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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. It is totally cool! Sorry this took me so long to get to. You probably don't want to do all the work to get to 2064 right now :-). Here is what you do: Open the spread sheet to the "DO NOT TOUCH" tab - yeah we are touch'n it - sorry @Ithikial_AU 1) Enter some new dates - I don't recommend getting too carried away but you do you :-): Open the "Name Manager" (on the Formulas tab): Pick the "Real_World_Date" entry and update the range to include your newly added dates: That should cover it.
  2. LOL don't be too flattered by that. My tittle is pure sarcasm but I suspect you knew that Cool suggestions. I don't think we will get AI programming type orders during game play. But your point about formation level orders is well taken. Even if now you create good orders for a platoon once they make contact you have to revisit them because some squads will have stopped others not. If the game gave us better ways to order a whole formation that on its own would not solve that problem. My normal SOP is to only give orders for a short distance and then revisit them regularly. I get that you are looking for something that elevates at least some of that. Like I said cool.
  3. You would think I'm sure you are mostly correct a truck is a truck is a truck - as long as you know where to put the leavers you should be able to drive it at least a little bit. Backing up with a trailer - that takes some learning / practice.
  4. Very nice. Best addition to this wish list - IMNSHO.
  5. Probably. There are some funny things though that can happen. Note I'm not say the game is modelling this but its a funny story on myself. I drove a truck for the Canadian Forces Reserve for a summer. I did basic training and then driver school. On the big summer exercise I got my first solo mission: I was assigned a truck, a pickup point for artillery ammo and a battery to go resupply. Excited and nervous I jump in the truck and start it up but it will not drive. I'm nervous so I calm my self down and make sure I'm not missing anything. Honestly there is not much to it there are no keys just a little red start button. All you have to do is have the automatic transmission in park and foot on the break just like a car. Nope nothing. The engine starts but switching it into drive does nothing. Finally I hop down and go report the vehicle problem. I am met with bank stares - don't you know the trick to prevent civilians from driving off in any truck? Ahh no. Someone, not so kindly - lots of teasing, shows me this extra set of controls deep under the dash that controls the driving gears (I believe it was for dealing with being stuck so you can control which wheels get power manually). Turns out it is common practice to disengage the drive mechanism so any Tom, Dick or Harry could not steal the truck. But that's not in the training manual - oops.
  6. This was my first thought as I read this. I highly recommend it. There are few more useful items in the FAQ: Check out the section "Tactical Tips" many are more specific to situations but the YouTube play list contains some gems. As @Bulletpoint said this game is not easy but figuring out the right thing to do does get easier. I remember my ah ah moment way back in CMBB where I was showing the game to my dad (retired infantry officer). He said "why are you doing that your going to get your men killed! First find the enemy and then suppress them and only then move forward for a final assault." I was running guys all over the place with the predictable results. I followed his advice and things started working out much better. That advice and so much more is encapsulated in the articles and videos linked in this thread.
  7. I thought everyone was being optimistic about it already working in CMRT. The fix is in the patch though as @akd said. I confirmed that firing from the HT works and is only slightly slower than dismounted when used directly (some minutes they fire the same number of rounds and some one or two less). There is no target light from mounted mortar teams. I don't think that's right and I'll report it but I doubt that it is a fix that will get into the next release but that's just a guess. Rats I didn't look at smoke. Sigh.
  8. Fair Valid point. I suppose I was triggered by the reference to the rudeness by T*****. My apologies to you @purpheart23. I do like these wish list threads actually. OK I like the ideas, not the frequent use of passive aggressive phrasing that shows up in a variety of posts but honestly that should be water of a ducks back - so - I have work to do.
  9. Could be that items on our lists are not in keeping with the game's design (as decided by Steve not us), not appropriate for the CM time or battle scale or are not easy or possible with the current engine (which means we have to accept that and or wait for some long from now future new game). By all means keep contributing your ideas to these periodic and fun wish list scenarios but please spare us the sanctimony. Some examples: The request for command delays is something that Steve has put the kibosh on - Interestingly he actually likes the idea but has yet to find a way to implement them that fits with the CM design decision that you play the roll, at various times, of every battle field commander. The request for fixing the area targeting of buildings - There are several threads linked in the FAQ but this explanation from Steve is, well all the words you need https://community.battlefront.com/topic/111851-its-got-to-go/page/2/#comment-1490888 Steve has commented on that in the past, since this was no normal practice during a battle he has no desire to add it to the game. Way outside the scope of the game. Yes, including that tank with the damaged gun way back in the safe area. Normally a tank that is not capabile of fighting would withdraw for repairs / replacement not hang around as a reserve ammo supply depot. Currently abandoned guns are considered to have been damaged by the crews before abandonment. I agree that being able to temporarily have a crew leave a gun and come back would not a nice add though. So, maybe this one doesn't quite fit as an example from above.
  10. For modules the game will not automatically ask you for a key when you start it. You need to run the "Active New Products" short cut which prompts you to enter a key for a new module or update. You can also not enter the key too and play the base game content - which is what those that don't buy the module but do install the patch. It's entirely up to you
  11. Exactly. If we could how often do you think we game players would? Yeah, you're right, all the time. Steve doesn't like to give us tools we can abuse too much. OK, its more like he doesn't like doing work and therefore diverting resources towards something that is just going to be abused.
  12. Don't do it. Just download the latest full installer. Then you don't need to install by bits and pieces. To find it look in your order history for your most recent purchase of the base game or engine upgrade - that order should have a link.
  13. I can definitively say that for Sherman tanks you can only remount the original crew.
  14. Oh oh. My simple statement didn't hold up I'm not 100% sure how the rules are applied across all vehicles. But for tanks and battle taxis that have specialized weapons you cannot swap crews. Sorry there is some inconsistency in simple transports.
  15. Yes, I am correct. You have never been able to bail a crew out of tank one and then have them remount tank two.
  16. But then you might have crews in vehicles that have no clue how to operate them
  17. No, there is no cross remounting of tanks or other AFVs. I you bail out a crew they can only go back into that same tank. Given that usually crews of damaged tanks would just move to the rear this works fine.
  18. I don't disagree with that ^ Edited: I meant @Sgt.Squarehead's post but I also agree with @chuckdyke so it works I'll just add mounting and dismounting behind terrain feature is up to you the order giver in your role as vehicle commander or squad leader.
  19. It is a game design decision that ammo is only shared between teams in the same platoon. I don't recall ever reading an explanation as to why but it is long standing and I highly doubt it will be changed.
  20. Practice makes perfect. Yeah, I mostly get it right but every now and then I have guys chasing a vehicle around - sigh. I think it would be helpful the only issue is the added complication in the UI. One way to reduce that would be to have it just in the regular pause cycle. Instead of 5s, 10s, 15s etc. for a vehicle that can hold passengers it could be "wait for pax", 5s, 10s, 15s, etc.
  21. Yep, Steve is very strict about screen shots have to be from in game and no mods.
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