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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Very cool I had no idea the vehicle crews can act as and FO. As to @gnarly's concern about vehicle safety if you dismount the crew can they act as an FO and make calls from that treeline with the vehicle safely parked below the sky line?
  2. Yes, nice job. I agree with your advice for new players to try the demo. Good advice should be repeated. I think your font an layout including graphics look good at this point too - ship it. I sent you a PM with three minor things.
  3. I see @CMFDR found something. I have also used a supply unit symbol for ammo bearers. As for light trucks - you can use a smaller version of the truck symbol. Sometimes you just have to make something up
  4. Considering how the terain mesh works this would probably not work well. Setting up the terrain heights works best when not every AS has a height set. It works better when you draw contour lines. Using the existing overlay graphic and contour lines works pretty well. ??? What's that? Do you mean a custom brush with a handful of terain tiles already in place to draw a forest with different vegetation sprinkled around? That would be nice, yes. Or are you trying to get custom terrain tiles into the game by talking about improving the editor? You mean a better AI editor? Yep that would be great! Well that is not a game feature so being able to use the editor to create them is not really needed. We could add stuff like undo redo or improved auto road routing etc. The list of improvements possible is long even when focusing on the things that are actually current game features.
  5. Lol, totally agree Ken. I totally agree Ken! There for added fun I miss used an explanation point.
  6. That was really great to read. See there is another reason I should have been reading the NYT all these years.
  7. LOL, no, no, we are talking Anne of Green Gables. All very boring here.
  8. Ah an over the shoulder shot eh. It still would be cool - might not be worth the expense. I was picturing him being interviewed or something. Do you still have a VHS player? Oddly enough we still do. Back when DVDs had clearly replaced tapes we had a need for a DVD player but we still had a ton of kid movies on VHS so we bought a dual player. It is relegated to our bedroom but my wife will still occasionally throw a tape in there so I know it still works.
  9. Nothing so mathematical. I just made sure that known and suspected position were always being fired upon. Even when I was getting guys moving I still held other units still to keep up the rate of fire. You can have teams moving forward two actions squares (about 16m) but have one team pause for 20s and fire while the other team moves and at the end of the move give them a 20s pause and a target order. If you keep alternating with multiple teams you can have some teams shooting and some teams moving at all times. I did not set things up so rigid like that. Perhaps that would have been better. I spent a lot of time not moving at first and just firing.
  10. Are you saying you found an add on a porn web site and don't want to admit it or that you don't remember how you found CM
  11. LOL withdraw back to town. This scenario is based around what the German commanders actually did that morning - try to cross the open field into the US fire. Later in the day when they actually succeeded in clearing out the US soldiers they flanked the US position several hundred meters along the woods back from the village and came at them through the forest. In this scenario the only real way you can get anywhere is to pour fire onto the ridge as best you can at every opportunity. The upper floors of the houses help some of the MG's get a better view. Try to move less and fire more at the beginning but once you start trying to cross the open ground look for any depressions you can find and just keep forcing forward until you make the treeline. Honestly the best I have ever managed was to get a few guys onto the objective. Which I don't think even got me a draw - I forget exactly. Some one did manage a pretty good showing though - well relatively.
  12. Joined in June of 2014 and first post to day... Could be a record. A short cover arc *is* the right thing to do in order to get them to hold fire. It is never a 100% thing though. The higher their motivation the more likely they will obey even when tempted not to.
  13. Yeah switching to the P38 I have seen - because he has run out the current belt / box on the MG42. Then after the action dies down he switches to reloading. What you are describing - switching back and forth does not sound right. I agree with @womble that it could be a rare quirk in the TacAI that has to do with the close range of the target. If people do see this more frequently then we should gather up a saved game and get it onto the right hands.
  14. Yeah, I keep checking to make sure I did not forget to give them the deploy command.
  15. Hedges have always been passable for infantry and vehicles. The low bocage (which is what you are probably talking about) is passable in CMRT and CMBF because it is not representing actual bocage just some thick vegetation. I personally would prefer that it look different too but there ya go.
  16. Sorry to hear that. Good luck to you both. I really like your animated text mod so I am happy to hear it is under way. I had a look at what you guys did for it a while back and it hurt my brain
  17. CM by committee LOL. Mind you it is really a fun idea and I am glad he did it - just watching over here though.
  18. I have never had access to something like that - nice. Oh that sounds cool. Any chance of getting that digitized and put on YouTube?
  19. Interesting. Same. Mind you I was never satisfied with the experience and had long given up both hex and min figure war games. So, that made CM easy to switch to BTW for me the FOW *is* the thing. Nothing beats the feeling of not knowing what is coming next or what your opponent is up to or how well or not they are doing. That makes the game. LOL not me rules arguments and which tank is the best tank ever discussions wear thin after about 5 minutes Yep, exactly.
  20. This is what I was thinking as well. One of @[MyIS] Buffpuff's scenario looked like that was the case but not all of them... Makes sense and agree with the last part. I have seen MG42 gunners running with the MG over their back and their pistol in their hand. That often leads to them firing a few rounds with the pistol before switching back to the MG if their team runs into trouble.
  21. These are looking good. I could never find a document with the Italian tactical symbols when I looked. This is really cool! BTW I like your icon style.
  22. That would be hilarious. Or not I wish the word was more out there though because then I would have been playing these games for 10 years longer. I feel like I missed 10 years of my life Now I am really not sure how I would have heard about the games because I am a bit of an odd duck in that the only computer games I play are the CM games. OK I play angry birds a bit and I played roller coaster and zoo tycoon with the kids and the odd acade game with then but that pretty much sums it up so I have never paid any attention to what game was hot or read any game reviews. I am not sure where any advertising would have reached me. But I guarantee I would have bought a copy the very next day after seeing an add
  23. ?? Stop what, pointing out issues that need to be though about ?? BTW your campaign is only across two games: CMBN and CMFB. The MG module is an add on for CMBN and therefor the location and units from that module can easily be used in one campaign. My suggestion would be to make the campaign in CMBN and if you need to set some battles in areas not covered by that game then use tagged mods to make it look closer. Then you will have one campaign and continuity for the whole thing. The only thing you will be missing is some newer equipment but you can just substitute slightly older gear. It is not like they stopped using much of what was available in September 1944 by May 1945.
  24. I could not disagree more. With respect though. Just this last week we have had worthwhile conversations about half tracks, stug crew behaviour and fortifications. Heck there are likely to be changes to the game. It has been a refreshing change. Those threads would have utterly failed to be productive without the recent removals - or the older ones still standing. Trolls wreck things for everyone. I never want to see them here again.
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