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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I fail to see how finding truck parts on a damaged bridge section where trucks were traveling when the explosion happened, favours the explosion being caused by a truck bomb over a missile strike.
  2. Keeping in mind I'm not more of an explosive expert than you are but I don't think that warped edge is from an impact. If it were I would expect more damage to that railing. I think. That whole section seems to have been twisted a bit - not visible in this picture but others. I think the explosion and shifting caused that section of road bed to be twisted. I think that's what caused that edge to be deflected. To me it looks like what happens when a metal part with a shaped edge gets bent and then you try to straighten it and the edge is just never the same shape any more.
  3. Sorry about that. Yes, please PM me about your problems I would like to hear about them.
  4. I wonder how much direction along with funding these guys get from Putin's regime. Remember when the USSR fell a lot of nutty radical left wing groups just kinda dried up and faded away. Without their cash source they really could not operate. Personally I hope for the collapse of Putin's regime and at least a partial breakup of the Russian Federation so the same thing can happen to many of these nutty and disruptive right wing groups can also fade away. Fingers corssed.
  5. Oh good catch @Grey_Fox I totally forgot about that.
  6. Five misses is a lot but it is possible for them to miss - just not very often. It seems unlikely that there is a javelin wide bug given what everyone else has seen. Is there common cover arrangements in the misses? Were the targets moving? Regarding APS, @Artkin is correct normally it cannot stop javelins. However if the target vehicle is on a slope sometimes the APS envelope can intercept - it's pretty cool when happens.
  7. There are no pictures in the tweet showing the railing on the opposite side. There is a picture looking back the other direction where the blast site is to the right. At least that's how I interpret it. Edit: oops I ses what you mean now. The train is on the side of the explosion and that railing is on the opposite side. Interesting. Could it be from the fire?
  8. The railing on the left of that picture would have been on the side of the blast. They are likely leaning over because there is significant damage to the side of that span. I'm guessing that they are down to one rail line now.
  9. No, patches typically have the latest executable code and all the versions of resource files from previous patches so all you need to do is instal the latest patch and you are good to go.
  10. Indeed this is how it would be expected to be handled. Customers should never see this kind of thing. IMHO.
  11. Good example. Yeah that would be a good outcome, if something similar could happen with Russia. I wonder if we have any hope of getting there.
  12. Agreed I think that sounds like a good plan. I worry that even if this plan is adopted that it might not be executed very well. There will be a lot of wealthy people who will want to get back to business as usual ASAP. I would be concerned that our western governments might not be able to follow through like they should. Especially if the time line drags on past 15ish years before any progress is made This is key. Russia and it's population has to want to change. Sound like a solid plan to me.
  13. So, they nearly reached thier stated goal of 300 000 mobilized and sent to the front already. Seems like mobilization is proceeding smoothly. Oh wait that didn't say they went to the front lines in Ukraine
  14. Another example of the Ukrainian army picking sensible targets that actually benefit them on the battlefield. As opposed to the disorganization and random civilian targets the Russian army chooses.
  15. Excellent points. Now you are just showing off how clever you are.
  16. Indeed. My issue is given recent history - since WW2 Russia or the USSR has been a malevolent force in this world - I'd like to see that end. Not just end for five years while some fascist nationalist rebuilds the Russian army to try again. It would be nice to have a true generational change and the only way i see that is a total failure of the Russian state and a significant break up. While it is true having 6000 nukes floating around is scary so is having a desperate despot musing about using one. Frankly so is some even harder core nationalist getting control of the country. All the scenarios sound scary only one might actually end the threat for real.
  17. I seem to recall at one time the Russian government's propaganda said they could destroy all of NATO if they needed to. So, where is the problem? /s
  18. LOL yeah there is a bit of a lag each time. I'm sure Raz will get things setup soon.
  19. The other big difference that will also feed into Russia not being as isolated as North Korea is their allies. I don't mean countries I mean all the business people, politicians, political movements and useful idiots they have cultivated for years in the rest of the world. Sure those people are finding it hard to sway their local governments right now but the instant Putin is gone I expect to hear a very loud chorus of "time for a reset" to make a good new relationship with the new person in charge. There will be a concerted effort to lift sanctions and normalize relations and it will probably start before the war ends. I think it will be a tall order to pull off a return to the previous normal but there will be a push. North Korea has no such influence they have no one of any significant power trying to prevent or revert sanctions. For that reason alone I find it hard to believe Russian will get to the North Korea level of isolation for the long term.
  20. For added context the normal flow rotates between titles which one gets the next module. I'm sure it's not a perfect rule but one thing you can be sure of is that the most recent release is *not* the one that gets the next module. It is reasonable to assume that Cold War's next module will not be released for a while. A long while.
  21. No, Steve has stated certain titles would not be released while the conflict is on going. He has said a few times that work continues.
  22. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the September's Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB: A Muddy Afair CMRT: FR Feierabend The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  23. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the September's Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB: A Muddy Afair CMRT: FR Feierabend The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
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