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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Excellent. I quite like the older SQW mods you have done just fine. My request would be that you spend you time on something that has not yet had your incredible touch. On the other hand you should do what will make you happy - still my selfish reasoning here because I want you to stay happy modding CM
  2. No worries - I figured it out but just wanted to make sure it was clear to all. We had enough people talking about 2.1 when they mean 2.01 over the last few months. LOL too true - I did not think of that angle. Also putting Beta on it might not really have the desired effect. I know a lot of people who just don't use Betas - ever. In fact I don't as a general rule. However for something like this game that I really care about I would. Yep! Spot on. The missed defects discovered so far are all minor in my opinion. No big deal. Some what annoying perhaps but really not going to effect game play. Not to get too negative here but I am struck by something: recently, I forget now which release, quick battle PBEM games were broken and that took quite a while before it was fixed. Now we have these minor issues that seem like they are getting fixed very fast. Does that reflect that there was a work around for the PBEM breakage? Or that PBEM play is down on the list of stuff you care about? In terms of testing, I would like to hear that major play methods have now been added to your testing check list. Someone verifies that both scenarios and QBs can be started and played in all the modes (single player, muti-player, Real time and WEGO)
  3. No fire yet in the game so that is not a concern at the moment. Good point though. Fire will change things a bit will it not? I don't have experience with firing rocket AT weapons indoors my self yet. So far all my MG urban games I am either the Brits (no rocket AT weapons) or am fighting against British Paras (no need for rocket AT weapons).
  4. The overview is that it looks like a major enemy move is happening to flank around the town. I am not overly concerned about that because all my major assets are in the town now so he cannot catch me moving behind my front lines. Plus I do still have a Stug on the ridge above town so if he attacks the town from that side he will have his back to that Stug. My infantry are now clearing the remaining buildings that are part of the objective. Once the buildings have been cleared they will own the town. The only thing left to do after that is wait and see what happens. The only other orders were to pull back a bit at the farm to stay out of sight of that Achilles and move the truck that delivered the AT gun out of the way on the back side of the orchard.
  5. This was defiantly a good news bad news turn. The good news is the Achilles that took out my Panther last turn has been dealt with. Nice second shot by the Shrek team. The bad news is the uber tank crew that bailed out shot up half an infantry squad and sent them running. Oh man that was hard to watch. Don’t forget we are playing this game with version 1.1 so this kind of thing happens in that version. Plus my opponent made all his tank crews Veteran with High motivation while my troops were purchased on typical. I am not 100% sure what this squad was but nothing special I am sure. Still disappointing. Worse yet the only other team nearby is the Shrek team – and I really don’t want them to engage that tank crew. Over by the orchard my opponent is probing forward. This Churchill tank drove over the rail embankment backwards. I really wish I could take advantage of that mistake but my Stug is too far away so I am not risking it. And the two Stuh’s and 75mm HT are also too far away – not that they would do much. Part of the probing forward was a scout team. They were sent packing back to their lines. Over near the farm more bad news: my forward infantry team that I though was hidden from the Achilles was not. One round and I lost the whole four man team.
  6. Am I missing something? Or was that just a typeo. Assuming you were trying to use actual version numbers shouldn't it be 2.11 and 2.12?
  7. LOL and it probably would not get hung up on a tree stump either. But I bet there would be lots of broken tracks and broken wheels.
  8. Thanks. Quick question about process: Is this going to be an install and patch things to a new version or a hot fix.
  9. No way, that is zero help for driving on roads. Even if your vehicles start one behind the other on a straight stretch of road (which almost never actually happens) if you select four vehicles and start plotting way points with the first vehicle following the road the "following" vehicles will drive off road into the woods, river, building etc and never be on the road again for any subsequent road turns. Fixing up those way points after the fact is harder than just doing the same over and over for each vehicle. I too would like a follow command to make this easier but just having the vehicles stay on the road themselves would be a vast improvement. I find they sometimes drift off the road a bit and that usually causes havoc for any "following" vehicles. ---8<--- following is in quotes because they are not really following in a true sense of the word just in the sense that we want them to follow.
  10. I just went to the page linked above and found the wording that @Fed quoted earlier and I can see the confusion. Yes, I and many read between the lines but for some I can see it not being clear. Especially someone who has been once bitten.
  11. Message received and email with my elaborated comments sent. Hope it is helpful. I think this is a fun scenario BTW - thanks.
