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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Which we have right now in the game. There is a mark mines command for doing just that. No need to reinvent the wheel. Engineers can do that now in game. Not quite as you outlined but they can detected mines in neighbouring action squares and once detected they can mark them. I am not sure what is missing at the moment. In the game finding minefields without stepping one one is hard. But isn't that correct? No one is advancing in combat and detecting mines at the same time. That's how I feel.
  2. LOL - yeah that was M$ plan I am sure. I get why M$ is string to restrict changes to the Program Files directories - they are trying to make it harder for malware to do bad things. The problem, as we have seen, is that can make things awkward for companies like BFC. Yes, exactly. You can actually. So, for everything after CMBN you end up with the immutable CM program files in the Program Files directory and the user controlled and changeable files in the My Documents directory. For CMBN you end up with everything installed in a user directory (I honestly forget where it goes by default now but it is not under the Program Files directory). In this setup you are expected to place user files in the directory structure under the My Documents folder - this includes mods. However you can still place files in the data folder in the Program Files directory too (but you have to jump through a few M$ hoops to get the files there): the game will look for mods in both locations. Aside: This is actually really nice because it means that you can place version specific mods in the Program Files sub directories (such as the version specific animated text mod) and the mods that work with any version of a game in the My Documents sub directories. That way if you have to have two versions of a CM2x game running for a while you can share the mods that are shareable and have version specific mods for each version too. That is my solution as well - just to keep myself sane. I actually have a Programs folder because I have a few programs that violate the new M$ rules. If you create a Games directory or a Programs directory then you can install each of the CM2x games the same way - .exe and immutable files in the Games directory and user modifiable files including mods in the My Documents sub directories.
  3. Seems like a good idea. One suggestion - use different names from the in game difficultly level names to prevent confusion. How about Tiny Meet QS 001 Arduous, Tiny Meet QS 001 Tough, and Tiny Meet QS 001 Also there is a tool that helps you to envision what your scenario's victory points would feel like. I find it useful to establish the amount of points to assign to each category. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=4236
  4. This thread reads like we are talking across each over slightly different topics. Clearing minefields in the sense of making the are entirely safe to one day be returned to farming or urban development (i.e. get them all up and or destroyed) is something that will not be happening even in a 4 hour CM battle. Hence the out of scope comments. On the other hand cutting a path Xm wide for an assault quick and dirty using bangalore torpedoes or flail vehicles or explosives is something that would be in scope. Currently in CMBN we have flail tanks but no bangalore torpedoes nor away to simulate them. We also have the mine marking and in addition we have artillery but that's not really a sure thing. In CMBS we have nothing at all besides marking AP mines. Right now we either have no tools or insufficient tools (depending on the title) to simulate the methods armies have to deal with mines at the pointy end.
  5. Wow, and all this time I have been manoeuvring to avoid friendlies between my tanks and their intended target. Mind you some of that concern does not change as your tree example reminds us. I try really really hard to prevent having infantry anywhere in the LOF near trees since the chance of an HE round striking the tree over my guys instead of the enemy across the field is real.
  6. Excellent - informative and funny all in one post. I'll be bookmarking that post. Thanks.
  7. I think that is the key. The type of QB you select has to match the type of the map for it to appear in the list. Ah, you might be biased but is truly is a nice map, so, you are correct too. Oh, and I am glad you figured out how to answer the question. I was clearly being dense.
  8. I could not find the PDF on the mod site. Can you provide a link? Is this PDF you speak of an actual PDF document designed to be a reference? I thought you were talking about a map pack named pdf. I am not at my PC but the QB maps folder should be located somewhere like My Documents/Battlefront/Final Blitzkrieg/Game Files/QB Maps.
  9. Yep that still works. The name of the overlay BMP must match, the format must be a BMP and I wonder if it needs to be a certain bit depth or not. Also press the o key to switch between different transparencies.
  10. You are so enlightened @sburke :). I think you have it right but there is that gut grrr feeling when something goes on sale that you purchased at full price not long ago. It is hard to ditch that feeling. The other wrinkle is that with the number of CM2 titles out now it is going to take me a long time to play out what I have so you could argue that any new title I could wait to buy because I have lots of games to play for many months with what I already have. In that situation if the company were prone to sales then I might as well wait for one for the new title since I have plenty to do in the mean time. The fact that they don't have sales means there is no point and I might as well buy now.
