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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. The reverse slop message is an indication of obstructed visibility to a location. Sometimes the game let's you see something that you cannot shoot at. Which does seem a bit off. It think of it as your men getting glances but nothing long enough to engage. That's just how I internalization it. In your case there are a lot of trees and under brush too. It is likely that only one soldier has any kind of view. Here is what I recommend: have your squad area fire as far forward as possible and use the assault command to move forward and fire at the same time. Try to assault to a location that gives you a proper target order against they enemy. Also make sure your guys are in command and that the HQ is close enough that they will likely stay in command the whole time.
  2. Just know that in CM2 if they make contact that triggers during a hunt leg all the rest of the move orders after will be cancelled too. So, just don't get too invested in a lot of complex orders that you will be sad to loose
  3. Yep, what he said. I'll just add there is a lot of variability in how long it takes for infantry to pop smoke. I typically make that the only thing they do in a turn just in case they decided to take longer than my pause.
  4. My bold added. I have things done similarly. My c drive is small so I moved (using windows user manager) my user directory to my D drive and all of the BFC installs correctly put the game files under my username documents folder. I didn't personally get to try the final patch installer on my setup but all the previous ones behaved as expected. So, it should work. I noticed that your username is absent from the path above. Does windows itself recognize that your documents are in the d drive? The game and the installer ask Windows where the user directory is so if windows doesn't know the game will not either.
  5. Cool I did not realize he was accepting those yet. Did you get your status granted?
  6. Good question. Mostly so I can threaten both of them with one call instead of two. I justified it in my head that there could also be infantry hiding on the road too but really it was so I didn't have to bring up another HQ unit to start the second call and wait even longer.
  7. The old site is closing and the new one is not fully up yet so I do not believe that author registration is available yet. Here are some: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/?s=grid This hex / grid thing is something I don't understand. Not trying to pick on you it's just that your post reminded me . We have computers now - I don't want to see another hex or grid ever again. Even if the underlying engine has some thing in the background there is no need for us to see it. IMHO. I see a lot of games with hexes in the UI and wonder - why? There is nothing good about hexes they were just necessary when we humans had to move stuff around. On a computer screen we can just see a realistic rendering showing hexes just breaks the immersion.
  8. Minute 0:43: Orders With lots of new targets to deal with the first order of business is to bring the artillery. Starting with a linear barrage from two 81mm mortars that should cause problems for both the 88 AT gun and the Stug. I will pull back the tank on the left to since he can see but cannot hit the Panther turret bunker. I worry that the bunker will be able to see the tank. If the tank pulls back it can either get a LOF or be safer from the bunker. To deal with the bunker I will bring up the A Co HQ to bring some artillery to bare.
  9. Minute 0:44-0:43: More shells fall – not on my men. But that AT gun gets its revenge. Most of the mortar team are casualties. Over on the left another Stug is spotted this time on the road just across the bridge. But its gun is covering the approach to the bridge. The infantry on the left spot something else too – a Panther turret bunker. This is likely the mystery gun that took out the Sherman earlier. And more bad news – another 88. This time right near the bridge.
  10. Wow lots of patience there @MOS:96B2P - tip of the hat. I hope the message gets received and my snark doesn't interfere. This can be improved and I hope it is. Don't think its broke. Players, including myself, use it all the time. The quality of AI auto picking varies from title to title. We testers need to log more bugs in this area. To be fair the threads didn't get locked because they talked about Steam. They go locked because people got upset and got personal about it when they heard "no". Just to be clear you can bring up Steam all you want as long as the discussion stays a discussion. For reference here is Steve's official word on Steam: And here is the way these discussions usually go: If we start down that path I hope this goes differently but the thread will not include me (I really really hope:-).
  11. Minute 0:44: Orders The Mortar HQ team starts their call on the spotted Stug and then backs off to cover for the wait time. I am going to need another mortar team to deal with that SP AT gun so I move 4 Platoon over so their mortar can engage. It is clear that on the far left my infantry are not far enough forward to see anything. Their orders are to move forward to get a better view.
  12. Minute 0:45-0:44: This minute is fairly quite with some good intel. My mortar team starts landing shells in the trench. Hopefully that keeps the crew of that AT gun occupied. The scout team next to the mortar team spots something else lurking behind the buildings – an SP AT gun. The enemy is under their own barrage. On the left of this image you can see a shell has landed behind the hill. On the right in the same tree line is an enemy fire team. They are probably not very happy with Bud right now. MG fire coming from the hill causes a casualty in my Mortar HQ team. The infantry on the far left are moving forward again. This is the view from the enemy's position.
  13. I know you guys have been waiting patiently for updates. I am sorry I have not been keeping up my end. Hopefully that has changed and I can get you some thanks giving updates. There is some bad news though (and not the reason for my not posting that was me being crazy busy and tried out) the reason for not showing you closeups of my infantry has not been resolved and it will not be. Such is the life of beta testers - sometimes there are bugs that get baked into the game saves. Normally we just live with it for a short time and then throw the old files away and start new ones but we cannot really do that for the AAR. I'll have more later - first I have to get the backlog of pics posted then I will explain more and talk about what I will do to mitigate this problem for your enjoyment
  14. Minute 0:45: Orders On the left I have scout teams push forward carefully. Also some infantry move forward in the woods. Checking the status of the Air Support whle the mortar HQ moves forward to get eyes on another target. While organic mortar teams setup to shell the known 88mm AT gun position.
  15. Minute 0:46-0:45: On the right the enemy barrage continues to fall well in front of my men. My Observers pull back from the edge. The tanks watch the infantry head into the woods on the left.
  16. Well said. As a likely accused "Gate Keeper" I am refraining from commenting on the quoted post but yeah it seems to have come from some other reality
  17. Hummm some can be found here: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/?s=Kieme A similar search on the old site yields the same list. I thought he had more than that.
  18. I agree this is one of the most satisfying aspects of the game. If you always backup to a save and redo turns you don't get the enjoyment of winning after overcoming a mistake. This is one of the best aspects of Multi player too - since you can cannot just go back and the other human is trying very hard to take advantage of any mistakes you make.
  19. A classic mistake. Only a few people can claim not to have had this problem but they are the ones that it happened to and they managed to figure it out before they posted to the forum
  20. Wow Just WOW!! Thank you for your dedication. I knew you were a hard worker but I had no idea reference the above. I tried to give you an up-vote but apparently you aren't allowed up-votes anymore........ Thanks again. Yeah, I had no idea. That's wild dedication. Need up votes for your account
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