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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Oh my stuff was bogging constantly - really messed with my convoy timing. The German HTs were pretty good I think one got immobilized but they were constantly getting stuck and eventually getting free. The STigers bogged here and there but not to bad but they stayed on the road 100% of the time. One ended the game immobilized but that was due to enemy fire - those 105 shells are slightly nasty.
  2. "Nobody Hurt? Good!!!" How very A team This was a sucky moment. But good thing I brought two of those beasties to the party. Of course at this point no one knew that yet... That hurt and totally messed up the timing of my barrage - of course in the end the barrage was pretty pathetic so oh well. Naw, I don't think anything has changed. The thing about being on the ridge line like this is if the shots are not right on the bullets just wizz by and have little impact. They guy doing the buddy aid did not even realize he was still being shot at.
  3. I think it could work actually. I pretty much fired on every sound contact I could see. So if I never fired on some of your guys then I probably did not see them. The thing is my plan was to hold my attack force out of view until the mortars started up and then rush forward and cover the infantry with the HTs on the ridge line while the Strum Tigers fired on the juicy targets. The whole thing started unravelling with the loss of the big guns and then half the attack force and then the mortars were just not powerful enough. Duh!! what was I thinking?? Considering I usually have a lot more artillery and a linear barrage like I was using would normally be 4 tubes for each side only one tube per side was not going to do much. After loosing both big guns the plan was pretty questionable. After loosing half the attack force I should have called it off but for the sake of the comic I had to attack! I knew you were pretty short on infantry and hoped that if I could get some men into the village I could force something but really it was a long, long shot. And a total failure really. But I still had a platoon at the top of the hill with plenty of AT capabilities so I knew I could hold that ground. Not a stellar showing for the Germans but not a total write off either. Oh My order of battles was pretty straight forward: A company of mechanized infantry (two platoons with a 20mm command HT) each platoon with a Shrek team and plenty of fausts. Most of the weapons platoon removed except for two HT mounted mortars. I thought it would be cool to snow the mortars firing from inside the HT but then I realized you guys probably never saw that - LOL. Attached to them was two Strum Tigers. I am a firm believer in if you have only one you might as well have none. In these conditions the chances of getting stuck or having a gun hit totally wreck my day meant I wanted two of these guys. It was not a good day when the second big gun was put out of commission - grrrr.
  4. Always with the hilarious names - good one. I hope you enjoyed getting to read this comic in real time instead of having to wait until the end. Yeah, you have been hanging around Ken a lot... Which absolutely blew my mind. This dang rifle grenades don't usually hit anything. Close only counts in horse shoes, hand grenades and...
  5. Nice panel - great sense of foreboding. Yep Really really loud. They are aw some. At this point I realized I had no idea how long it took to reload. I had not played with them at all so I had no idea what their shell could do or what their rate of fire was. After this first shot I had to quickly setup a test so I had some kind of idea how long they took to reload. It turns out a little over two minutes. My plan was always to shoot and scoot and let the near by infantry pick rough targets. The orders I gave the big gun was to move forward to and face the direction of what I wanted to shoot at with a 20 or 30 second pause and then backup. Always staying on the road. I wanted to avoid two things - getting bogged and getting immobilized while sitting there exposed while re loading. Since I could not see any tanks at first and I wanted to make an impression I fired on that building just to see what would happen. I knew there was someone in that building but I had no idea it was the CO. Lucky shot. Mind you with a shell like that who needs luck. PS in case you guys have not figured this out I am reading the comic for the first time and commenting here and there as I go. I am on page 9 of 33 so this is going to take awhile...
  6. At this point the "what are they up to?" is setting up for the assault which included a mortar barrage....
  7. Well you nailed it Wow all I had to do was push the BRB
  8. Yep, for me that assault just rolled along like clock work - everything went my way. Just don't get cocky.
  9. Yeah, those things are great - if they are on your side. Yeah that really, really did not go well for the Americans in those opening minutes Self publish opportunity @Bud_B Great shot. They had a pretty good view too.
  10. Wow, I had no idea how close things were to going the other way. The opening of this matchup really did go my way. Same cannot be said for the ending.
  11. Nice way to start @Bud_b - I like this one as a way to setup "somethings coming". I guess my guys were not very quiet.
  12. The game has three separate camera modes that you can choose from. I am not 100 percent sure if that is available in the demo but I think it is. Perhaps one of those would be more to your liking. I totally disagree that the camera should always be pointing down. The beauty in this game is in watching the action as it unfolds from the perspective of the troops on the ground. I guess I do not view this as an rst. This game is not about strategy it is about tactics
  13. CMAK was my absolute favorite of the fist series so I am hoping for a CM2x version some day. I realize it is less popular but I am hoping that once they move back in time on the eastern front they will find that they already have most of the vehicle models ready and then they can think about reusing as much as possible and consider doing it. That is my hope, it is a long way off probably.
  14. You can have as many versions installed at once as you like. I often have an older patch versions installed alongside the latest version so I can continue older PBEM games.
  15. The other thing is the map needs to be set to match the type of QB you plan to play. Probe, assault, etc. Otherwise it will not show up in the list of maps to choose from.
  16. Have you been submitting these to the scenario depot? Just checking...
  17. I would go with a desktop too. Whenever you buy a component for a notebook it either costs a little more (to be made to fit in a smaller space) or has a lower capability (so it puts out less heat). You can save $ and get better performance from wisely specifying a desktop computer.
  18. Yeah, even those that chose wrongly Sorry you did not get more votes I thought that little exchange between the Ian's would trigger more than what two more votes on you poll.
  19. @Battlefront.com that was very interesting. I do not believe we have seen that discussed before (I am referring to the discussion about the LOS being degraded as it goes). Thanks @Placebo putting that into the manual might cause too much information for my brain for people. On the other hand it would be good to have it available some where. I wonder if the wiki is still active...
  20. Yes because there is manual intervention to actually post it on the site.
  21. Great summary there @Schrullenhaft. I would only add get an NVidia graphics card over an AMD card. As for finding a machine you might have more luck if you find a local computer store and spec it out. I asked around and found a place recommended by a couple of friends. Their usual market is local small businesses but they were happy to set up a gamking machine in their usual plain case.
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