to download the map beforehand with no enemy units on it. Just the proposed battle map with your own unit in their set-up zone (SUZ). Study it carefully. If you see any issues, bring them up immediately, BEFORE the PBEM starts. Don’t waste your time with set up yet. You must wait for the actual PBEM battle turn to commence your deployment. 5. Battle Start LOS: Be warned that some of these PBEMs CAN start off with units in LOS of each other. Take cover as needed or as best you can right from the start. 6. Exit Zones: Most often you will have an exit zone strip of Action Square (AS) tiles along some edge of your map. Stay away from them unless it is time for a designated retreat or withdrawal ordered or permitted by your CO. 7. Battle Objectives: Hit Alt-J to see what objectives are designated. Ask your CO for any clarification on your goals for the battle beyond normal SOP of protecting your own forces and destroying the enemy. 8. Artillery and mortars: Please follow the rules for our policy of restricting artillery and mortars from overtaking the game. Defender cannot preplan any fire. Both sides have a max diameter for area fire per “tube”. 20m per EACH mortar and 35m for EACH “tube” of regular artillery. Plus up to 10% wiggle room since it can be hard to exactly adjust it with your mouse. The exact diameter you have requested can be double-checked in the artillery mission dialog box under the spotter for the mission. Example: 2 mortars would be an area target of 2x20=40x1.1= 44m max diameter. 4 x105mm artillery guns = 4x35=140x1.1 =154m max diameter. Got it? 9. PBEM turn rate: Well, we don’t expect you to play 5 turns a day but also if you will be gone for several days due to RL, please let someone know. Perhaps if the absence is significant then we should assign a substitute to assume control of the battle. Or perhaps we can wait for your return but at least raise the issue so we can figure it out together. Thanks. 10.Fog of War (FOW): Please maintain FOW and have a fair battle so don’t go looking in the other side’s thread or browse around where you shouldn’t. 11. AAR’s: It is not required but it is greatly appreciated to do an AAR in the BFC forums with screenshots and some cool commentary.
  19. OK fellas, Chappy is back, the battle booklet is in progress. A small booklet of the 10 things you need to know as a PBEM foot soldier. Plus the org chart, OOB and other special notes. I will just post it here in a few days to read and also as a link to download. The main unit in this operation will be the 1 CIB: Royal Canadian Regiment, 48th Highlanders, Hastings and Prince Edward (The "Hasty P's"). Supported by Shermans of the The Three Rivers Tanks ("Trois Rivieres", a French Canadian regiment). We'll aim to have some battles moving by the weekend.
  20. Hey Bud, Which of the sound effects graphics are your own "mods"? Keep us posted on which ones you make yourself.. Whizz? How about Krack? Pant? & Wham?
  21. speaking of bicycles. I just enjoyed on netflix BBC's "Our World War" and in episode 1 "The First Day", the runner is running back and forth between the front line and the HQ and he goes by a bicycle several times and I said, "I'd grab that bike!" and then a scene later he is on the bicycle. Guess he heard me! Also, IIRC there is a movie called "Ambush" about the 1940 Russo-Finnish War and the main characters are a bicycle unit.
  22. Markus has been helping me for years with all matters of CM German translations for scenarios, roadsign mods, etc. PM him first and avoid the fine!
  23. Poesel is the forum German grammar polizei. You were lucky. This was obviously just a warning ticket. But next time it is a hefty fine and you must appear at the magistrate in Gross Bustenberg.
  24. Yes, Matt responded right away and brought me up to speed on how things were going.
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