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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. The Bliz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the January scenario of the month has started over at theBlitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFI: R2V Mort aux Cons CMFB: Probing around Poteau The forum post on theBlitz for sign up is here.
  2. The Bliz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the January scenario of the month has started over at theBlitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFI: R2V Mort aux Cons CMFB: Probing around Poteau The forum post on theBlitz for sign up is here.
  3. Hey, that's pretty cool. I'll have to try that.
  4. I have it. PM on its way. OK I'm going to write it after this...
  5. Nope. the command delays built up as you added way points. Having to add three or four way points to get guys out of the street and into cover in a back yard is common. A squad would not stand in the middle of the street for a minute while the Sargent explained to them to be careful not to break the fence or step on any flowers I did not claim that. LOL yeah I don't have battlefield experience you got me. Good thing for me I did not claim that I had. Also this is the only video game I play - well other than Angry Birds Agreed it would.
  6. I see @mjkerner gave you the answer - excellent. This still lists a free option: https://www.dropbox.com/individual/plans-comparison 2G should be enough for quite a few PBEM games.
  7. Yes, it is a rather unfortunate limitation. There it works great. It is the way to play the game for sure
  8. @mjkerner has it right. I think that was added in engine 2.0 update - there is a thread from back then that explains it more fully. Yes you want to keep them.
  9. Yuck, no thanks. It is not at all reasonable for a squad leader getting his men out of harms way to have multi minute delays just because a lot of order segments are involved. I realize the command delays are good at representing communication delays and experience for higher up commanders. It utterly fails for lower level officers and NCOs. Since in CM you play all command levels it just do not work.
  10. Thanks. I use it just like you do It is there. I don't think of SF1 and SF2 as separate games. The scanning tool cannot handle SF1 files so there are missing details for the SF1 created scenarios. I think that presentation could be improved but that's lower on my list. Yeah I didn't mentions that but I still owe him that too. Humm I'll see if I can find a job you can do for me. I'll PM you... The good news is I have the scenarios.
  11. Would be nice. ^^This! It would be interesting to see something like this. It is a big architecture issue for sure so really only on the table for a major product rework. They made the choice they have been operating on with the development of CM2. By now they can see the upside and downsides of that choice. I'll be looking forward to Steve talking about he and Charles choice for CM3 at some point.
  12. Thanks. Just a warning I need to do some updates to that site. It's still useful but it's missing some newer scenarios and links to theblitz.club are still pointing to the .org. I have plans to work on it but just wanted to set expectations.
  13. Are you talking about multi player support? If so discord is just a comms channel. Like text messages, slack, FB messenger or email. Each have their strengths and weaknesses and different popularity for different communities. None of those systems can automatically launch games or manage files.
  14. Over promise and under deliver is never a good thing. One way to fix that is to stop promising stuff. Sadly that means less of a window into what BFC are up to. I don't know if the rancour out here is what motivated Steve to leave out details - he tends to not get fussed over idle bitching. I would understand if it did. I know it would demotivate me @Artkin can correct me if I have this wrong but I think he means he would like a server where you can log in find people to play with - either with a simple request for opponents or from a list of people that have already agreed to play and push a button and the game starts with the scenario loaded. For RT play the two opponents are connected by the server and play. For WEGO files are created and transferred between players automatically and you can check the status of your game and play your turns by just visiting the server and clicking a button. All the file handling, notification and launching etc. is handled automatically without and additional setup or file copying required. theBlitz and The Few Good Men are great places to find opponents but you have to manually create connections between players (shared dropbox folders) start up games and transfer files yourself. Tools like CM Helper and Whose Turn Is It? help with the actual file management but they cannot kick things off automatically or even start the game with the new turn loaded. So, the current state of the art for RT it is less than half way since there is no easy source for finding RT partners and there are a lot of network configuration steps you need to learn about even if you use a third party tool to help. For WEGO it is sort of half there with two third party tools required. It sounds like @Artkin is looking for a full end to end solution that automates everything with not additional tools required. Which BTW I agree would be nice. I am unsure if BFC want to go this way since operating servers requires 24 / 7 staffing etc. However there are already communities (the Blitz and TFGM) who might be willing to put the final pieces together if the game had a way to be automated. Then there is also Steam which could be used for this. My idle wish for this would be for BFC to create the needed hooks for starting games, loading turns and maintaining connections and then using that to hook into Valve's services on Steam but also allow others to use them too. Then BFC can stay out of operating servers and let clubs or Steam connect users
  15. You can do that now with the whole crew - Bail Out command. Are you suggesting just the TC dismount alone like a split squad for crew. That would be cool actually. But would the TC go alone on such a mission or would another crew member join them or would it be more common for the whole crew to go? I am curious about the historical practice.
