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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Another wrinkle the consider a higher level of command can take control of units as well. For example, if you select a platoon and see that one squad is out of command (dark line) but when you select the squad it shows it is in command that could be from the near by company HQ unit. The command lines show from the selected unit to its superior and subordinate units but they never show connections two or more levels away. The in command graphics on the other hand show if any superior HQ has command influence over the selected unit. @MOS:96B2P has done some nice investigations and has shown the above example nicely. These are worth a read.
  2. Oh that's messed up. I do not see your responses since I asked my last question. Dang it I'm not sure what is causing that. Can you send me email (once you are back) ian dot leslie at lesliesoftware dot com. Please.
  3. Ah got it. I'm not sure it is something you can put a number on but if it helps how you think of the game then cool.
  4. ? I don't recall reading that. It has been discussed before that we play the game at a faster pace that real life due to a combination of better ability to coordinate units and basic aggressiveness because our lives are not on the line. I do not recall BFC putting a mesure on it though.
  5. Oh I totally understand the desire. I am sure you are not alone. And that is the rub. There are enough differences between the available terrain and objects etc. That there would be a fair amount of work. And then such a feature needs to be tested and maintained. I think the calculus is that BFC would like to spend their time on other things. It would be nice though I agree.
  6. You read that as an attack? I had to look up polemic that's how non atack that was. The OP deserved some scorn IMHO but @Bulletpoint did not. So, that was not my intent in any way. I was simply pointing out that a change like that needs some additional changes to support it. And I wondered if he had some thoughts on that.
  7. Extra time eroding points is a good suggestion. The issue with that is it would mean changes to how the game ends. In player vs the AI when you are the attacker it would work on as now. But as the defender you can end the game when you want which might not be the best for the AI. With head to head cease fired are currently by agreement so that suggtion would not work there either. What game ending changes would you recommend for your points erosion idea to work?
  8. LOL Well that's not the argument against time limits. It is even vaguely insulting. Perhaps that was not your intention @ASL Veteran already played it out in general terms but I will add that as someone who enjoys the challenge of defending time limits are all you really have. Most scenarios and the points in quick battles give the attacker ample points to destroy the defender the best the defender can do is delay as well as possible. The time limit becomes the most important thing. Frankly when playing other humans time time limits are too long @MOS:96B2P gave you the way to work around this in the game. I think the max time is four hours if I recall correctly. I think that unless you are simulating meals and sleep that should be enough. Sounds like someone needs a waaambulance. Now you know that you can set a super long time limit and play just the way you like. Have fun!
  9. Hopefully you will get some takers - but if not here are some links that will help: PBEM opponent wanted - Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy - Battlefront.com Community
  10. Ouch. Those are annoying problems. Thankfully for me, and no help for you, I am not experiencing any of that. I manually installed the anniversary edition on both my home machine (home pro) and at work (enterprise - my IT department is pretty easy going). Everything is working fine - the game, bit locker etc. I am not seeing any of those problems. Again sorry that is not helpful to you I know. Just this morning I noticed there is an update available for the anniversary edition. In fact there have been four since that article was published. Do you have them all? Here is the list: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/12387/windows-10-update-history
  11. Oh that's great. When I read the plug-in home page for the one you are using there was no mention of such a feature so I thought it did not have that it. What you have done is perfect!
  12. Which turns out to be easier said than done for WordPress - sigh. I'll PM you with the only weighted ranking plug-in I could find.
  13. Which is a problem because a really good scenario with say 20 votes and an average of 4.2 will show up ranked lower than a scenario with only one vote that happens to be a 5. Not a good thing. It would be much better if the tool ignored any scenario that had less than 5 votes for the purposes of ranking.
  14. "Popular Uploads" or "Popular Scenarios" Question does the software you are looking at require a log in to vote? When it creates a top 10 (or top X) list does it only include top rated items that have more than a certain number of votes?
  15. Reading your initial paragraph I was concerned but your outlines look great and your explanation above seems spot on. Sounds like a good plan.
  16. But you warned them. Now no one will be surprised It would have been fun to just not mention this and see how long before someone posted about it. A well I only thought of that idea after you posted this. If I had thought of it earlier i would have pitched it.
  17. Humm OK that was not how I read it. Thanks for clarifying Ah see there ya go. I'm confused again. I do listen and now understand better where the Russian government is coming from. I don't feel like giving them a free pass to continue to behave badly because of that understanding. Sorry man, which is it: do you agree the Russian government is behaving correctly or badly with regard to Ukraine? LOL good point. However the opposite is true as well. You can't expect to deal with other countries with "we own you and you serve us" and expect everything to be A-OK afterwards. Some guy on a forum saying "TOUGH" or for that matter western countries allowing former oppressed peoples to join NATO is not even close to the provocations and now outright invasion and annexation of territory in the same region made by the Russian Government.
  18. Yep That I disagree with. Well OK they would never "turn back" in the under their control sense but they could live peaceful and prosperously and have good bilateral relationships. Russia absolutely can have influence in this world including Eastern Europe. It will take time - probably close to 50 more years but it will have to start with a massive change in attitude including contrition of past actions, following the rule of international law, trading in good faith, freedom for its own people and so on and so forth, being cooperative with neighbours on issues that matter to both. It would be great if the Russian people demanded that of their government. Some day I hope they do.
  19. Well Steve was comparing standing by while someone beats their wife to a refusal to allow the former Warsaw Pact countries into NATO and thus letting them remain vulnerable to what is actually happening to the Ukraine right now. Yeah, it is a harsh way to put it but frankly not as harsh as what the Russian Government is actually doing in Ukraine right now. Yikes. You really think that? You would be OK if the US replaced our Canada government / invaded because we didn't cooperate as the expected on one issue or another? I think the main point is just because country X can get away with action Y because that matches their concerns and priorities does not make it OK. But they should be concerned though shouldn't they. There are plenty of questionable activities going on around the world and yeah those should be called out. There are plenty of news papers, internet sites your own blog where you can criticize whomever you think deserves it. The problem is this forum is supposed to be about a game that is based in Ukraine with a back story that connects to current events. Steve has drawn a line to say that this discussion can go on as long as it connects to that game. Since he owns this forum he gets to set the rules. Go start your own forum and have at it. LOL OK sure you can be as cynical as you like about corporate behaviour, the desire for access to markets, the desire for access to resources but from a citizen's point of view it *is* because we are concerned about the right to vote and have self determination. Those of us that have that right know that it is the basis of prosperity and freedom. If other people want to join in on that way of life the that sounds good to me. If they want help to get there or protect the changes they have chosen to make - that sound good to me too. You can also be as cynical as you like about government propaganda and make a claim that all governments do it but come on really you are going to compare the system in the west the constantly challenges the government line with the system in Russia where the press *is* the government line? I appreciate Vlad's presentation of the whys and reasons behind the Russian Government actions. I really do. I had an inkling of what the motivation was but it is good to have an explanation. And I appreciate his explanation and the history behind it. Just because I appreciate that does not mean I agree or even think it is right.
  20. Considering their stated plan is to create a new game title for each of the previous years working their way back in time I highly doubt they would want to release a vehicle pack that would just take away from their future early year(s) game(s)
  21. Probably should ask if he is using a sound mod first Having said that if you have a sound mod and you temporarily remove them does it still happen? If yes, PM me a drop box link if you have a save and I can log it.
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