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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Everyone can see all the challenges. However some are password protected (marked with an *). Only those that know the pw can join those. Select "Battle" from the main menu, pick your scenario, pick your side, under "Select Game" options set the players to "2 Players - Automated PBEM++". That will show a new field for you to set a pw on the match if you are coordinating with an opponent.
  2. That's just your opinion. Given that Steve opinion is the one that counts... If you don't like this thread go contribute something to one of the other CM sub forums instead of trying to derail this one. There are still discussion going on in other threads, dispute your claims otherwise. Go contribute to those discussions and stop being off topic here.
  3. LOL I did not notice that. I went searching for images of Iian McNiel and came up short so I had to resort to reverse image search to figure out what your picture was.
  4. Why wait? Once it is out on Steam you can get keys to activate it and in the meantime you get to play. To answer your question: integrating the Matrix PBEM++ system and adding support for the tournament has taken longer than anticipated. I believe the goal is to release the steam versions of the CM products with that working from day one once the features in in Cold War and the issues are resolved. BFCElvis has made posts about this so I am not sharing anything new here just relaying information that is already available but from memory.
  5. I don't think that's what Steve said. He said they would not be releasing new content at the moment. He did not say that work had been halted. I found this from BFCElvis (I am pretty sure Steve said the same but I didn't find that post before I found this one):
  6. This was shared on The Few Good Men site: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/a-turning-point-in-ukraine/id1629454648?i=1000568268889 I listened to this yesterday. He had some interesting thoughts. I don't think that I agree with him that the Russians can stand attrition better than the Ukrainians. I mean if you purely measure populations numbers sure but that's not the only factor. He pointed out what we already have been talking about that Russian artillery is what is letting them make progress and hold out. There was discussion about the problems the RA has with supplying artillery ammo and UA's current campaign to disrupt RA logistics, particularly with regard to artillery ammo. He had some lessons learned for other armies to take from this: stockpiles of ammo are important, being able to supply ammo for your own army is important, NATO 155mm artillery standard really isn't as standard as it should be, and they need to fix that. Apparently different countries guns have different charging requirements, different fuse requirements, different maintenance requirements. This is hurting the UA since they have battery by battery different fuse, charge, training and maintenance requirements. Ouch. His estimate is that drones are lasting about a week on the battlefield before they get nailed by the enemy or otherwise become non serviceable. Therefore armies should be making sure they have systems that are cheap and easy to replace. He pointed out that having big complex systems if fine to be part of the UAV mix but the bulk of the UAVs that are available have to be easy to replace. Interesting tidbit at the end about why he is not making predictions - he's advising the UA and therefore knows some of what they are planning so is being careful not to reveal any of that.
  7. He's the exec at Sltherine who works with the UK military and helped create the partnership with BFC to bring CM to the UK military and to Steam. Hey that's Billy McNeill not Iian.
  8. Hell yes. Put us war gamers head to head with a game / sim and sure we can perform well. Put us head to head with live soldiers. Yikes we would have no hope because we don't have a relationship with our subordinates, we don't have their trust, we don't have experience with managing the pressure that RL combat generates, the list of what we don't have goes on and on and on. Give those officers time in CM to "fail forward" with their tactical decisions and then those officers can kick our ass IRL and in the game
  9. Yeah, that error sounds like the one that Win10 owners got with the 1.x version of Fortress Italy. Since you are doing a new install I recommend getting the full install version of the Engine 4 update for the games. That way you don't have to run multiple installs and worry that you missed a part.
  10. Those losses claimed are for a single day not a month. A likely story /s
  11. Could the hexagon be the circle at the end of a way point? At any rate if the building is inside the setup zone use the move command (N) to place them in the building and pick the floor you want when prompted. Now use the face command (G) to get them to look out the windows you want. If the building is not inside the setup zone (or when the game begins) give your team a move order (N, or I, or F) to the building, select the floor when prompted. Now click on the last movement leg - anywhere on the coloured line or the white end cap hex or circle - and use the face command (G) to tell them what windows to look out of when they get there. Regarding entrenchments: they should automatically do that. If they don't try the face command to jog them into repositioning. I find particularly with AT guns this really helps get them behind sandbag walls.
  12. Yeah I'm worried this will stall out too. I don't doubt that the Russian Army is battered and in terrible shape but they can sit around for a long time if they are not challenged hard enough. To actually collapse they need some strong actions to push them over. Same. Maybe if / once the Ukrainian Army can force an artillery advantage they can use that to produce more opportunities to push the Russian Army house of cards over.
  13. LOL and a bit of lack of awareness there too: They released a war-game showing the Russian Army taking Kyiv after all forces anywhere near Kyiv were withdrawn in defeat. Massive Ooops there.
  14. Did he just say the quiet part out loud Perhaps, but they can project power into the Pacific without re taking Taiwan. Admittedly it is harder but I think we have seen a demonstration of what additional problems can come from such an action. It should be clear to China that they would be better off continuing to harass shipping in international waters as a way of pushing back. They can do that essentially forever without getting into significant negative reaction. That's a pretty big "should" though so we cannot rule out more over action.
  15. If you have an nVidia graphics card you can run GeExperienece and use the built in screen capture. I stopped using it since they kept disabling it every time there was an update which I found frustrating but it works fine. I am currently using Bandi Cam which was recommended by others here. It works great, always works and I can turn it on with the CM game already running and ti works then too.
  16. LOL I was all queued up to post a link to that cartoon too. It is awesome how that cartoon is timeless and the hover text is an added extra jab that gets funnier as we move further and further away from micro USB connectors.
  17. You conspiracy theory nut you We see lots of signs that that lavish spending was not really applied to the military. We saw tanks going into battle without ERA installed, we saw second and third grade equipment show up with units that were said to be using the most modern equipment, we saw prepared rations that were long past their consume date. Even if he could maintain previous spending levels, clearly lots of money is going into various people's pockets rather than the military.
  18. I do not think we have ever seen BFC intentionally release a game or pack on an anniversary. They are big believers in releasing when the product is ready instead of forcing something out that isn't yet fully baked.
  19. Nothing but the packaging and a difference in where some files are located on your HD.
  20. Really nice @Bil Hardenberger. I do like the green intent information. I think it will help with understanding the rules.
  21. That is certainly possible but I am not so sure. It seems that the US intel warning that the Russians were going to hit the airports around Kyvi and attempt a fake coup allowed the Ukrainians to stop the assaults on the air field and interfere with the assault on their president. If indeed the US intel was key to stopping those early moves and the Ukrainias never got that intel then the initial phase of the war could have been quiet different. Imagine if a new president was inserted and the Russian army was holding key locations in Kyiv the chaos that would have generated for the Ukranian army would have been non trivial. Thankfully that is nothing but speculation at this point though.
  22. I think this is true. I'd like to see that scenario be the removal off all Russian troops on Ukrainian soil. It is clear that the Russian Army is very degraded and in terrible shape. My concern though is so far the Ukrainian Army has not shown it has the ability to really push hard on the teetering wall. The RA has been on the verge of collapsing for quite a while now but they are holding the front together, mostly. For something to give and soon the UA needs to push hard to get the ball rolling. If they are just getting ready then that's good and we will see something happen but if they are actually not capability of that push then this could last a longer than anyone likes. I'm rooting for a good hard shove...
  23. That is my impression but I have not tested it. Part of the issue is ready troops coming under morale effecting fire will displace and get out of there - thus at least partially preserving their morale. Exhausted troops are not able to do that. So is spot on.
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