  12. This also updates 2.1 to 2.11. It never occurred to me that it would not so I just installed it. All is well. Go for it you will be happy.
  13. I also do this even in WEGO - that way I don't have to remember to revisit the MG every turn to see if it is done deploying. I would much rather create a plan for the MG and give it all the orders to do that on one go. I forget stuff, alot But, I probably will not hit this often, but $10 says I'll forget all about this defect and it will bite me later
  14. Agreed. I am paying this one head to head right now and man it is tough to gain ground on the Brits. We have had some amazing fire fights so far - well done. I do have one criticism and that is "please reconsider the beaming in of reinforcements". It is not good to have reinforcements suddenly appear and be in the LOF. The second group of reinforcements dropped right in the LOF of the enemy and were taken out before I could issue any sensible orders. Yes, I am being deliberately vague about what and where because I do not want to introduce spoilers. If the scenario designer wants more details please PM me and I'll give you the full story. Or have the AT team alone on their own floor of a building at least.
  15. Interesting follow up posts about wanting the DRM that BFC uses fixed. Sorry but that makes me smile. I have never heard of a DRM system that is flawless and easy to support. The fact that someone thinks that BFC can do anything to make it perfect and seamless "like other games" just means they have not ran into a problem - yet. DRM systems are by definition designed to stop the program from running. That means that if anything is out of kilter customers are stopped cold. Which is a bad thing and my personal problem with DRM systems - they mess up customers and still do not stop the thieves. The only full fix is to remove the DRM. With a game I understand why that will not happen. So, we need to grin and bare it and direct people to BFC support to get their issues resolved.
  16. Yes, this has been slightly annoying for a while. My suggestion would be to simply cull the list a bit. There are my suggestions: Keep it Keep it Keep them - only paused Keep it - as long as this stays active every now and then Remove them - these guys never finished and are not planning to the last time I checked Keep it - this is still on the go Move it to the maps and mods forum. Remove it - the videos are MIA now Remove it - sorry nothing much going on here and so riddled with flashing ads that I find it to read what is there. My suggestions would drop the size of the sticky area in about half.
  17. For the benefit for anyone else who wonders in here the key is the frame rate. If you have a low frame rate that means that the camera does not move smoothly and your snow will freeze (pun not intended) which is odd and annoying. I am not making a judgment on the quality of the look of the snow. I find it OK - as long as the game is running OK. Others my have a different opinion and that's fine. As long as it is falling it is OK by me. So, the Temple to Mars game is big - large map and lots and lots of units. My machine struggles with a game that size at high quality graphic settings. What I do for any large battle like that is drop my graphic settings a notch or two before firing up a large game. I usually run my settings at Better, Better but for a large game I will drop it down to Balanced, Balanced. Drop it as low as you need to to get camera to move smoothly when you play and the game will not stutter and pause with the snow stuck in the air. Once you have a graphic setting that your machine can handle your experience will be more enjoyable. After that you can look at how to improve you machine's capabilities - new graphics card, more memory, faster HD or new machine all together.
  18. I would suggest changing the blast order to be more like the face or pop smoke command. That way you could specify the thing you wanted blown up and no movement would be part of it at all. The only difference would be that it would need to automatically pause at the way point with the blast command until the blast command was done and then execute the next move order.
  19. LOL. OK wearing the badge (and ignoring the caller).
  20. Oh, good it is not just me:-) I upgraded a game from 2.1 to 2.11 and it took forever to load the saved game. I was very close to calling the game hung but managed to find something else to do and the game eventually loaded and worked fine. I'm not sure if and upgraded saved game has extra processing to be done or not. I'll see when I get the next turn if it takes a similar time to load that. I'll keep it in mind that loading is slower.
  21. Wow out of line man. I am playing this scenario does that mean you will not call me an idiot? And BTW I am not having trouble dealing with the show. I am really loving the battle. Really wow. No desire to help any more. I'll keep my suggestions to my self. Good luck.
  22. Absolutely. All you need to play with some one is the same version number and forces from a common TOE.
  23. Install the version and modules you had before in a new directory. Now you have two copies of the game installed. Move your games over to the older version of the game. Keep playing. All good. If you insist on upgrading coordinate with your opponent(s) otherwise they will see missing games on their end. Do the conversion as described at the beginning of this thread. Personally I recommend just playing your current games out on the older version and enjoy.
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