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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Spots with those measurements would have been made on the ground during surveys in many places you can actually find a marker at that location. So, those measurements are likely that accurate while the contour lines are "pretty close". Also note that if the contour lines are 10m apart - as an example - that means in the area between the lines there can easily be features that are 2m, 5m even 7 or 8m that are not reflected on the map at all. If the lines are 20m apart then even bigger features will not show up. So even flat maps can have fields with crowns, ditches and small gullies etc.
  2. LOL wow. Yeah you have it totally wrong. The *do* give a **** - several actually - which is why they didn't just release it as is to meet some date. They actually want the game to be ready before they release it.
  3. Combat Mission Real Life? I think I'll pass on purchasing that module thanks
  4. That last part I don't recall - it has been so long since I played one of the CM1 games but I like that the paths go away when you deselect a unit. That way I can switch between seeing all the move orders and having a clear view just based on clicking the mouse (select a unit, deselect all units) and not have to toggle show all paths on and off. I like to play with show all paths on and leave it there. Yes, but that will not work well when you allow way point editing. Right now when you have a unit selected you can reposition way points - yay! If clicking on a movement path selected the unit moving way points would be come extremely difficult / impossible in high traffic areas. Picture convoy management with even a handful of vehicles. I you want to tweak the move orders of one or two vehicles good luck clicking on the right move order segment. Miss it by just a tiny bit and suddenly you are editing a different unit's orders. I personally like the way it works now. I would never want to make editing way points harder or have it removed.
  5. Actually that is a very good idea. If you quick or fast your squad to just outside the door and then assault into the building the TacAI should do a good job of having other teams hold back while the first team enters. Brilliant - we all should have thought of that.
  6. No. To make a half circle you have to draw it yourself in CM2.
  7. Yes, I have seen stuff like that rarely since I started playing. Usually it results from not placing way points to control movement through restricted terrain sometimes entering buildings. I don't see is much any more because I have learned to be careful about my way point placement. If the v4 engine makes this harder to accomplish it is something that can be looked at. Well don't do that and who said nothing can or will be done. We don't even have an identified reproducible test case yet. Bugs need to be identified and reported with a test case before they start the long process of being worked on, tested and eventually released in a patch.
  8. Very true. Yeah, I know I can get snarky too. But @umlaut is correct. Thing is though *everyone* should resist the urge to be snarky in their reply but some people just don't seem to or they hit a threshold and never reset for a thread. It can be very hard to resist giving it back - I know because I sometimes fail to do so. My qualifying point is that I would not focus the blame on @General Jack Ripper when it can be spread around to at least one other on this thread. And yeah I kinda expect that this comment will get jumped on and not my previous one where I make investigation suggestions. But hey I couldn't resist
  9. Yeah, see that's just not correct. I cannot count the number of times we have had threads started because "my men took a bizarre route and used a different door and now they are all KIA - BFC fix it". This type of thing has been going on for a long time. That's why @General Jack Ripper was a) a bit salty in his response and b) why he had multiple possible causes and several suggestions to make it play better. Having said all that: Reading this there are times that the description points to something that has changed rather than just yet another pathing complaint thread. I have less time right now than usual and I cannot keep up with my regular games, the top priority testing and the Beta AAR let alone start digging into this but I think this should have a little investigation. If someone wanted to dive in and do an investigation here is how I would start: Pick a game, other than CMSF, and setup a simple scenario in the latest Engine 3 version of said game with a few buildings and some normal fences etc. Then test out a small force using sensible way point placement for building entry (by that I mean not just one lone move order across multiple terrain types into the building but don't go the team splitting route for this test). Find out when and how often you can get them to use the wrong door - if you can. Then run that same scenario you built in the Engine 4 version of the game. Try the same stuff and see if the behaviour is different. Note where it is different and how often it is different. If you find none make the terrain and the yards more extensive and add more buildings and try again. After that we can see what might be considered undesirable.
  10. Steve is the designer, Charles - who we never hear from directly - is the coder. They have several artists and modellers - I am not sure if there are any on full time staff or just regular contractors. Martin - who is indeed no longer part of the company - I believe was their web site admin. I might have that last part wrong. We also have @BFCElvis who I believe still does some support but is now also project managing and communicating with us more. If I have any of that wrong hopefully I'll get corrected. Heck yeah.
  11. You probably want to hear from some real time players to affirm why they like it. I'm not that guy instead I'll join @landser in a couple of comments. LOL I do the same. Oh yes, for sure. Even if I could command OK from realtime - which I cannot - I would miss so much and constantly want to rewind and play back parts.
  12. Indeed. Or... you could withdraw the SP gun since in real life it would not be sticking around the battlefield if it was unable to fulfill a useful role.
  13. I could be wrong but my understanding is there was not direct connection between the recon planes and tactical level officers on the ground in the fight. Let alone the ability for officers at the pointy end actually directing recon planes. In CM the initial intel settings in the scenario editor is supposed to cover the type of pre-battle recon that these planes provided.
  14. Hummm after re reading this it occurs to me you might be trying to get the AI to breach. If that is the case my suggestion will not work. But this might.. Basically it is a thread about getting the AI to breach wire and the linked post describes how someone got it to work.
  15. Place the enemy wire over the friendly IDE and don't allow either side to reposition it. Have the trigger man deploy with the engineers. They can only trigger once they have LOS to the spot. The player can then use the IDE to breach the wire. It's pretty hacky really but I thought it might work.
  16. Not sure how this will feel but how about an IED? You can place it during scenario setup and you can make it so that neither side can move the wire or the IED then you can ensure that they can breach - as long as the trigger man is alive. I think you can also choose a version of the IED that requires LOS so the player would have to move a trigger man up t use it.
  17. No. That would be a bug. Do you have the scenario file you created to share?
  18. Minute 0:46: Orders One of the tanks under the artillery thinks it has seem more fortifications. But it cannot get a LOF to the area. The observers call in the air support over the town KT6 and the hill KT7. We can let the fly boys take their time getting here and do their worst while my infantry deal with the outer defences. The air support will take 11 minutes to arrive – no need to stay exposed for that time... Since there are other targets to shoot at the Support company HQ will head up to the same spot. 3 Platoon has recovered enough that I can give them orders. They are getting tired so they will move through the woods. The last platoon from A Co that is in good order will try to move to the left and see if they can spot more of the enemy positions. Supported by some tanks.
  19. Minute 0:47-0:46: B Company heads back their observation / jump off points in the woods near KT3. On KT3 observers arrive again. And spot something new – another Stug. This time slightly to the right of the first one. Meanwhile 2 and 3 platoons from A Company are still mostly out of my command but no more artillery falls for the whole minute.
  20. Yes, this one. The pots in question were typically made of copper and over the open flame with get quite sooty. So, the phrase is meant for good natured ribbing when someone says something that ends up being like "do as I say, not as I do"
  21. Wow, focus man focus Says the pot calling the kettle black
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