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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. No body wanted to skooch over into the middle seat: "forget it I'm not moving go ask bob", "hell no and I outrank Fred so go back and make him move over, Fred I order you to sit in the middle".
  2. I have no idea if Steve will chime in but I'll take a shot at writing an explanation. This is from memory so have your salt handy: the issue is the memory, disk space requirements and load times. There is no way to make it work on machines that are not top of the line because there is just too much data to push around. For CM2 there is just no way to improve this since the game was never designed to handle what would be required - my impression is that would be dynamic loading and unloading of data. I'm not sure if that would even help with hard drive space either. While the professional edition can have specs that are much higher than the commercial edition there is no real way to manage that for the rest of us. Even those of us that have machines that can handle that what about those that don't? What about those that are borderline? What about when some dope tries to fight two battalions vs two battalions on a huge heavily forested map (me)? The support issues around all that is just too much for how the CM2 engine was designed. Oh interesting. I personally have not had the pleasure but I heard it was a bit cumbersome and subject to surprises here and there.
  3. WTII will notice that a file has been downloaded when you are playing the turn. As long as you do not tell WTII to so start managing that file it will do nothing. Even if you do I highly doubt it will cause a problem because it will copy the file but not delete anything right away. Regardless don't tell WTII to manage a PBEM+ game file. You will be confused and so will WTII.
  4. it is covered in the link I gave to @MOS:96B2P's C2 thread. Specifically here:
  5. It sure did! As soon as I started scrolling after reading a post on the page I heard the tell tail audio of a video I was not watching and had to scroll further down to find it and shut it off. Sorry Reddit did not fix / change it. Edited to add Win 10 Firefox
  6. That communication is not what I was talking about. What I mean is a Company HQ can take direct command of a squad that is near it, provided it is from its formation. That means the squad will act as if it is on command for morale purposes if it gets into a fire fight. It can really matter for how well your squad handles incoming fire. This works even if the platoon HQ is still active but too far away. I am not sure if info can come from an company A squad and be given directly to the company B HQ. Could be. @MOS:96B2P probably covers it in his thread. I know that tank TCs can inform out of formation HQ units about stuff they see and visa versa so it would make sense.
  7. Are you sure about this? I thought this was specifically not the case. Yes, this does work. If you have a platoon HQ that is eliminated your company HQ can get close to the platoon's sections and take control. The C2 chain will remain broken and the Company HQ must be with in visual range. In this case the platoon sections will have a red X for the platoon HQ in the C2 list but you will see visual, spoken C2 symbols in the command section next to the C2 list. @MOS:96B2P's excellent thread covers this in detail with pictures - if I recall correctly.
  8. Leopard 1s are already in CM. The Canadians have them in Shock Force.
  9. Those tanks are not suited to shipping people. At. All. If you think it would be dangerous to cram a bunch of people into the back of a semi trailer and drive them anywhere the this is about 10 times worse. So, we can conclude that soldiers are not being shipped in tank cars. It is, hypothetically, possible to modify troop transports and disguise them as tanks. Who has the resources to do that? Who thinks it would actually work? Hundreds of soldiers who need to eat, piss and **** cannot stay inside the disguised tank 24 7 without significant support.
  10. https://emojipedia-us.s3.amazonaws.com/source/noto-emoji-animations/344/party-popper_1f389.gif TA-DA Displayed as a link to not pollute the thread with animation.
  11. There is no easy way for players to fix issues like this in campaigns. I logged a bug. That way if these campaigns are revisited ever it can be looked at.
  12. No doubt. The Swiss Bankers will be watching the list of people who have been defenestrated in Moscow and the list of Generals that this group has been tracking to cross check with their list so they know which money they can keep.
  13. Straight forward and simple. Now everyone, was that so hard
  14. I don't think he needs to wait. He's already claimed NATO militaries are operating in Ukraine. He just needs to re tread that old propaganda bit.
  15. Correct do not finish the game. The scenario points are in the area of 1000 points or so. The during play reported points seem to be up to 18 000 so finishing the game will loose both side a lot of points.
  16. This is a tour de force of all things beaver, and quite a very enlightening yet entertaining book. <snip> Eager-Surprising-Secret-Beavers-Matter I heard him or someone who agrees with him interviewed (not 100 percent sure it was this author) but they made a compelling case that the lack of Beavers is one reason we have flooding problems. We clearly do stuff that make the problem worse ourselves and none of that helps guys like Steve who have road, buildings and other infrastructure where the beavers would like 6 feet of water
  17. Yeah, it's a bit annoying. I'm not totally sure the reasons for this but with nothing selected your view is an amalgamation of the information from all your units. I suspect that the mechanism that creates this one picture from everyones' points of view is why that happens. Also annoying. To make sure there are no hidden surprises I find myself selecting my units that have taken the positions to verify that they don't see ? icons right behind them. There is no way to fix that be cause there are units on the board the believe there are enemy units there, either because they were told so and have not been told they are gone or they saw something there themselves. The best you can do is select the units near those suspicious ? icons and verify that there are no surprises. No, there is not. Given it's a side effect of information combining there really isn't anything to turn off.
  18. I hear ya. No worries, sucks but no worries. Hopefully the scoring bug will be fixed for the next one.
  19. LOL sorry. I never googled it - sounds like I should not. It's an inside joke on the forum where Steve sometimes laments trying to simulate reality and he either says there is more money in making a candy crush like game or that he should go all sci fi and to space lobsters of doom that would have no tether to reality and so would not have arguments over which vehicle has less armour. or more armour. or goes too fast. or too slow. or, or, ... I think the original title came from @c3k but Steve has embraced it.
  20. "Always give people space when they get off an elevator" Good rule not sure how it applies here
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