  16. I am yes. But here it is 330pm and its also 0 degrees but on the Celsius scale so it's perfect for snow fort building. Yeah me neither
  17. They will, but right now they are all outside playing with their kids or grand kids like I suggested earlier Hee hee
  18. It does somewhat. You should be able to load up a team with enough stuff so that they can no longer go Fast. It is highly likely the effect is not large enough and I'm not sure if it actually applies to rifle and smg ammo but only to AT weapons. I've never tested it extensively.
  19. A 10 year fan here. ^^^^ This is exactly the attitude we should have. It's all find to look forward to something new, report issues and desires but what a waste of time all this bitching and complaining is - about a schedule for f's sake. Go play CMRT or any one of the other games instead. Heck go build a snow fort in your back yard with your kids or grand kids. Edited to correct how long I have been here.
  20. Yep, in game terms it is a lot of micro managing. But 5 minutes to load up ammo is not really a lot. IRL it would take that long or longer probably. Our instant acquire command is a little optimistic. I agree that the long drawn out process above is no idea either just pointing out you gain one way and loose another. It would be nice if you could acquire near a vehicle or in it and there would be a minute to several minute time cost depending on how much ammo you are messing with. Maybe one day. One more note on this. I used to spend a lot of time messing with ammo now I really just make sure the infantry AT assets are distributed and perhaps give a little more to the MG teams. After that don't worry about it. Most rifle men don't run out by the time the game is over. On the rare occasions that they do - then acquire more. That saves a tone of fiddling around. Indeed it is.
  21. I came too late to help - glad you got it sorted. To be clear the squad is the one that should execute the acquire command to get the ammo - fixed in bold above. Note (you know this now but just in case others reading this missed it): if you select the vehicle and use the acquire command the vehicle crew is the one that will get the ammo. You really really don't want to do that the vast majority of the time. But from time to time getting a driver to pick up some AT weapon and dismount is useful. Also units from the same platoon will share ammo automatically if they are close by. This does not happen in a way you can control and it happens a magazine at a time. For example if you have a squad that has run out and you bring them close to a unit in their peer group the guys with no ammo will pick up a magazine each and be able to fire. But if the move away they will no longer be able to get more when they empty their magazines.
  22. There is a subtle additional bit of info: The path to the next way point is actually calculated only after the move to the last one is completed. This allows your units to adjust to the new reality of terrain once they get there instead of a minute or more into the future. You can have an engineering team breach a wall or bocage and have other units move through the whole during the minute. To do this, plot movement orders for other units through the whole that *will* be there and time things so they get to their penultimate way point in front of the wall after the wall breach is created. No one actually notices this because in WeGo everything - including wall breaches - is pre-calculated and in Real Time it just feels like you would expect. But it is important to know that once a unit reaches a way point that's when it plans how to get to the next one. To increase your odds that units will take the path you want through challenging terrain - walls, fences bocage etc. place on way point on one side of the obstacle and one on the other. Yeah, bitched about the (lack of) difference between hedges and low bocage from the get go. I stopped bitching a long time ago now. I just learned how to tell the difference but I still find it challenging.
  23. I would suggest opening a support ticket. Unless @BFCElvis has another suggestion.
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