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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I love when the host asks for an example of information the US got from spying and the guy points to the mood of the troops and their plans. She knows that's going no where good for her narrative and cuts him off by saying "The mood is good and our plans are big..." I find that even more funny than the other clip which ends with one guy telling off the first for stating that the Russian army has taken more casualties than the Ukrainians. But overall yes loads of fun.
  2. Not to mention the RA just had to lie about the casualty count and regular folk could not really be sure who was giving the correct numbers but if you control territory there is no lying about it that will stick. Sure you can fib about a few blocks here or there but when the press are entering liberated towns and villages and talking to people about their experience under Russian occupation there's no amount of lying the Russians can do that will fool regular folk about who controls what.
  3. It is currently not in a perfect state. It's drifted out of date and all theBlitz links go to a domain for sale site because we lost our domain and had to retool to .org. If you use my site just edit the url to use .org instead of .com for any theBlitz links.
  4. Oh fantastic. Drew is back, you owe me a couple of turns buddy More serious I like that someone else is trying these out. I'll have to look at them too.
  5. It's the same exe so play either one. I play the BFC installs and participate in PBEM++ and tournaments no problem.
  6. Sounds like a job for the professionals: Battlefront Help desk
  7. These arguments sound more like pretext than real arguments… Call it whatever you like. Steve has stated before that they have no plans to open up the vehicle and weapons systems' attributes for tweaking. His justification is two fold: On the business side they want to be the one's making content for the game and they want it to be as historically accurate as possible. Having to compete with people that didn't develop the game would not be in their interest. Having to allow people that think <insert favourite uber tank here> should be the uberest would suck (not just for them). Their game, their market, their call. On the technical side they don't want the support headaches or to fracture the multi player community. People playing head to head are a small group in a niche market if there were also 15 different fan mods for basic kit there would probably be just two guys left playing.
  8. When the margins are that close a malicious actor can actually change the outcome. The thing is even if they fail to "get the result" they still win because they have sewn division that doesn't go away. Spending time managing those divisions takes time away from paying attention to said malicious actor.
  9. Good. I found OBS a little confusing at first but once you have it setup it just works the next time. Good luck
  10. Are you streaming from a phone filming the screen? It sure looks like it. Try OBS: https://obsproject.com/ it will let you directly stream your desktop combined with other inputs if you want no phone involved.
  11. And even if it didn't push enough people to get over 50% they would have been close and the divisions would have remained a raw point in UK politics: Whatever Russia spent would still have been well invested. As a Canadian I hate to think what a separation referendum would be like if it were held today instead of 1995. <shudder>
  12. No, he said don't worry be happy and stop listening to over blown concerns raised by right wing looneys.
  13. Now that is poetry. Sad poetry but that usually is the best kind.
  14. Thanks I'll look for each of these and make sure they are in the list. Thanks
  15. Nice @The_Capt . Congratulations to Kees, @Lethaface, gfs26 who came in the top three. @MeatEtr was close and I finished middle of the pack (to be fair to me I lost a few points when my opponent surrendered, awww well).
  16. OK I see. I may have not twigged to the fact that you guys are trying to fix a bug here. So, I know that BFC wants to fix bugs. I realize that some people have pointed out it doesn't happen fast. Sure I can understand that feeling sometimes. In the end I think there are two issues: 1) For clarity for me (and any other tester) can you point me to where the bugs were reported for these issues. I care about the bugs and getting them reported. I do not care about hacked models that people propose as a fix. Sorry not trying to sound harsh but the fact of the matter is all I can do is report bugs and remind people they exist. Other people fix them and they will do their own thing. They may or may not be reported already. If they are not I will report them. I'm on theBlitz, the Steam forums and The Few Good Men so links to threads here there or anywhere is all I'm looking for. Yes, I read many many threads here but I do not have enough time to reproduce every bug like thing that gets talked about. The vast, vast majority of things people complain about are not bugs at all so I've given up chasing stuff that just gets mentioned and is not clear. I spend my time testing things myself or chasing issues that sound suspicious to me. Now you guys have done way more than that most on this topic so I'm paying attention now I cannot speak for other testers but I am pretty sure they don't have time to chase ghosts on forums either. 2) Regarding people using mods that change behaviour. I have no idea how much effort BFC would want to invest on that topic. That would be very much a separate thing so lets start with a list of reports from #1 I know I can get those reported. As for protecting us from rouge mods I'll have a chat with Steve and let him know about these discussions and leave it him to ponder. That issue is way above my pay grade here.
  17. Ah that is something that should be fixed if the TCs are too high. I'll have to check if that is already reported or not. I thought he was talking about the differing mods issue.
  18. How is this a problem for BFC to fix? Should they prevent the game from running if there are animation or model mods? If the mods don't give benefits why do you believe they are necessary? Sounds like both players are equal. This is behaving as expected. In Combat Mission, for PBEM, one player's machine calculates the game turn and all that happens. Then both players see the action as calculated. The expectation is that what happened will match what both players see. The fact that one player has different animation or model mods is not something that was planned for and changing that will be challenging - only allow PBEM partners who have the same mods to play? How will that be achieved and what support issues will that generate? I agree we should not be playing with these mods. They effect the game and is sounds like in a few cases it effects them in an odd way that I would not have expected (talking about the tac AI movement delays). That means these mods should not be used by anyone. I'm not sure if we want the game to be rejecting some mods over others or if we really want the expense of the games comparing mods and rejecting mismatches. That would mean I could not play with my icon mod if you are not. That sounds like a terrible experience. Even if we restrict it to animation and model mods there is still an additional negotiation that would have to happen between players to verify that they are using the same models and animations. That is a ton of work, will slow things down and introduce a lot of potential for support issues and bugs.
  19. Roger that. I figured you were cropping it out but were not able to all the time.
  20. @quakerparrot67 your captures look very nice. If you pause the game using the <alt> key along with the <esc> key you an hide that game paused notification. You just have to do it once after that for that session the notice does not appear.
  21. The hope of course was that increased exposure to other ideas and people would mean the differences would be less important. The issue is that it can help with the ethnic differences (we really can learn to get along), perhaps a small amount with ideology (right up until the ideological leaders say peaceful disagreement is not allowed) but not a damn bit with nationalism. So, it turns out it's not enough. Yeah, sigh.
  22. I don't know. Unless someone comes along who has figured it out I suggest opening a help desk ticket: Battlefront Help desk Don't forget to report back if its something that individuals can do on their own - if they know the right place to look
  23. Oh no. They will view those trenches as a place to fill with water.
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