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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Hell yeah. Looks like the timing worked out nicely. And you had the correct amount of force to deal with the tank crew - as in overwhelming. I love it when a plan comes together.
  2. The lower skill levels are meant to make game please easier with less mystery and more information. So having to manually acquire ammo is removed. They should be Just design for people playing Elite and don't fret over the lower skill levels - just my opinion.
  3. That looks pretty cool. Are these textures for the destroyed buildings? What I am asking is can people start with a building and have it become destroyed over the battle and look like this?
  4. Sure and if bolt action rifles were laser guided they would be a lot better too. It is not that easy to control the size of bursts on full auto - if the weapon doesn't have something built in. And it is not that easy to make small intentional adjustments to your aim while the weapon is chewing through rounds and chucking casings out the side.
  5. That could open a whole new can of worms. As Martin Luther almost said. I am hoping he was joking.
  6. No that's a "mod crop" word order matters
  7. My backup machine is up an running. Its screen shots seem to be OK - if anyone notices I have a setting wrong speak up but shadows are on so I'm not repeating my mistakes
  8. Minute 0:48-0:47: First shot seems to hit the bunker on the plateau near KT5. That is good news but it is the last... The tank is hit and destroyed. A few moments later someone spots why. Yikes. I wish my men had seen that before it fired. Meanwhile the barrage I feared was aimed at KT3 or my men in the woods along the hill turns out to be aimed at the treeline in front of them. My guess is the enemy is trying to block my advance. Meanwhile the barrage falling on A Co in the woods near the village continues, as do the casualties. Minute 0:47: Orders First things first what can I use to fire on that newly spotted AT gun. It turns out the scout team near the tank has a 2in mortar. It's not much but lets get them firing. Now that we know the men of B Co are not under the barrage I send them back into the woods. They will position themselves in defilade again. Here is a shot of the orders for the FO to get back to KT3. Some of 2nd platoon A Co are able to take orders – get out of the barrage.
  9. There is that. One thing that I think does happen is we read people unhappy about thing X and other people unhappy about thing Y then more people who totally love X and Y. Then there are the people that never want to let thier dislike of thing Z go. The some total of the opinions for "improvement" are conflicting and scattered. In the end we are lucky that we have Steve to pick and choose things to do according to a coherent vision.
  10. Sounds right. That is strange. This files with the different names are used by the installer to extract the needed files for the final install. You shouldn't need to rename them at all it should happen automatically. Very weird. Sigh it sure is.
  11. LOL yeah that would have been a good one. Except that it would be counter to my point. No, that was just a regular old typo with auto mangle turned on.
  12. LOL I wonder if we will get less future info. Rock paper shot gun just wrote an article about how long Rome to Victory took to complete and they started the clock when the idea of a final module for CMFI was first hinted at. Kind of unfair of them and perhaps disincentivizing for making further long term future posts.
  13. ?? The patches are are shipped as an install so you should not be renaming anything. Any package you get from BFC should be unzipped into a clean empty folder. Then run the setup program in that new folder. For a patch make sure it has found your install and let it do the work.
  14. OMG did we ever. First when we decluttered to show the house. Then before packing. We have sold and given away so much stuff and recycled and threw out even more.
  15. Everyone I have a small announcement. My moving company showed up four days earlier than expected. What does that mean for this AAR? I'm glad you asked. I went from four days with some time off and a working computer with time to setup my backup computer, to a computer packed up in storage and my backup not ready yet. Not to mention a big scramble to get everything done. It could be as late as Tuesday before my backup computer is setup to keep playing. So watch this space and be patient. Sorry for the delay.
  16. No, but we don't usually get news before a fix. And sometimes not then either I'll try to remember to check next week. In mid move now.
  17. Just going to add that you do not need to create a separate process to get this same benefit. So, you could design a game such that the single process uses separate threads, which would be run on separate cores, from within the same process. You can design the inter thread communication the same way you would for inter process communication (which can make multi threading easier to deal with - just because it forces you to separate tasks more and not have as much interdependence). In the hypothetical design discussed above, a single process (launch the game = one process) would behave as @Jock Tamson describes his two process Arma scenario. The Arma design needs that because they have many clients connecting to a server. Also note that they could have designed their single player mission to have the same benefits if they so desired. There must be a good reason they didn't. All of which is to say that there is nothing inherently better having a separate process it's just a choice that can make sense. If BFC wants to move to a server with clients architecture then it would be a requirement but if they don't they can still design things in a single process that gain the same benefits as having multiple processors.
  18. That sure looks like a prefect example of the bug. I have questions: Do you have a save? A .ema turn file would be good. What scenario or QB map is this (would like to try to make it happen again)? Did you start this game using 4.02 version of the game? Please PM me and we can discuss getting the saved turn. PS I wrote this upon reading your first post about this and will not finish reading the rest of this thread - apologies if you have already answered any of my questions.
  19. Perhaps but I doubt it will be changed. If you want to control facing and have a cover arc you can use a wedge arc - the unit will "face" the centre of the wedge. Once the unit is done moving and facing the way you want you can replace it with a circular cover arc.
  20. Nope. Script it? I am guessing this is an Arma term. The thing about CM is that it really cannot be modded it can be skinned. We call it modding around here but you cannot modify vehicle armour protection, define new vehicles, change the small arms makeup of a squad, modify the TO&E of a formation or change the armour penetration value of a weapons system. Having said all that the campaign system in CM is a series of scenarios connected by a script that defines the path and a core units file that allows the tracking of casualties from a main force. The way this is done is you create a scenario file that really just contains the core force and import that into each scenario you want them to appear. Once the core force is imported you can remove elements (say you want the core force to be a battalion but you want battles that are company sized). Once that import is done you can adjust things - such as add attached teams or equipment. I wonder if you could also tweak the experience value for a scenario. It would depend on how the core units are handled from scenario to scenario. I have never created a campaign but it could be worth a try.
  21. That is not a good two minutes for my force. With two platoons at or near 50% casualties you could argue that that should be the end of their day and they should be withdrawn and the attack ended. But aren't going to do that because the product has not been released yet. I think I'll end up having to use the engineers and the remaining men from A Co to take the town but that will have to wait until the artillery stops and I come up with a plan to push through the TRP into the sights of that AT gun. It seems Bud has this area well defended. There may not be a lot of forces but they have been effective.
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