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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Ken built that scenario once it was hilarious for about one minute before you realized that there was no way for you to succeed. I figured no way I can do it! But I failed and watched every tank go up in flames on by one.
  2. For sure. I cannot speak for @Andrew H. but my thinking was that was self deprecating sarcasm.
  3. Yes, the game *is* released they just have not announced it yet. Steve said that will come soon - but you don't care - now that you know you can just go get it
  4. Oh man I hate it when that happens. You would think with all the stuff we have each lost we would takes steps to never let that happen again. Source control - Git or SVN perhaps. Or just zip up directories and copy to drop box.
  5. Yeah, I suppose I'll live No way man that's what sniper are for. I think there is some serious observation bias going on here. I have seen many, many TC's duck down successfully after the bullets start flying. It just happened nicely in a CMBN game I am playing. I suppose I could setup a quick comparison between CMBN and CMFB just to make sure. I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to do that so anyone who wants to beat me to it feel free.
  6. Cool those things are truly nasty if they get the drop on you. That hit decal is pretty big right.
  7. That seems like a good way to think about it to me. Yeah - that's us players' job
  8. Cool good to know. It is not really perfect. I guess I would have expected it to just unbutton as a side effect of giving it a target command. But I suppose it is a good thing that you know what to do to get it to work. Have fun.
  9. I suppose that might work but it is not very efficient. Do you have any demo charges? That is the best way to breach a wall. Yeah that can be. They do that from time to time, mostly when crowded like that. One thing you can do is split teams and have only one in the corner of the walls and have the other team along the wall one action square away. That will really help.
  10. Yeah sometimes it would be nice to be able to jump from the company HQ tank to each of the platoons. As far as I can tell it is just a limitation of the UI.
  11. My guesses would look just like @Raptorx7's list. But with the M36 at the top of the list. Do you know the answer and are testing us or are you just as in the dark as us?
  12. I have had good success with using smoke offensively. An artillery barrage is always a good idea but once the IVS get rolling I throw smoke in front and then move forward behind it. The idea is to have the last smoke be close to the enemy (~100m - 150m or so) so that once you break cover any Javelin's will not be able to get a lock fast enough. What it looks like from the defender's point of view is: IFVs supported by tanks break cover and moments later throw a line of smoke across the entire advance - no time for a javelin lock. A while later they break the smoke cover and moments later they throw more smoke - still not Javelin lock. Then they break the last smoke screen they area fire all across my lines with the tanks stopping just out of the smoke and the IFVs coming closer as they fire. The infantry unload and overrun my positions while I am taking fire from all of those AFVs. When I works it can work pretty well. I just had a nearly perfect execution against a stryker equipped foe but I am not really sure how strong a force I was facing and my T90s did take a few AT4 hits but the shrugged them off OK. I have done similar against M1 supported positions and it worked pretty well too but it was bloodier.
  13. No. A bad leader will give some benefit to a squad. A better leader more benefit. There are three colours of lines? I never noticed - back to the game for me. They will share spotting information. Not sure about shooting straighter. Defiantly makes them less likely to panic. They recover faster if they do get shaken. And the effects of panicking or being shaken are less then if they entered into that state without being in C2. In other words if a squad out of C2 gets into trouble they will end up Rattled or Broken quicker than the same squad in the same trouble that is in C2. I think that mostly deals with information sharing. One other thing that you could see is a squad that is in C2 according to the voice, visible icons but out of C2 by the green / red dots in the command structure. This means that a higher level HQ is close enough to give support to the squad but it is not their Platoon HQ. For example if you have a platoon that is spread out to guard something that is not under direct threat you can have a company HQ assist in keeping all the squads under C2. Also if a platoon HQ is eliminated or is leaderless you can push the company HQ forward and keep the platoon's squads in C2.
  14. Yeah, @MOS:96B2P has done a lot of good stuff around C2. Great threads. And I am totally stalking him on the forum I mean. The short answer is no that would be a bad thing.
  15. Makes sense. My main point is for people to be aware of what they mean and the potential downsides so they are not surprised later. Thanks for the more detail.
  16. The dismounted setting turns them into ammo dumps. One thing you can try is add them as normal and in the deployment dismount the crews. I think, but have not verified, that will mean the vehicle will actually be there but they will not be crewed. If that works all you need is a safe out of the way place to put the crew(s).
  17. One thing I noticed is for that period very few if the icon systems spent a lot of time on identifying single assets. The Germans pretty much never did - they had an icon for a platoon and a modified version to represent an entire company with adornments for above that. The Russians focused more on formations - with connecting lines to show convoys, defensive postures or attack formations. The Western Allies did seem to draw individual tanks occasionally but even they spent more time focusing on formations. All of which to say my impression is that there is no flame thrower icon because it would have been part of a platoon of engineers and they just did not single it out on maps. That is a bit of a "connect the dots" speculation on my part so I could be very wrong.
  18. Oh I like the steering wheel idea. That would help with loading regular infantry teams into jeeps for example - if the icon for loading turned into steering wheel the surprise of the team's infantry icon disappearing would be mitigated. Mind you having a way to match crew with assigned vehicle would be really nice first.
  19. Agreed. The scenario "CMBO Classic Wiltz" is great too but the QB battle map is really fun - cause there is a surprise - so don't look at it and find some one to play with who agrees not to look as well. No spoilers here. You will not regret it. Well you might but in a fun way
  20. More fire power and a different attack route which is what was finally successful. I have a bigger map but the portion of the map for the scenario intentionally restricts the choices to a small variation in the route the Germans used the initial two times.
  21. Glad you liked it. Yeah that .50 cal is a beast. Had to tone it down a bit. In the real battle the inexperienced operators actually overheated the barrel and had to stop using. But that was later in the day not in the first engagement which this scenario is based on.
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