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    Ithikial_AU reacted to Phantom Captain in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    German casualties are mounting as the fight for the train station was stiffer than expected.  However, my troops have seized their objectives and will hunker down and catch their collective breath.  

    My first StuG casualty.  Victim of an unseen T-34.

    In the middle, Stare Kozary West has also been seized after an abrupt and violent struggle.  Panzerfausts and Assault Guns rule the day.

    Moving into the village, 10th Kompanie also deserves a rest before beginning to assault Kozary Center.

    It's cool to see how effective both the splinter pattern and pea dot/oak leaf/plane tree patterns work in this enviroment.  😎
  2. Like
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from Revan in Issues with graphics   
    That's a weird one. Good result though.
  3. Upvote
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Practical differences between area fire and target firing   
    Just be aware than bullets will go through walls if they are of high enough calibre so some of the tracers inside the building may have been from that. Just noticed you are resting with a vehicle so thought I'd mention.
  4. Like
    Ithikial_AU reacted to Artkin in Practical differences between area fire and target firing   
    True, but either way the btr made the effort to target the building in 4 locations where there were 4 things. 
    I wasnt looking at tracers, but at where the impact points were. 
    @KGBoy the btr engaged the windowd and doors, not the walls. It targetted 1 window, then the next, then the next, then it targetted the door. 
  5. Like
    Ithikial_AU reacted to MikeyD in Is Red Thunder secretly the best CMx2 WW2 game?   
    CMRT basegame needed the Fire and Rubble module, That module exponentially expanded the scope of the title. All the seasons, all the weather types, all the whitewashed vehicles, not to mention the flood of new QB maps. It made it a game worthy of the 'eastern front'. Frankly, BFC bit off a bit more than they could chew with both Fire and Rubble and Rome to Victory modules. There were Herculean struggles and long delays getting them out the door. But that's all behind us now. Its rather like what they say about childbirth, you quickly forget how much pain was involved.
  6. Like
    Ithikial_AU reacted to Revan in Issues with graphics   
    Yeah resolved the issue, it was caused by Scale and Layout option in windows by the default it is set to 125% as recommended. Set it to 100%. And everything looks perfect now.
    Just want to thank everybody for your help, If I would be near you, would definitely by everyone a beer.
    Cheers everybody.
  7. Thanks
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from WimO in Future of JuJu's UI Mod - Project Unification   
    Evening all,
    @Juju has announced that he was stepping back from modding and after working as a tester for a few of his releases and then helping out directly with R2V he's graciously offered to handover the care of his long running UI mod to me. As he said, "Please look after my kids". JuJu has provided me with all the original .psd files now so it's easier to update and add things in with the new content matching pretty close to the existing mod. This is still well and truly his mod. Now I'm no artist but have been labouring away behind the scenes for a few hours every week and learning quite a bit as I go along. Please be a bit more patient.
    There's been no CMRT F&R update from me but this is because I'm trying to hit these three goals before sending to Bootie for upload to CMMODS. Number 3 is the big one but a huge time saver going forward.
    1) CMRT F&R Update - Done - just tweaking  (I may release this separately so you can overlay it on top of your existing UI mod). Also fixes the mod to reflect the changes that were brought in with the background panels in the update.
    2) CMFI R2V Update - Fixing up some of my mess with shadows and colour correction in the last release.
    3) Mod Unification Project - JuJu had different background textures for each family which made the workload quite high with not a lot being easily transferable between the families.. well without standing out like a saw thumb. I'm switching this around so for example the same M1 Garand Weapon Slot texture will now fit in in CMFI, CMBN and CMFB. Over time there's also been updated different icons for the same weapon, vehicle and special equipment icons between the families so I'm unifying the look there as well. CMFB icons get the preference given the slightly better detail. This also makes life a lot easier if and when future modules are released.
    I should says this doesn't mean the all the mods will now look identical, the exact opposite, however the comment elements like weapon slots will carry across the game families. Think of it as the kids are still unique but I'm sending them to school and making them wear something resembling a uniform.
    A few things that I'm not continuing or putting on the table now so there is no shocks later on. Most of this is largely due to time and I have no idea how to set up an script for the Paint.net to do some of this repetitive work automatically. Batch processing doesn't appear to be a thing. (I'm not paying subscription money to Adobe).
    - Reducing the options for the "Yellow Weapon Slot" textures to just the red cross option. The many options JuJu provided over the years here is an absolute time sync to create each one by one for every weapon BF has modeled in WW2 era CM2. It's actually an enormous list now! I won't rule it out down the track to bringing some of them back or doing something new here. Vinnart has already had an interesting idea, but I want to get something out sooner rather than later.
    - Portraits - Will fill in the gaps if I can get crafty enough and it meets my own (probably too) high bar. These are tough to get looking right. Backgrounds will be tweaked to sort of match the uniform of each branch to separate them out a touch. (See preview pics).
    - Never going into Cold War or the Modern titles. JuJu didn't and neither will I.
    Preview pics (I know about the black line running through the centre panel).

