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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. What you guys are saying is not wrong. But I wish to point out this is a game and as such a balance needs to be stuck to allow playability. When looking at actual combat footage the enemy are completely unseen at all times more times than visible. If we truly got 100% realistic we would not enjoy playing. IMHO.
  2. Sorry that didn't work. I not clear on what you did with support. If you open a ticket someone in the support team will help you sort it out.
  3. Try entering as much of your email as it will accept. I know it sounds strange but it has worked for some. If that fails then contact support. https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com
  4. Yeah, I'll have a look at it. It could be just slow and I am impatient.
  5. Thank you thank you. I am eagerly awaiting the decisive turn and I guess there will be one or two months more for the ceasefire to actually take effect. Then I'll read Bil's thread. Indeed. I guess fighting is fighting, eh.
  6. Agreed, plus I want to give those lead tanks thier best chance at dealing with whatever might be coming over that hill.
  7. Minute 150: Orders Just in case the sniper team has been spotted before they continue they can pop some smoke of their own. The team from 15 Platoon is exhausted from crawling. This is not a good thing. Tired is OK but exhausted is not good. Change their orders to stop moving until they recover. Since there is an ATGM team that the tanks spotted – saturate the area with HE. Since the other AT LAV got a kill let's move the other one up just a bit so it can see past the two story building it has been hiding behind. But just a bit so most enemy vehicles near Rutsey will not be able to see it. Also the contact info is not flowing through the Squadron command so I am going to get 18 troop's HQ tank to back up to be near the CO so they can get better information on what the enemy is up to.
  8. Minute 1:51-1:50: Some HE sores over the head of the sniper team. I wonder if they have been spotted or if it is just a high shot from the area firing the enemy assault team is conducting. Shortly after that the lead tank goes up in flames. I was surprised since I was really just observing that area – or so I thought. It turns out one of the AT LAVs spotted the enemy tank over top of the building they had been hiding behind. Missile away... Direct hit. The enemy tank brews up. One of the tanks on KT3 spots an ATGM team through the smoke and opens up. The round is short. Observers on KT3 watch a truck race across the open ground. Another ATGM team for KT11? A shot showing the enemy units advancing on Rutsey.
  9. Awesome post @ASL Veteran - tying game scenarios into a list of highlighted events from the actual timeline. Wish I could plus two it.
  10. Minute 151: Orders Well if the enemy insists on trying to get an ATGM team on KT1 I am happy to drop more mortar shells on them. Just for reference here is what the squad from 15 Platoon see compared to the Mortar HQ's call. Clearly the tank's ambush location is to well known. Time to reposition the tank again. There are plenty of spots I can put my tanks hull down so I can do this all day long. A slight tweak to the orders for the team from 15 Platoon. Included in that is some time to rest. They are tired from crawling already. A small change to the observation teams from 14 Platoon to compensate for the smoke.
  11. Minute 1:52-1:51: Sniper team finishing fording... Just as auto cannon fire racks the location they were moments ago. MCpl Morrison is still one step a head of the enemy pursuing him. Observers over at KT3 watch as troops disembark from a truck near KT1. Among them is an ATGM team. Bil apparently really wants an at team up there. That enemy team on the back side of KT3 pops up again. This time with something dangerous in hand. Fires.... Misses high... And feels the return fire. The smoke is getting thicker over at KT8.
  12. Minute 152: Orders Make sure the sniper team gets a rest after fording the river. With more action happening on KT11 15 Platoon's advanced squad will reposition to be better able to see activity over there. The FO will call in a 105 barrage on top of the farm objective, using TRP1.
  13. Minute 1:53-1:52: This was a fairly eventful turn starting with one of the tanks at KT3 taking out another of the enemy team behind the hill. The sniper team makes a clean escape and to the cover of the ravine. Clearly and all out assault is under way on the farm buildings. To bad for Bil, he is shooting at nothing. The tanks over at KT3 spot and kill the BMP that raced over to K11. Nice close up of the kit decal: The FO re-positioned to their new location – not on the balcony. Smoke has started to fall around KT8. It seems like Bil is planning to head down AA1 or 2 after he takes the farm. Or perhaps he thinks the mortar attack on his ATGM team came from an FO there.
  14. Oh, oh I have an idea: get it all lined up, uploaded etc and then just sit on it for three weeks. Then you can make your grand prediction that it will be out by the end of month X and beat it every time.
  15. Good advice. I'll recommend again what I have several time - use the ignore list. If asinine comments from person X drive you nuts then place them on your ignore list and you will not have to read them. One person with posts on this page is on mine and I am again reminded that it was the right call. Personally I am a fan of hell banning (https://blog.codinghorror.com/suspension-ban-or-hellban/) but Steve was not interested the last time I pitched it to him. But if you ignore people that troll you then you can create a smaller less perfect version for yourself.
  16. And everything seems to take longer than you expect. My post on the other thread about this is relevant and perhaps some will find the reference interesting: LOL
  17. A very timely topic just came up on my podcast play list (brodcast in March I'm just getting to it now...) "Here’s Why All Your Projects Are Always Late — and What to Do About It" http://freakonomics.com/podcast/project-management/ I only just started listening to it but there was already a classic line when one of the researchers admitted that she planned to spend 10 minutes getting ready for the interview and ended up spending an hour. Just a reminder to all those people who say "just spend 10min a week writing us an update" that it just doesn't work like that. Steve might like it to help him with planning too
  18. Then you would not be playing CM any more. Armour and ballistics are based on physics - that's what gives CM its feel. Without that we don't have CM any more. Sure the aiming, human reactions, AI's handling of elevation are abstractions but that don't have a detrimental effect because the game uses physics for the ballistic part. As the saying goes "there is a reason for everything and that reason is usually physics."
  19. Oh for sure - I didn't mean to imply that you did. But go a head and call me that if you want. Fair warning though Steve doesn't like it when we call each other names. LOL perhaps. I argued pretty forcefully back in the day to not allow Bazookas, Shreks and Phausts to be fired in doors. I was never convinced on the evidence. I lost that round and happily fire my rocket weapons from indoors now my self. You are too kind - I'll go and blush in the corner now. Very true - well said.
  20. ?? Are you saying that those are examples of propane tanks are being used in battle? Or are you saying see there are battle explosions that look like the propane tanks? Note: If you want to suggest / ask for improvements to explosions of vehicles or artillery - cool. If you want to say we want CM to look like exploding propane tanks - I'll pass thanks.
  21. They haven't even released the updated game yet Having said that I suppose people asking for such things is kinda what gets things started.
  22. The only plan you can specify is an opening barrage. With no plan the FO will find targets of opportunity. So, make sure you have them in locations that have visibility to where the enemy might be and they will call their own. Having Arty come in as reinforcements is a great way to keep them from getting used in the opening barrage. I'm not really much of an arty expert so hopefully if am wrong about any of that or there are more tips you will hear from others.
  23. LOL I guess you are going to have to wait and see what typos Steve corrects and what secret bones he leaves in
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