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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. This would definitely cause issues in play.....There are a lot of scenarios out there that feature Combatants, especially user made scenarios. If neither the designers or players know about this (& I certainly didn't, although I was aware the scoring could be odd for reasons that were unclear at the time) it could lead to some very confusing outcomes. Combatants are just soldiers without proper uniforms and likely low training levels. They defiantly should count for holding objectives IMHO. Spies I have no idea I guess I think they should count but I have never put any thought into it. @Zveroboy1 can you PM me a link to your test. I'll check first of course but I can use it in the bug report. LOL VBIED's could preserve (or not) an objective though (just a joke not serious at all)
  2. My guess would be that would be too close to infringing on the CM Afghanistan game. BFC does not have rights to the content of that game.
  3. Sounds like a job for the Hard Cat Rules: @Bil Hardenberger and I played a demo match too:
  4. Yeah that is cool. Well done. For me I steal a moment here and there and read threads here and other places and offer up my thoughts. There is just no way I could take an hour and chat live. Maybe when I retire - if that ever happens.
  5. Nice clear eyed summary. I am a member on Discord but honestly I don't read a lot since there is reams and reams of friendly banter. It's nice and all but not really CM relevant at all times.
  6. It is. You save the game after which you go to the outgoing email folder and move the save to the incoming email folder. You will have to log in for every time you play just as when you play hotseat with yourself. Hotseat is more efficient since it doesn't have to reload everything every time. I have done PBEM locally but only for testing of the game. If I'm testing a tactical situation Hotseat is the way to go for sure. #sad. If you avoid playing because loosing is too hard, it becomes hard to learn to get better. Also, as I used to say to the kids I couched "we are here to do our best and win but if you cannot enjoy the game even when you loose you are just going to be miserable".
  7. Seconded! @DownSized, I remember that pain. I think that experience is common in the beginning. I suffered through some of that too. Now I have a stable group of regular opponents and TFGM site plus also check out theblitz.club I help moderate there. It is not as much banter as at TFGM but they have a serious ladder and regular (mostly) monthly challenges. I have seen a few people ask for same time zone opponents. I agree it's weird.
  8. But do be ware that if you start the scenario without the mod installed the game will do something (I forget what) to those unrecognized flavour objects. Saved games will likely not have the BF109 on the battlefield even if you put the mod in place later. You really want the mod in place before starting the scenario.
  9. Trees are not decent cover. If you want tanks to be in cover they have to be behind a terrain feature - aka a hill. Anything else is like hiding behind a shower curtain and expecting it to protect you from bullets.
  10. In addition to the design issues and decisions discussed already the very premises of this thread - that German tanks can make difficult shots and always hit - is way way over the top. I currently have two Panthers duelling with an M10 and they have missed more then the have got on target at this point. One finally got a solid hit so I'm hopeful it will finally be able to finish it off soon.
  11. That is frequently a factor. However somethings also don't get fixed due to lower priority. Something that is not too serious or that doesn't happen frequently might get left on the todo list so other things can be tackled instead. I have no idea which this is.
  12. I am curious where you heard that... A while back this was also brought up on the Steam forum and Steve gave me a tidbit to share. We were curious how long it would take to be noticed here. So far it had not. I guess the two forums are more separated than I though. Anyway check out it out here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1369370/discussions/0/3050608970460684012/?tscn=1625753029 Spoiler alert: this is not coming to our version of CM.
  13. Yeah, it is weird and its been that way forever. Usually it's not a big deal but I suppose I have used it to know what kind and how much reinforcements are coming my way so it's not ideal.
  14. Actually I'm going to add support for turns that arrive via the new system to WTII? I don't have full clarity on how it will all work but I do know the turn files will be seen by WTII so I need a way for players to tell me that's what they are otherwise the two systems will be in conflict - which is bad. Ian
  15. I am but I am afraid I don't have a time line for a fix yet...
  16. I would not assume a gun was out of action unless I could see a whole hit decal on it. Often a non penetrating hit will disable it too but not always. Frankly I subscribe to the real life SOP - it it's not currently burning put a round into it.
  17. The article says it had no tracks... soooo while it is possible show plowing happened some time it was not a regular thing and not currently in service of the town. ?? who says no one was worried. You might argue who cares about a non serviceable tank (and given what it is a symbol of that argument would not go your way either) but that 1000 rounds of old ammo is actually not safe.
  18. While changing up encoding of orders on a regular basis is a good idea on two separate occasions (if I recall correctly it was the kick off of the invasion and the beginning of Fall Blau) Stalin and his commanders revived excellent intelligence and nearly a full accounting of the German plan. Both times the information was dismissed and not used. So, if the Germans had done this it would not have changed the out come. Plus their own analysis and war gaming showed that their logistical situation and ability to supply the invasion had no margin for error and likely would not even have been enough if everything went as planned. We all know things don't go as planned. I think this alone was enough to indicate that the invasion was not a good idea. May be who knows. This is really a non starter. Japan was much more focused on access to resources that were present in South East Asia. That was what they wanted in an empire. Invading the USSR in the time frame we are talking about was not at all on the table.
  19. It is possible. I'm working on a possible solution. I will let you know if I get one and you can try it.
  20. That sounds like there is a problem with hooking up to the shared menu. Does an uninstall / reinstall help any?
  21. Apparently non zero. Very cool I love how he shakes it off with a twitch of his head. Mean while his buddies are a little more worried.
  22. Before things were released on Steam there never were any sales. None. So, I don't think we have enough data to speculate on a pattern.
  23. You should be aware that this sharing will only happen between members of the same platoon and it's one mag at a time. This is very handy for heavy munitions like AA missiles and for "need to be shooting now" with infantry. For the long term you want infantry to acquire some of their own ammo though since it's a lot more efficient over the long term. Something else you should know is that on map mortar assets will report all rounds they have access to in the artillery call UI. That means if you have two mortar teams with 16 rounds each and two trucks parked near them each with 32 rounds then both mortar teams will say they have 80 rounds or 96 rounds if the teams are close too. This is because each team can get rounds from both trucks. When I'm setting up an on map battery with transport like that I try to arrange it so each mortar team is far enough from each other team to not share and position their truck so that only one team can actually access the rounds in the truck. That way the rounds available count in the UI will be more useful.
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