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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Here are the search results I got from "Nijmegen after action reports". I opened a few that looked like some decent stuff to read if you didn't want to splurge on the books. https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=nijmegen%20after%20action%20reports
  2. almost 3 months, howz it lookin'? Forum-threads-replies CMBS-443-11677 after 1 month became 860-19103 after 2 months hit 990-22093 after 3 months 1100-24489 CMRT-1734-32518 , 1786-33281, 1824-33815, 1861-34412 (CMRT closing up on the CMFI forum post count!) CMFI-2032-33767, 2049-34027, 2066-34249, 2083-34452 CMBN-11027-165,643, 11111-166973, 11175-168028, 11247-169462
  3. IMHO the walking fire is better termed "adjust fire" and I feel it is NOT so gamey. To me it is the standard Hollywood movie where the guy calls on the radio "add 50, left 100" or somesuch hurried words with his helmet cocked at an angle and the handset pushed to his ear, dragging the radio around, shells are pounding in at where he sees the enemy is....matching up the fall of the shells to where the enemy is approaching...it has been a while since I did it, the color line changes tone and you can't adjust once you get too far from the original mission IIRC. OK, this is one of my favorites: Put an anti-tank gun behind a wall or tall hedgerow. beyond the obstruction is nice clear LOS lined up like Minnesota Fat's at a billiards hall. Then have a nice breach team standing by. It has gone quite well a few times. Blow the hedge and then let 'er rip. I have done the same thing for a mortar team that was way back in the back field and a stupid hedgerow was in the way. Blew the hedgerow to give them great LOS for direct fire using the "parallel blast line method" so the engineers didn't run out into "Purple Heart Alley". A variation on this was to find a building with a solid wall up on the 2nd or 3rd floor facing the enemy and sometime into the battle, you blow that wall with your breach team and it allows an HMG to fire out from an unexpected location. But they gotta bag it out of there fairly soon because there is no wall to protect them!
  4. I have been the victim of this devilish technique. Those are my troops heading into an abandoned enemy trench that has an enemy TRP layed on it. Below is screenshot and comments made by my opponent.
  5. Hi Matt, Copied from my google group post... Thought I would swing by to see how things are going. I was a member of this group a long while back, July 2013, almost 2 years ago or so. Since then I have continued on with my own enjoyment of the CM hobby to include the so called CMPzC Operational system, a do it yourself concept first started by noob and then others and now myself doing some dabbling. In fact, along with another gentleman here in this thread I am thoroughly enjoying a CMPzC Sicily 43' Operation that is nearing completion after, gosh, maybe 18 months of play? I have also branched off to cook up my own CMPzC operation using CMBN-MG and PzC MG '44. It is in now going nicely in progress with about 8 players and we are on turn 2 of 6. I have 3 other CMPzC Operations in the works. CMPzC Nyakleves using CMRT and PzC Budapest '45, CMPzC Ortona Bloody Christmas using CMFI GL and PzC Salerno '43, and CMPzC Operation Hercules: Invasion Malta using CMFI GL and PzC Salerno '43. I went quickly through the posts here since 2013 and looked at the attachments. I will go back and do a second read/look. I can provide some honest feedback either here or via a private e-mail. Phil (kohlenklau)
  6. Thank you for making these scenarios. I downloaded "Amongst the Ruins" and it is exactly the size I enjoy. Excellent map and very sensible OOB. Cleanly written briefing. Scenario has a great feel to it so far. That miserable rain and the destruction. My pioneers thought they heard a harmonica and Russian voices singing something about a girl named "Katusha"... I guess they'll know soon enough as we are headed into the factory in a few minutes.... Keep them coming!
  7. I recommend you try Nijmegen and not Nijmengen and maybe something specific will come up.... If you live near central Texas, swing by, I will lend you like 10 books...
  8. I see a duck, a cat, a moose. tweety bird, Barney, a garden gnome. No reclining women.
  9. OK, I took another stab at the camp pattern, tried to tighten it up and get a better freehand sketch of the odd shapes. Edit: spotted a few goofy parts...
  10. Alright, I slept on this and I see I need to get the uniform headed more to a brownish color. Boots and such should all be brown leather, ammo pouches need to be modded to be brown leather. It is gonna get there eventually. This is a lot of fun.
  11. I am trying to make a brown leather y-strap for the Hungarian soldiers. I used color blending layer mode...maybe not the right technique. Juju has just about finished all the chores I asked him to do. I have portaits and weapons slot images to look Hungarian. Thanks Juju. Here is an example...
  12. I think these graphic novels are really great. My younger son is very interested in what happened in the Pacific during WW2 so I just ordered him the Wayne Vansant's "Days of Darkness" book. Of course I will have to check it out and make sure it is cool first!
