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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Great I am looking forward to that - that briefing screen looks really nice.
  2. Well considering honourary citizenship doesn't really mean anything any way I say go ahead. Ah trick question there Yes, the snow modelled in CMFI has effects on game play, slower movement more tiring etc.) and Yes it looks like a white surface. And given that the official announcement says no new features and snow will be included I think that the snow effects will be ported over and be quite sufficient.
  3. LOL glad you are having fun. The problem of small briefing and game screens has been mentioned a few times. We will probably hear more and more as the screen resolutions go up.
  4. That looks really cool. In your free time can you do a tutorial on how you did it? D)
  5. It appears to be a corner case for really bad visibility and really close proximity. Frankly speaking I do not think many people will run into it very much. I would not characterize any settled as being buggy.
  6. I have a test that I run on every build that includes some BMP3 on Bradley action. It is about ERA blocks and not able weapon choice but having the BMP3 use its 30mm under 1000m is what I see as more common.
  7. Yes, absolutely they have. And yes absolutely they would make adjustments on the basis of evidence.
  8. Indeed, however the BMP crew would not know this. Well, not for first shot anyway.
  9. Yeah those canister rounds are cool to watch. Not cool to be on the receiving end of. They only have a small number and so they don't use them unless the commander feels like they will get a good bang for his buck. Keep playing with them and you will see them.
  10. Ah, I'm not really sure what you thought would happen. I think you found a bug. Now we will have to wait and see if and when it gets fixed. It is a fine and dandy to get all engineering perfectionist on BFC but like any good engineer you have to recognize that attempting to achieve perfection just leads to nothing ever getting completed. So by way of example, looking back, that hull down spotting bug took a really long time before the fix got into our hands. Another example is the one story building entry defect. That one had an extremely high priority and it still took a while before we had the fix. Now this one is a classic example of a corner case. It might even get the "not worth fixing" treatment like @sburke suggests. Even if it does get fixed it could be a while. At some point soon I'll package it up and make a report but I'm busy with RL most of this weekend.
  11. This is the single biggest factor. If you want more realistic games and causality rates then you need to slow down, spend more time taking care of all wounded, bringing up more support and most importantly stop fighting once your casually levels tick up. Sounds like what you need is more house rules
  12. I don't think that this is really worth working about. Not withstanding the OP's situation AT assets like Javelin missiles are very rarely used against infantry. If you want the chance to be zero then I guess you need to split the squad but it is a problem only rarely so I would not worry about it.
  13. OK a standard target arc should not change their decisions about what to fire.
  14. Yeah it sure can feel like that around here. Nice to have idea though. I like the additional idea of shoving the slow guys out of the way. "Move it ya lazy b*****"
  15. These or some combination could make a good suggestion - but not really a good demand Wiggum15 and ASL Veteran, you guys keep saying the same thing and expecting the other guy to figure it out Perhaps explaining it a different way and see if that helps. ASL Ventran is totally correct about where the icons come from - units that were either at one time spotted and moved or created enough noise or moving shadows to rate a possible contact. Wiggum15 must be correct in some fashion about the game "knowing" where what coordinates on the map to draw it. Obviously we don't know the details of how this works but clearly those icons's location are not tied to the unit directly. And clearly they are tied to it in other ways because they tend to disappear when the unit that generated them becomes fully spotted or is eliminated. What myself, Wiggum15 and akd are suggesting is that the Tac AI, under certain conditions, area fire at the ground where the strongest of those ? icons are located. So that means area targeting of suspected enemy unit locations. But the point is they would be targeting the action square nearest the place the game already knows to draw the ? icon. Area targeting the action square, if and only if the unit has LOF to that location. Thewood1's concern about causing the AI to waste ammo while interesting I think is easily dealt with by the restrictions that are described above. Especially my version - which would really only fire in response to incoming fire so has the advantage of not wasting ammo and having a high degree of likely hood that some enemy is nearby but has the disadvantage that ? icons in observation posts would not get fired at. Or perhaps my way of explaining it will not be different enough.
  16. Nope, there is no difference there. This time I am sure
  17. Yes, target light should encourage less AT rocket use but it will also encourage less grenade launcher use too. The OP ran into the problem that was noticed during testing and was changed to be less common but it was not eliminated form the Tac AI's tool box. We could advocate for even less use against non vehicle targets but we already have seen a couple of threads asking for *more* use against infantry. A question for Abdolmartin, did you use the target command on the enemy unit? Or did you let your guys just choose their own targets.
  18. I think that there is variability in how may active players there are between the tittles. However I don't think it matters much. There are several online wargaming clubs and at theBlitz where I find many opponents there is always some one willing to play any of the games. So I would pick the game theatre you like and not worry about finding opponents because there will be enough.
  19. I forget and I am not really close to my computer right now but I don't think that vehicles get a special equipment panel. Under their status panel (the wrench like thing next to the ammo listing) is there a radio listed? When the Company CO team moves they will be out of radio contact. Once they stop radio contact will be reestablished.
  20. Massive supposition there you don't know a damn thing about it - and neither do I. I realize that you have been frustrated because you did not get "perfect pixel troops"tm behaviour. That is clear. People post here frequently that spotting is broken half the time they are expecting "perfect pixel troops"tm and get bent out of shape when they don't get it. The other half just have it wrong and it is demonstrable that the game is correct. The rest have found a real bug (yeah the number finding real bugs is that small). Just because you declare it broken does not mean you are right. You can make an argument that sometimes people posting get a little bit of a smack down but frankly speaking if you look closely you will notice that the get what they give. Those that ask questions along the lines of "why did this happen" get suggestions and help and those that say "this is broke and I know why - their code sucks" get a very different response.
  21. The Blitz is running four scenarios this month. Sign up for the April Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: MG Drive on the Dreijenseweg CMFI: Palma di Montechiaro CMRT: Augustow Plague Boil CMBS: Going To Town The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
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