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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yes, please! Hummm. Perhaps we should pitch an idea to create a CM game that combines the late ware CMFB, and CMRT forces into a new game family. Once the end of the war module of CMRT and Commonwealth module for CMFB are done all the units will be there with the appropriate TO&E.
  2. Wear it like a badge of honour. The snowflakes just cannot handle people being happy and they get all butt hurt when they think other people don't agree with their glass half empty view of the world.
  3. Whoa guys - the parties in that discussion already agreed to drop it. No need to re-remind everyone again or get upset about that re-reminding. Let's just let it go. And before anyone mentions it, this did not start with something that @Combatintman said it what that guy @LUCASWILLEN05 - who you are right has done that kind of thing before. This is another example of where using the forum feature of ignoring troublesome people is valuable. If we all ignored @LUCASWILLEN05 then no one would have noticed his inciting comment and this thread would still be on topic and a page shorter.
  4. Humm I thought he covered everything. There is a CMFI GL mod for the IV. Not sure if that will look right for CMBN or not: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=1891
  5. Just stopping by to say: If BFC were to make a pacific game I would buy it.
  6. More ATGM fun - this time a Javelin shot: The tank commander thought he was safe behind the bridge: But he was wrong: The team reloads without even admiring their handy work:
  7. Probably. Sometimes I just get a little frustrated with people poo pooing on good and interesting investigations saying it is a waste of time because their pet peeve is more important. Sigh. I have people like that on my ignore list so I don't get annoyed I do have to admit that occasionally reading Thier defence that they are the victims of what they do themselves. That is kinda funny. Anyway I am hoping this stays on topic because what @Drifter Man is doing is interesting.
  8. Oh man. What @Drifter Man has done is well put together and a good analysis. Let's not spend any more time talking about the silly opinions of erwin. It you look back at his posts you will see him complain bitterly over other things that *he* thinks are wrong with the game. That and a flip flop back and forth on issues too. Just ignore him.
  9. Wow, I never really paid much attention to that. I have no idea, other than it was my old computer with my old graphics card. I.e. just a bit better than crappy.
  10. Yikes I'll hold off a bit then - let you guys work out the kinks :-)
  11. OK found it. Around page 6 I start talking about the trouble I am having dealing with Churchill tanks: This video shows the uber Churchill shrugging off 22 hits (or at leas some of the 22):
  12. +1 to that. Don't listen to the glass half empty, sky is falling or world is coming to an end crowd. Most of us *do* want to see things get better / fixed.
  13. I cannot recall. I'll find the link once I am back to a real computer.
  14. Oh man no. I had an AAR way back where a Churchill tank survived 20 plus hits from a stug. The damn things will not die. No Sherman tank could do that.
  15. Yes. Bummer - but they did get you sorted. Chances are good you things will go smoothly but if they don't they will help you fix it. Good luck.
  16. Oh yeah loads of fun there. This article has a nice little tid bit: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/01/02/intel_cpu_design_flaw/ "The fix is to separate the kernel's memory completely from user processes using what's called Kernel Page Table Isolation, or KPTI. At one point, Forcefully Unmap Complete Kernel With Interrupt Trampolines, aka ****WIT, was mulled by the Linux kernel team, giving you an idea of how annoying this has been for the developers." LOL
  17. I'll double check on this one. First I've heard of it though LOL I just thought that was intentional. oops.
  18. What @danfrodo said: The kicker, for an anti tank role, is the Churchill's higher survivability. The 57mm gun is pretty good against enemy tanks and the Churchill tank can take more of a beating than the Sherman can. The test you ran has a strong tendency to show strong outcomes because one event can have a cascading effect: once one side starts loosing the losses get worse. They are fun and enjoy running them - if you really want more informative stats create separate lines and fight one on one. When I make testing lanes I usually use terrain (hills 5m - 7m high) to separate the lanes and not just walls.
  19. This was an awesome moment. In a recent loss to @slysniper things were not going smoothly for me. My T64s were dying fast vs his T90s and my units were withdrawing as fast as they could. At this point I figured I was done for and would not even last out the full clock. His forces had just cleared the tree line and were now exposed to my Skif teams (I had several, four I think) that were waiting for just that moment. The first one fired and missed and died shortly after. My heart sank. But then the next two turns other ATGM teams took out four T90s. In that moment the attack momentum faltered and I ran down the clock still holding on to one of the objectives. I still lost - big but it was not a total route and I lasted the time on the clock. This is one of those kills. The most interesting because... The shot The target is returning fire Lucky, this team gets to live to fire again Looks a little low It is low but still finds home How low was it? Really low...
  20. I was digging around in some screen shots I have been meaning to do something with and found this lucky example of WW2 artillery tank kill: From about a year ago. The funny thing is I don't remember if those were my tanks for my shells. With the hit text turned on...
  21. Yep, every game has limitations. You just stumbled into one of CM2's.
  22. I am not sure what you are asking there. I suspect that what we have is what we are going to get. They already implemented some improvements to make close encounters work better and have not really said there are plans to do more.
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