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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I would go even further and say only use HIDE if you want your men to die when the enemy gets close. Hide means take cover and don't look up. It is most useful when you are under an artillery barrage that you could not get away from. In fact troops in foxholes and in trenches that are hiding are quite well protected from artillery - except if a round actually enters the trench. Bottom line HIDE is *not* keep concealed but watch for the enemy - putting a target arc on your troops who are behind some kind of good concealment is what you are after. The cover arc means they will not fire at targets off in the distance (and give away their position) only once they get close. But be careful because if your guys are spotted when the enemy are just outside the arc you guys will likely not fire back. Ambushes are best set where the enemy have very poor visibility from a long distance and you can set cover arcs that cover all the ground that the enemy will be able to see your guys from.
  2. LOL I had no trouble understanding. I am not sure why Ken did I just embellished it a bit. Oh that might explain it. Ken, is the king of dramatic flare - I just needed to translate from English to dramatic flare for him.
  3. I find sandbag walls work best as protection for AT guns. But foxholes, trenches and sandbags aside terrain and limited sight lines is the best thing to use to protect AT guns.
  4. Oh no I think he is looking for path resolution preview. Something that when you plot the orders into town and hit the show preview it figures out the path that the tank, given the terrain and the movement orders would go over, will actually take. That way when you ask it to go down a street that looks wide enough but isn't, the preview will show your tank going off in all directions to drive around the town and down the main street. Or the kind of thing where you give your tank orders to got through a hedge and hit the preview and discover that it really is low bocage and your tank will actually drive 500m to the left to get through the gap in the hedge (oops I mean bocage - I still cannot tell half the time:-). That way we can avoid those "WTH are you doing" moments when our vehicles start driving around in dangerous places. I personally would like to see this. Lets face it if you are the TC and you order your tank to advance through the hedge and the driver says "I don't think we can make that" the real TC would have the opportunity to come up with a different plan. But we don't that opportunity. We get drivers coming up with sometimes insane ideas and very dangerous moves. When in real live the TC would never let the driver take the tank and present its side to a known AT gun position or drive way to the left of where friendly forces have already secured the area and right into close proximity of the enemy. The real TC could yell stop and the driver would. We just get to yell stop and watch the insanity.
  5. Yep that has always been my point. And BTW 24hr wait is the way things have gone lately and it was longer than that with CMBN (I forget how long but more than a day). And BFC have not really set a policy on how long the delay is so we don't really know how long the delay is. And before someone says but the delay is a reward for those us us who pre-order, let me make it clear: I would like to be one of you, I have money I would spend, I want to pre-order.
  6. Sure, we need some way of telling what is happening since the actual TC would get feedback from his gunner and could then make a decision to withdraw or reposition. We just want that same kind of opportunity. Yeah, those kinds of things are very annoying and it would be nice to see it sorted out. Good to hear some detail on how things work. Thank you for considering making some tweaks to the way the information is presented to us.
  7. OK time to give up and my men agree. The only team left who has not surrendered are these guys and they are in a panic. My AT gun amo carriers who did such a good good job the last few turns were both killed trying to keep fighting. I pressed the surrender button. I am very pleased with the overall performance of my men I really wish I could have made my opponent really pay for having three tanks soo close together like that but those Shrek teams just could not make a hit. Thankfully one of them redeemed himself at the end. Well fought battle! @Baneman good luck - and show them what for.
  8. OK cool thanks for the update. Yes with drawing has to be done only after the 30min mark. I am not sure if I like that rule. But hey we play with what we have and tweaking can be done another day.
  9. Excellent - will @Baneman have any armour support he will need it. Question what does making it to the 30 minute mark mean? If I was wiped off the map before that what difference would it have made? I do not recall reading anything about 30minute mark in the rules. BTW I am loading the turn now. Unless my guys recover and start fighting back I will surrender this turn...
