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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Do we have examples we can look to for such engineering - successfully? I suppose Germany and Japan circa 1945 come to mind but Hati, Iraq, Afghanistan have all been failures and pretty big ones.
  2. I sure hope not I think he means that the modules for CMBN (Commonwealth, Market Garden, Vehicle Pack, Battle Pack1) will be available on Matrix/Steam at the same time as the base game. The DLC that @Ithikial_AU is working on is something he is still working on It's not ready yet.
  3. May I suggest you contact @Bootie and arrange to upload it to CM Mods IV
  4. Nice, may I suggest that you contact @Bootie and arrange to upload your mod to https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/
  5. That is odd. I'm sorry you have having this problem. I am at a loss as to what to suggest doing next. The PBEM files are stored in your Documents folder and don't get erased or altered by installs so you should be able to try a few things and keep them safe. I suppose if you end up with a broken game that doesn't even run that would mess up your game but you are not at a high risk of losing the game files.
  6. Humm. I do have my windows desktop scaled but I have that feature turned off for the game. Hopefully I get to play with this. I'll let you now if I do.
  7. Do you have any mods installed? The animated text mod will cause odd string errors because it needs to be specifically matched to the version of the game. I'm coming in 5 days later so hopefully you already fixed your problem.
  8. Good for you playing old time version. Installing the 4.04 patch will not impact v3 - unless you mistakenly install over top of it. If you do that it will no longer work because the patch is only for v4 installs. Nice I run several versions too. Usually not more than 2 but its not a limit. You can copy your 4.03 directory and rename the copy CMBN404 (or something else you like). Then install the patch on that newly created game install. Voila you have will have a v3, v4.03 and v4.04 install all working happily.
  9. This is cool. I am hoping to play around with this eventually. My CM runs on a 2160p monitor. Does this system assume 1080p screen?
  10. @Sublime He's alive. Sorry I'm too busy to add another game to my list. But Welcome back.
  11. Fun linguistics trivia: 'you' used to be plural only. The singular was 'ye'. When people started abandoning ye and just using you for both plural and singular various old fogies of the time freaked out over the destruction of the grammar of the English language. You are in good company and this story about language usage if an often repeated tale. Eventually it will fade away. Perhaps with the Boomers and the GenXers.
  12. Tim can say whatever BS he wants. Have you read anything about the working conditions at the Apple factory in China? That level of exploitation is all about cheap labour.
  13. If the version numbers are the same for the steam and BFC .exe then they are the same code. If the version numbers are different then they are not the same. The definitive way to tell the version number is to look at the number on the main menu screen located in the bottom right corner.
  14. Depends. If the team member designated Observer is a casualty then the FO team can no longer call for fire support. If who the casualty is changes from battle to battle then that would be a bug.
  15. I can confirm that this is correct. I'm not sure what the rules are but something like the above. I don't think I read it mentioned in this thread but the morale for all members of the platoon are effected when enough casualties are taken. You can even take a squad and send them 1km away out of commms and then watch thier morale drop as the rest of the platoon gets shredded. It's an abstraction / engine limitation. Normally a platoon would not be separated like that so they would notice thier mates getting hit. Just something to remember.
  16. Just a quick explanation set: engine 5 is a tweak to the existing engine not a replacement with some other 3rd party system. It will still use Open GL and be based on the current engine. I'm sure there will be improvements and cool stuff but not Unreal 5.
  17. That often happens when the patch gets installed into a sub folder. Chexk your HD and see if the new .exe ended up in either the data folder or another folder all together next to where you installed it. Another possible wrong location is in the my documents folder. The fix for that is to delete these files and install the patch again. When you select the install directory watch to see if it appends an extra level after you click ok on the select folder dialog. If that happens manually fix the path in the edit box before continuing.
  18. Plus the ww2 tanks would have moved, stopped to fire, moved again and the games does not model this, so, instead firing on the move performs better than it really would if you fired on the actual move. It's an engine compromise.
  19. But are your fonts scaled on your desktop? That setting turns it off for the selected app. If the app doesn't handle it properly then it can cause problems. But if the machine does not have scaling applied then it will not matter. MS could have changed some scaling code in an update.
  20. That error sounded vaguely familiar. I have not seen it but I was sure I read it. This might help:
  21. LOL that's not fair. We don't jump on everyone who doesn't think everything is fine.² Fair Yep fair too
  22. Campaigns have a core unit file which is just a scenario that the map is not used. You can then import the units into campaign battles and once it is compiled those core units' casualties are tracked across the campaign. You can also import units into any scenario and therefore reuse them.
  23. Oh sweet. In 1976 my father was 2IC of 1 RCR. Not in Germany although he did serve in the Black Watch in Germany before I was born - let us hope you get the time-frame back far enough for that
  24. If you have the latest version of the game 2.0x (I believe 2.04 is the latest) then you already have the content for the Marine module. There is nothing to download.
  25. Yes, and I know it actually doesn't literally track. Steve also knows there is not really a customer that has a quote exactly like that. It's an exaggeration. So, technically you are right to say "that's not me". However, in the spirit of expectations out of whack with reality is kinda what I was thinking. And I know you and others will likely be offended and I'm sorry but come on. Count the number of posts where you and others complained about a bug not being fixed when it turns out no one had reproduced the problem and therefore it was not a recognized bug at all. Or, also common, it was not broken at all. I'm pretty sure the number of posts like that is greater than one.
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