  11. A set of QB maps for CMFB? Can you provide a link? Adding qb maps the game is as simple as coping them to the qb folder. But they have to be designed for the game you want to play them with and you have to have the same version or newer of the game than what was used to design them.
  12. Yep, that's the that I found and then discovered that is from a zombie movie.
  13. When I searched using the terms in the OP I found that the image was very close to still images from a samuri zombie movie. Can the OP please post a link to the image that they they think we are talking about?
  14. We never get an ETA on that kind of stuff. Watch for posts from Chris or Steve - they are the ones that decide what to share about their schedule.
  15. Yes, ish. I am not sure if every single vehicle has a sound signature but there are definitely classes of vehicle - louder vehicles are heard sooner than quieter ones. Hide has some effect but not huge I do not know if dismounting has any effect or not. Oh, yes the physical size and shape of vehicles effects how easily they are seen. I do not believe that hiding a vehicle has any effect on it being visually spotted. For soldiers hiding means they keep their heads down so they are harder to spot - but also spot poorly themselves. Interesting thoughts on this - I had not considered that before.
  16. Version 1.12 is the pre engine v3 upgrade version. CMFI 1.20 is the v3 engine upgraded version. You are missing the v3 engine upgrade. I do no longer recall the order of things but it seems from your experience that the v3 engine upgrade came after Gustav Line.
  17. Thanks - edited it and not it works. I am not sure what happened there.
  18. OMG that is brilliant! I have to save that for future use. There ya go @user1000 now you know how to look stuff up for yourself. How does the saying to give a man a fish and you feed him for a day but teach a man to fish and you feed a man for a life time.
  19. Yes, those two things seem to have the biggest effect. Yes, discover-ability is an issue. I my self used to war game with miniatures long ago before giving that up due to lack of time and opponents and never found a computer game that cut it. I pretty much missed out on CM1x and only discovered this game when CM2x came out because I happened to overhear a couple of co worksers talking about the new version. I would have played the CM1x games from day one if I knew they existed. They have other titles that other teams develop and I know next to nothing about them. The CM team is small one or two devs and a handful of artists and modelers plus two game designers. The scenario content is created by volunteer testers and designers. Yep, I find the game stays playable with even lower frame rates than that which can happen with large maps. Here is another thing you might like: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=3847 It will help you track your game results.
  20. Actually none of us are really qualified to speak to how deep anything is or how related to an architecture decision some feature we want is. Not you, not me nor anyone else. We, as players, get more traction by talking about what we want to see improved in the game - not by saying X or Y is easy or hard. In fact I have seen a discussion about "why some easy thing has not been done yet" lead to pointless hours of debate and name calling and in the end none of us were any further along. You have offered some useful thoughts and some examples. Keep the focus on that part of this thread.
  21. Short answer is you cannot reorganize units on the fly. However higher level commanders can take over the shepherding of lower level units. Here are a couple of relevant threads to read up on the gory details:
  22. If you mean on a permanent basis then they should go to the Scenario Depot - IMHO. Could be put up in packs or individually - I think that depends on how many get made.
  23. I should have dug these out earlier. This is a performance thread that has significant input from Steve. You will likely find it interesting. It is a 32 bit app so 4Gb. My rig has 16Gb too and I often have instances of all five games going - unless I have several really big games loaded I rarely break 9Gb used by all five. Sweet Steve has not made any announcement about a new engine but he mentions the idea here and there so clearly he is thinking about it at least sometimes. Humm it's a war game that focus on realistic simulation so not it is not a big fan base. There are a lot of dedicated fans though. Steam has come up several times. Here is Steve (the boss at BFC) explaining his thoughts on Steam. Just a word of warning the reason that some responses might seem hot under the collar is because a handful of members keep bringing up Steam not our of curiosity like you did but because they are unable to accept that Steve has looked at Steam and decided against going there. I think the trouble makers are no longer around here but Steam discussions tend to get people's backup because of the history. Having said that if you have more questions after reading that asking them *should* be safe
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