  10. Hee, hee that's why I am playing. Mind you I have been busy so I have not got very far - yet. I am how ever loving the back yards
  11. And by you mean help us determine when that happens in game - right?
  12. Yeah, tomato tomato (wait that does not work in written form) I just mean that once the 2.1 patch comes out I expect the CMBN with no modules will behave the same as 2.1 with the MG module in terms of these urban combat improvements and whatever other changes are mode.
  13. Look at the trees' main branches. Especially the one to the left and closest to the tank. The way I interpret that is the game saves where the trees are but not which exact model variant of tree A should be used. On load various versions of trees and bushes etc are randomly placed where the saved game says there is a tree A or an bush B or low bocage. Just a guess mind you...
  14. Correct it means no shooting - at all. No MG fire no main gun firing regardless of their status. Basically that tank is really messed up and needs to go get some serious repairs.
  15. From @umlaut's scenario on his awesome city map: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=111082 These guys are working their way through the backyards to get a LOF on a pesky MG42 that has held up one prong of the advance.
  16. But seriously - compare the way the two cards render shadows would be my request. As far as bandwidth high; reasonable quality and downsized jpg for the forum posts but with links to full res and higher quality versions would be ideal.
  17. What, you are starving your family to pay for this AAR.:eek: Ken, you are taking this just a bit too far - don't you think.
  18. Yeah, not really. You can only play HvH campaigns in hot seat mode. PBEM - sorry out of luck. It is head to head PBEM campaigns that we would like to see. I really would place that above all else as a priority - if it were up to me.
  19. I have found that I do not miss the combined arms enforcement setting at all. I actually found the points split in CM1x to be difficult to deal with. How many times did I find myself with three tanks and 90% of the points to buy a fourth but there was nothing I could do to get it. I had to compromise my earlier tank selection or get some lesser vehicle. Because you could not use any more points for infantry that you did not use for that fourth tank and you could not drop a small amount of infantry to get a few spare points for that fourth tank. Grrrrr :mad: The new mixed system is so much easier to deal with. I have no trouble picking a combined arms force with the new system and I usually have no trouble punishing someone who decides to go all in one way or another. In the new system having combined arms *is* a force multiplier. I remember one game I decided to really go heaving on armour so I had very little infantry. Still ended badly for me. Sure I crushed my opponent's tanks but without enough infantry support there was nothing I could do to stop his bazooka teams from flanking my tanks - not a good scene. I can see where the idea that it might help the AI would come from - but I suspect that the better approach would be to just fix the AI's purchasing algorithm. Don't get me wrong I will not complain about having an implementation of Combined Arms back in the game. I just will not use it
  20. Yes, indeed. Just when everything is falling apart you can still have some great moments.
  21. Back to plenty of bad news again this turn. The AT gun amo carrier team abandons thier position. More guys surrender. But some face off against impossible odds. The final member of 1 platoon HQ the radio operator faces off against three of the enemy. He looses but you don't want to see that part.
  22. The shrek team that I moved to face the flanking Stuarts has finally had enough. In their panic they run right in front of the tank and start taking MG fire from at two tanks. But look at this. He holds his ground and aims with his last round. And scores a hit! That makes two destroyed Stuart tanks. Unfortunately he did not manage to escape. His run for cover was cut short not 30m away by the other tank.
  23. Well what a turn. It is a story of courage and success! First the AT gun that opened the game gets another try. I figured they would not get another chance but a Stuart poked its nose out and had it bloodied. And again. But unfortunately the tank pulled back obviously still in some kind of working order. The AT gun crew already fragile from the events around them and the very high volume of fire coming there way decide they have had enough and bail. Their Amo carriers have a field day taking on the infantry down the street from their location.
  24. Well if the shot is 100m or less take it if longer get out while you can. Really a one shot one hit over 100m is a long shot.
  25. It is a lot easier now than it was waiting for CMBN. Now at least I can play some CM2x between checking the forum
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