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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Those kinds of things are pretty funny. In Canada we have a spoof news show "This hour has 22 minutes" that had a segment a few years back called talking to Americans. Here is a collection of hightlights (or lowligthts) but check out number 10 the mother is fooled but the kid busts Rick Mercer. Someone way paying attention in class - he could not have been home schooled cause mom was sucked in. At our house that got the most laughs. http://www.buzzfeed.com/cylapanin/best-moments-from-rick-mercer-talking-to-amercans#.xi7X9RrVAA
  2. I happened to be poking around my icon mods (for another reason) and double checked this. There are four '?' fow icons for vehicles: tanks, light armour (light tanks and half tracks) and trucks.
  3. Except for the fact that, for some tanks at least, crews had to dismount to start the engine. Defiantly not something that should be done when the action is close by. So good thing the ? contacts in game differentiate between two sizes of tanks, half tracks and trucks.
  4. Yes. A long time a go (but in this galaxy:-) I had a very good lesson on this. I had a platoon of Royal Tigers formed up in a field behind the crest of a hill waiting to assault the town - the infantry support was still driving to their location. The unbuttoned tanks sat waiting patiently for me to give the orders to crest the hill and attack the town. The had no contacts of any kind. As soon as the infantry started disembarking from their trucks and forming up in their jump of points in one tree line to assault the town the field next to my tanks light up with contacts that the infantry received once the were out of the trucks. The had no visibility into the next field and neither did the tank commanders. The infantry could hear moving enemy tanks beyond the tree line on the other side of the field. Here is the post I made back in the day: I created a video for the fun that followed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhDNa020EEw Sadly I did not make one for the moment when the sound contacts started appearing. I'm not sure how far it goes though...
  5. The tank is not supposed to be able to fire at all if the weapons controls are destroyed. Sounds like a bug. Do you have a save?
  6. The thread you linked is a good one to read on this subject. As @76mm mentioned deleting the HQ units can be challenging. The trick is they have to be the last to go at their level. You can only delete the Company CO after you delete any non platoon units that are attached (usually an HQ support unit or XO unit or vehicles and occasionally an AT asset) once those guys are gone you can select the HQ and delete it. As and example to get one infantry platoon purchase an infantry battalion and expand the top level. Select each company except the one you want to keep one at a time and delete each one. Then delete any top level battalion units and then delete the HQ unit. Now expand the company you kept. This time select each platoon except the first one and delete it. Then delete any top level company units and finally the company HQ. Now you have what you want: a force of one platoon. With the platoon label selected you can now attach any specialist teams you want to. For example you could add a breach team to the platoon or a sniper team. The place to look is the scenario depot. Here is a direct link to CMRT maps: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/search-2/#search/category=CM+RED+THUNDER+[MAPS] but you can also look at scenarios on the site and you can open any QB or scenario that comes with the game in the scenario editor.
  7. Just FYI about the demos the CMBN demo is the oldest and still based on the original release. For a better indication of what the game is like I recommend that you try the CMRT demo for WW2 titles.
  8. always good advice. @barbaju, nice fist post. Joined in 2009 first post in 2016. That could be a record.
  9. The way you create targets that don't shoot back is make them fanatic motivation and give them a tight covered arc. If you run your tests in hot seat mode you can set that up plus correctanything that goes side ways. Reminder to repeat the runs lots of times. People usually set things up and then save the turn (in command phase before the turn is calculated) then it saves you from setting things up again.
  10. The front armour on that thing can absorb 10 or 20 shots I am guessing that is what he is thinking. Good suggestion in my opinion. Looks like he is trying to take out all four.
  11. I often have trouble finding my TRPs. Drop one in the woods and good luck :). I often take a screen shot from camera position 4 or 5 while the icons are still up so I have a fighting chance to find them.
  12. Can you do it now? If you give your APC a hunt command and the infantry inside a hunt command to a location close by the end point: then when the APC sees something and stops the troops will jump out and start hunting and stop when they spot the threat too. PS I have not tried it but it feels like it should work.
  13. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the January scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMRT: Gog and Magog CMBS: Duelling Shashkas The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  14. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the January Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMRT: Gog and Magog CMBS: Duelling Shashkas The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  15. I have a question and perhaps now that we have reasonable sorts hanging around here I might get an actual answer. So, this is just a question. From a guy that genuinely is trying to understand. Nothing more. That's all. All that because the last time I asked I pissed people off and I have no desire to do that... Why does it matter that the fps is only 30 or even 20? Doesn't the camera moving and keyboard input being smooth matter more? What gets better when the fps goes from 30 to 40 or 50 or 60?
  16. So, javelins do get used against infantry. Both in the open and in buildings. Apparently it is fairly common in real life. The tac AI was adjusted to strongly favour armour targets. But it will still fire against infantry, especially in buildings. They will get used occasionally against infantry in the open but much less often.
  17. Yeah, that does not seem to be modeled. The rubble stays in the original building's foot print. Not quite right but it is what it is. For small buildings it is fine but not so much for larger ones. Yep it is possible. I had a test map that I used to bring down big buildings. Nope not possible. It is way too unsafe to do. Not just due to basements. Right impossible. Which is a good thing ( tm)
  18. I agree use normal and yes larger caliber artillery is better. I have not done extensive testing mind you so I can say how much of a difference we are looking at. Yeah, there is a bit of a sticky whicket. Clearly the building construction does matter and you can see it when comparing barns to buildings. However it is not clear to me that when you change the outside appearance of a building from wood siding to stone that it makes any difference. In fact I don't think it does. Yes, absolutely! Well sure in the sencevit takes a lot to bring them down but if you look closely at a new construction sit you will notice a concrete frame with lots of open space. In the final construction that empty space is filled with not much more than dry wall. 14 stories is the max so yes.
  19. Yes. I don't know what the algorithm is exactly.
  20. The qb system automatically creates points for units and vls based on the size of the battle. The relative size is any vl points are respected but not the actual values.
  21. Excellent and welcome to the forums. If you had not mentioned your English was a second language I would have never guessed. Forest fights have come up a lot. As someone with plenty of experience from both sides I am very happy with forest fighting. Which is to say very frustrated . There is some disagreement but I think on balance it is modeled well. So many times I see both sides feeling like they got the short end of the stick in a forest fight. Often I see both sides with men fleeing the line of contact. It feels pretty good to me. Well if your gunner or mem cannot see the place you want them to fire how are they supposed to? I know sometime it is a little off but your solution of firing on the location just closest where you can target is probably pretty much correct. On balance this one might be a bit off in some places but I always felt it was not a huge deal and much of the time it is really not wrong. My advice is just go with it and use your work arounds and let the rest just fall in the **** happens and on war lots of bad **** happens bucket. There are two things at work here IMHO. One most of the casualties were caused by HE and MGs after artillery which is just HE anyway. And two we are far more aggressive as commanders than those in real life. Plenty of engagements we push to the end would really have ended up with the enemy withdrawing after taking several casualties from enemy armour that they had no way of neutralizing. indeed happy new year. No doubt this thread will generate some significant discussion and disagreement. Hopefully all in a good spirit. I look forward to reading others opinions.
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