  13. For CM and BFC, what type stuff is done in "early alpha" versus say alpha and then beta? I gather that Beta testing is where the written scenarios are playtested as any other scenario to see if they are well written but also as a means for the beta testers to report spotting goofy stuff specific to the new family? And the whole while til almost the final release candidate test starts, the art and some other stuff can be just dummy stand-ins while little glitches are tweaked to fix a dude's hand sticking out an odd location? for example... So, if my vague idea is correct, part of me is happy that they're only/still in early alpha because if we were just getting warmed over CMFI GL leftovers for dinner, they'd be like "here it is..." but all of them focusing on Bulge means a lot of work is being done. Right? Maybe? EDIT: I suppose many people have a "favorite battle"...mine is most probably the Ardennes Offensive. I feel like a kid on a perpetual Christmas Eve...
  14. Anybody want to take a stab at modding a Hungarian Opel Blitz? A good project for a first time vehicle modder! Just slap some Hungarian license plates on it, a new national cross, some other divisional insignia or tac markings, vehicle number and some fuzzy dice from the rear view mirror? Or my all time favorite, the mud flaps with that symbol of the reclining woman? PM me...
  15. Hi Stieli! I did a little research and my conclusions are that for this unit, this timeframe, most likely we have this type of aerial recognition marking. Captured T-34 taken at leisure to a depot for repaint and then operating in an area with NO actual enemy T-34's to be mistaken for. Though you have inspired me to do the research which shows I should shift it to the turret top and enlarge it. and add a small one between the mufflers. Thanks! kieme!!?? Do you concur from your modelling research? Come in kieme--do you read me?-- over.....<radio static..> ***New topic*** I commissioned a scenario to be made to show some special operazione stuff with Italian MAS units going in at night to do their pre-invasion stuff. Heirloom Tomato is hard at work. Standby for Matt's scenario as a teaser battle at GaJ
  16. As a note to myself and the 1 or 2 other people who might be following this mod development saga. Hungarian mod Parts: 1. voice mod. in progress to rename the hungarian voice files brought over from CMBB. 2. Hungarian name file: rewritten and tested. 3. Hungarian helmets: a. in progress still to make it look better, b. also to make one with chicken wire once the color is finalized c. and a cloth camo cover version once the camo is done. 4. Hungarian uniforms with scalloped pockets, in progress, top pockets are done, working on bottom pockets. closed tunic collar. have to do normal maps once it is all complete. 5. Hungarian shelter quarter worn over greatcoat. In progress to improve the camo pattern and then edit and overlay it. and normal maps. 6. Hungarian Hetzer: needs some more clean up work to get rid of the previous camo scheme. 7. Hungarian StuG; not started yet. 8. truck and ATG: not started yet 9. Juju UI mod submods: in progress by Juju
  17. Hey John, Yes. I am happy you did not blow fruit loops and cereal milk out your nostrils all over the monitor!
  18. Good news: The previous battle in Hex (1,7) between mjkerner and ChappyCanuck...I will make that into a scenario for upload to GaJ. I will write it as Allies vs Axis AI. It will be called "MG Darkest Before the Dawn" and Chappy agreed to write the briefing using the story style he used during the H2H PBEM. I will try to use all the axis AI plans to move around the defenders and give variety to the defense by "Strafkompanie Burke" and "FlakZug Heinrich 505"
  19. Hey Kevin, If you want to work on the Operation Hercules Malta airborne scenarios with FJ and folgore....swing on by the campaign factory with your ear plugs, safety goggles and steel toed boots! You know the address.
  20. I heard he blew out his wrist last season and will mostly be on the bench this year.
  21. The more I study a few examples the more clearly I see specific shapes! Now I think I see a Tyranousaurus rex. Whoever came up with the original pattern must have had some inside jokes? Anyway, I decided to do it over from the start because I didn't like the scaling and some errors I made in how the patterns synchronize...
  22. OK, long story short, no new Malta foliage is needed beyond the CMSF cacti I already brought in courtesy of mjkerner. AND as long as we carefully utilize the existing foliage from CMFI. Only use certain stuff for Malta maps to match the "garrigue" ecosystem <holds pinky out> Garrigue or phrygana is a type of low, soft-leaved scrubland ecoregion and plant community in the Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub biome. It is found on limestone soils around the Mediterranean Basin, generally near the seacoast, where the climate is moderated but with annual summer drought. I dorked around a tad more with the beutepanzer T-34. I fixed a camo spot mismatch on the turret, added some grease and grime, sponge desaturated the camo spots and so I am calling it done but if any budding vehicle modder wanted to continue any embellishments on her, PM me and I can provide the photoshop files.
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