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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Do you need a whammbulance? Excellent - for the AI. It's only a flesh wound.
  2. Changes to strings is the big one. @MikeyD pointed out some changes in models that require mod art updates too. Yes, after you have the patch put them back after deleting anything that you know effects the afore mentioned items. Honestly, and don't tell Steve :), I never remove the mods enmass. I remove the ones that are known to cause problems (vins animated text mod) and install. If something should turn out to be goofy then I move the mods aside and try again.
  3. Oh this looks cool. I especially like the look of your tactical markings on the map. Please update those alot :-)
  4. Cool - looks like a bug. I actually see the grass tuft doodad even after adding haystacks. When you delete the hay stacks the doodads stay. Exiting and reentering 3D preview moved them around some too. Repainting terrain does not stamp them out and since they are not flavour objects they aren't delete-able. They are just there. I have not tried any other titles or other flavour objects. A sampling of haystacks (note the dark tufts are already there - back left and front centre): After deleting all the haystacks: Next time into the 3D editor:
  5. Yep, same here - mostly. Now when I feel like I want to tell my troops what to shoot at I usually use the target briefly for that exact reason. The one big exception is if I really do want to suppress some enemy troops while I have other teams manoeuvre to assault them. Then I do direct targeting and usually area targeting.
  6. Hummm that does not seem right though. When I look at the campaign decision tree from @Mad Mike's scanner I see Blue (and Red) resupply are set to 100 for each battle. I thought that should mean more ammo. http://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com/FortressItaly/Campaigns/GL The Corridor.html Is it possible that the resupply does not effect artillery?
  7. I don't think that a change like that would be appropriate. All the scenarios that have been created would suddenly become unbalanced because they were designed with all or nothing objectives in mind. A new type of objective would be more appropriate. Frankly I don't think having two types of occupy objectives would be good. You guys can make the ask but I really don't see it happening - ever.
  8. I have not heard of that before. Do you have the scenario that you can share? Post a Dropbox link here or PM me if you prefer.
  9. That's a good idea @RockinHarry I had not thought of that. I knew you guys would come up with more ways to use this...
  10. No, no, no, no, NO! That is not how loading mods works. How do I know? Empirically. It has been shown that mods have very little effect on load times: Given that the actual behaviour is nothing like @Erwin's hypothetical load method, the game absolutely does NOT loads mods that way. As you can see there is a slight increase in load times but nothing like what would happen if the behaviour was to load default data files and then replace them with another one and so on and so on. A far more likely scenario is that the game knows what data files it needs to load and it conducts a search of the mod directory to find the correct file to load. The rules are straightforward and deterministic (last file in alphabetical order with the desired name is loaded).
  11. I am reminded of a saying an old boss used to use "He hit me back first". His point being that arguing over who started it is rather pointless. It is better to focus on how each party in the disagreement needs to modify their behaviour going forward.
  12. +1 Yes, it would. Hopefully one day. I like the idea of getting that information from any save. I have been thinking in terms of it coming from the end screen but often in a multi player campaign you actually need to have a game stop when the umpire wants and not go to the game end screen.
  13. Well lets fix that. Can you point me to the page on the Scenario Depot for the missing scenario. Please. Yes, but if you want to play a scenario where a bridge is the objective then you will probably want to search for scenarios you have and those you don't. As an example.
  14. The above is the goal (see special note about ShockForce and Afghanistan below*). This is a new project and while some people have looked it over and helped me fix mistakes I expect there are more to find. My request is that if you find a mistake please let me know - post here or send me a PM. You will notice that there are still quite a few scenarios missing the author's name - one thing I have not done is open those scenarios and read the briefing I hope to get there eventually. If you find your scenario listed but I have the credit wrong or credit is missing - contact me. If you find a scenario that is the wrong version - contact where your file is uploaded to and get it fixed and me too just in case I have an old version. If you have a scenario that is available but not listed here put it some where permanent (note I do *not* consider a drop box link permanent) and let me know. I monitor new additions to the scenario depot and theBlitz so you only need to tell me about new stuff that you host in other places. Check it out here: http://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com Enjoy! What this site is It is supposed to be a search-able sort-able list of all scenarios for CombatMission games. It combines a list of all stock scenarios and all downloadable scenarios from the old repository, the new scenario depot with information from play result information from theBlitz. What this site is not It is not a source for uploading or downloading scenarios. This site does not host anything it only provides links to where the files are hosted. A little background The site is totally generated from the .btt and .cam files along with some data files with ulrs, author's names. What I have done is created directories for each game and organized the .btt files into Scenario, Map, and QB Map sub-directorires and the .cam files in to a campaign directory. I place the additional data (urls, authors names) into appropriately named files. I have a simple system of scripts that run @Mad Mike's scan tool to produce xml data for the scenario files which I then process into html pages using xslt. So, when new content is released all I need to do is copy the .btt or .cam file to the right location add an entry with the additional data for the new file and run a script which creates the new html and ftps it to my web server. * CM ShockForce and CM Afghanistan are not included. This is because the scan tool does not handle those files. There is talk that CMSF will be updated and @MadMike says he would consider updating the scanner for those files when that happens. When he does I'll add CMSF to the site. I don't think there is much hope of Afghanistan being added but again - if the scan tool is updated to handle it I'll add it to the site.
  15. Actually he recently added the star ranking feature to the site. We all need to vote on how much we liked the scenarios that we download and that 50 most popular link will grow as more people rate the scenarios.
  16. I am currently running it with Java 8 (I am sure I have run it with Java 6 and 7 at various times but I am not sure what version 1.9 actually requires): java version "1.8.0_66" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-b18) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b18, mixed mode) which is on my path and the command line I am using looks like this: java -jar p:\locationofscaner\CMx2_ScAn_CaDe_v1.9.jar This is not a GUI app. You should navigate to the folder where your .btt files are located and run the above command, adjusted for your actual environment.
  17. The ignore feature is a wonderful invention. I cannot get the time I wasted over the years back but I can prevent my self from ever wasting another moment on such drivel. https://xkcd.com/386/ LOL You can ignore PMs from people too so you don't even have to do that
  18. I think what matters is the lines of fire. If me and my team of three squad mates just close assaulted a tank we are going to be very close to the tank which means that we may not be able to even see the top hatches of of the turret and anyone that drops down on the other side of the tank we will be totally unaware of. CM is very good about "it does not matter if the fire fight is 10 guys vs 2 if the 10 man team only has one member that can actually see the enemy then the fire fight is really 1 vs 2".
  19. +1 there is nothing like having a kid of your own to change your perspective.
  20. This was adjusted a while back as @mjkerner said - crews come out in worse order than before and don't press the attack on their own as aggressively as before. I think @Bulletpoint has a point that surrendering could be a more common occurrence. I cannot say the way things are no really bothers me though. The number of times I loose two or three men to a tank crew is pretty rare now. Usually all the tank crew are gunned down quickly or one or two slip away in the gun fight with typically zero or one casualties on the assaulting team. One thing that can be very helpful is to have a team backing up the assaulting team. Whenever I do that none of the tank crew get away and the majority of the time I lose no one.
  21. Some people make that claim. Some do it frequently. I disagree. It is possible that there are tweaks that can be made for small arms fire but there is no better place to be than hiding in a fox hole or trench when artillery is dropping on you. None.
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