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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Interesting. I did that on Win 10 Pro. Mind you it was over a year ago now. I wonder what its like in Win 11... I think what is happening is the game is effectively running at a lower resolution but scaled by the OS. So the game engine renders things at 2160p and the OS scales that by the scaling factor when actually displaying it on screen. If I recall correctly my screen capture dimensions were not the full 2K size until I switched the scaling setting. That would explain the super ugly effects at least.
  2. You will likely get a wider variation by changing the unit types than just the time frame. It really depends on the time though. I'm sure someone could dig around and find some examples of larger changes between one month and a few later. I have no idea where those changes might be though. Fortress Italy has a pretty wide time range now - if you include all modules. It might be a good candidate for finding some larger differences based on time alone.
  3. Yes. More specifically typical is based on an assessment of a formation and nationality's state of affairs in a particular time frame. So, yes, changing formations and time frames will change what factors you see in your formation. Also, if you purchase the same formation a few times the various sub units will not have all the same combination of factors. So, yes, there is some randomness involved in how those factors are assigned.
  4. On the PC there is a folder named "Mod Tools\RezExplode" under the game file. You place the .brz files in the input sub folder you will find there and run the program RezExplode.exe. I have a few recommendations: do one or two .brz files at a time, more if you have a faster machine. The tool will create an exploded folder with sub folders with the names of the .brz files and their contents. Sadly the next run will empty that folder so make sure you stash the contents you want to keep somewhere else. Also start with the highest numbered .brz files and work your way back. I suggest this because you are trying to find the current uniform naming scheme and the older .brz files are still there and they contain the uniforms with the old names. Don't get fooled. One more thing. The RezExplode.exe is very quiet so it can be hard to tell if it is done or not so be patient and watch the exploded folder for contents. I also tend to start it from the command line because otherwise I am never sure if it actually started. On the Mac this tool does not exist although some one created one for the Mac but I don't have a saved link.
  5. Interesting. I have never heard of opponents getting intel on marked mines. It happens so rarely that I get a chance to mark mines I'm not surprised.
  6. That you can "fix" by turning off camera edge navigation. Alt-E is the default short cut key.
  7. Actually it's not really the number plates it's the turret numbering on tanks where this would be fun. Seeing the tanks from 1 platoon, 2 company with the numbers 112, 212, 312, 412 would be pretty cool. Edited: Oops. That would be 211, 212, 213, 214 as @kohlenklau said lower down.
  8. Thanks - I am pretty spoiled with files automatically getting created though The good news is BandiCam seems to work - now we will see if it is reliable. It does seem that I can start it even after the game is running and it works.
  9. Actually I was kind of excited to find that a couple of days ago. I have been searching for a way to do that since my previous VM setup went up in windows or vm ware update smoke. I still don't know whose at fault for that one. Sadly Virtualbox is so far a failure - no ability to share a drive between host and guest. Sigh. I'll keep looking for other ways.
  10. That didn't slow you down much - glad to hear you are feeling better.
  11. @Halmbarte your men are having a hard time. I hope you can help turn their fortunes.
  12. Grrrr. I'm frustrated with nVidia's screen capture tool. I like how it works but it is so unreliable I'm officially going to look at BandiCam and InfranView. For the last few weeks it seems that every time I try to capture a screen it just doesn't work. I have found that any time there is a driver update or a Ge Force Experience update they just arbitrarily turn off my ability to screen capture until I install the update. No, just no, that's not how this should work. So, I'm firing the nVidia 's in game overlay and looking for something better.
  13. Say my name and "cover arc" three times and I'll appear and tell you what I think of them I'll just add that holding fire from AT guns could be considered a good use of the Cover Arc command. It is what is its for - preventing something from firing where you don't want it to. A broken record is correct twice a day - that's the saying right?
  14. Or its a great drying rack for your fire wood so you can brew up when you stop for the night.
  15. Who knows. I need to find a way to be more plugged into what they are changing. One big road block for me is I don't have a Mac. I have to get other people to try things out - not a great way to develop software. Typically I would send code I know works to other people but for the Mac I have to send code I have never run before. Thankfully I have developer friends to have Macs that help me out.
  16. I am afraid that the latest version of the Mac OS causes WTII to fail to run. I have a possible solution on my todo list but I have not go there yet. Sorry and I hope to get this resolved at some point.
  17. The other 28Gb is so you can run huge battles in every CM title all at one time Leave no memory idle! 32 bit registers literally can only address 4Gb of memory. Note Yes, I am aware of schemes to swap different memory fame etc. My opinion of those is - just build a 64bit app.
  18. I tried loading and unloading and reloading and I could not guarantee who would man the HT gun and sometimes no one stood up and fired along with the HT gun. Bummer.
  19. OK cool. You can give the passengers a target order pretty much anywhere the HT can see but as @Codreanu noticed they stay seated if the range is long. I did a simple test 200m and 300m they fired but 525m they did not. If you do the load swap as discussed above then some of them fire even at 525m and up. However who stands up is interesting. In my test the MG42 user manned the HT's gun so the sharp shooter is the one that stood up and fired at 525m and I did not get two MG42s firing. I'm guessing if you split teams properly you can influence who mans the HT gun.
  20. Well they can just keep their opinions to them selves. I am reminded of a developer I once knew who responded to his manager trying to book a performance review "unless there is money in it for me you can keep your damn opinions to your self" - yes he was a grumpy guy but we loved him Anyone doing this can just **** off. @Bootie is a great supporter of this community. He has helped me (and countless others) many, many times. I am amazed at how well he does at keeping himself accessible.
  21. No, there is only a 32 bit version for Windows. It is compiled with large address aware turned on. That means the program can use up to 4Gb of memory (normally 32 bit programs are restricted to a max of 2Gb).
  22. Interesting. I am curious now... If you leave everyone loaded normally can you give a target order to the passengers? And if they do stand up and fire is their visibility worse than the HT itself?
  23. Famous last words. I get that sentiment and felt that way about a number of changes as a developer many many times over my career. I never let myself feel that way any longer. I have too much experience to know that it will not be as easy as you think at first glance.
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