  8. Like
    Ithikial_AU reacted to George MC in Heart of the Dying Sun - WIP   
    Had wee break due to family stuff.
    Back to creating AI plan for the Soviets. Some screens (I'm playing Germans against my AI plan).

    SPW move up to support the Panthers.

    Männer gegen Panzer 

    The Soviet AI plan certainly has mass behind it!
  9. Upvote
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from George MC in Issues with graphics   
    If you have an Nvidia card you may have FXAA on by default. This anti-aliasing method doesn't work with the game and you get distorted text. Just change the settings for the game/application inside the Nvidia control panel and restart the game.
    Fingers crossed that's it.
  10. Like
    Ithikial_AU reacted to akd in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  11. Like
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from sttp in Not really the official Battle Pack 2 announcement   
    It is a snippet from the Utah Beach Master Map. The little house and barn in the distance is the 'Red House' that was used as the identifying landmark by the first US senior officers to land to determine they had landed in the wrong spot. The Master Map will extend north to the intended landing spots that were in front of additional German strongpoints that were cleared by 3/22 IR that morning.
    True the Utah landings by the 4th ID were comparatively peaceful (though it could be argued the Airborne forces took the causalities instead), doesn't mean there aren't good tactical problems for players to solve. But then nothing stopping players using the master map for a little 'what if' for some bloody H2H battles.  
    Omaha and the Commonwealth beaches are not part of this pack. Waffen SS and Fallschirmjager forces were missing at the time the base game was created that focused on the US vs German (Heer only) forces. The ability for CMBN to simulate the battles in this part of the theatre is now possible. So yes, players will require all modules and the Vehicle Pack to get the most out of this pack. (Like other Battle Pack releases).
    Luckily this pack isn't a one man operation to get it out the door. A core group of experienced map makers are working away on this using BIGOT maps and aerial photography to get the most accurate mapping possible in game. Once the more formal announcement is made you'll see what it coming and I think any Normandy wargamer is going to be...

    We just want to make sure we have geography sorted before providing more solid details. This little tease was more about answering some of the posts about a possible 'beach map'.
  12. Like
    Ithikial_AU reacted to Rokko in uncam: Combat Mission campaign extractor   
    Sadly. no. While I can clearly identify the blob of bytes were all this information must be stored, it bears no resemblance to a normal .btt file and contains no clear text either, i.e., it's likely compressed data. The campaign script is extracted, however, at least partially, so you get rest/refit percentages, win thresholds and the overall campaign progression.
  13. Like
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from Lethaface in Can't clear the forest / FR The Battle of Tukums (german side)   
    Thanks for the feedback. I was aiming for this scenario to be an example of having the "wrong tools for the job" kind of situation commanders can find themselves in that calls for inventive thinking that goes against what a sane commander would order his vehicles to do under normal circumstances. In my own early tests (and I think some of the betas did the same thing) was to use your tanks in close support of the infantry going through the forested areas and away from the roads/open terrain. The Soviets lack panzerfausts and other handheld AT weaponry so really have nothing that can counter a platoon of tanks with close infantry support punching through with overwhelming localised firepower. You'll loose a few tanks for certain to either bogging or the odd grenade/close assault from Soviet infantry but should be able to push through. Reinforcing elements then focus beyond the bridge for the train station itself.
    As Mission 1's briefing intimates, the forces moving up on the left side of the river got the short end of the stick. Mission 2 & 3 are far more 'normal' with more space to manoeuvre.
    Still pondering whether to create a H2H monster scenario for this one combining all three engagements of this campaign onto the master map. Would be interesting how German players adapt and deal with the Train Station objective when they also have the Panzer Brigade available to them from effectively the start of the mission but on the other side of the river.
  14. Like
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from Lethaface in Not really the official Battle Pack 2 announcement   
    It is a snippet from the Utah Beach Master Map. The little house and barn in the distance is the 'Red House' that was used as the identifying landmark by the first US senior officers to land to determine they had landed in the wrong spot. The Master Map will extend north to the intended landing spots that were in front of additional German strongpoints that were cleared by 3/22 IR that morning.
    True the Utah landings by the 4th ID were comparatively peaceful (though it could be argued the Airborne forces took the causalities instead), doesn't mean there aren't good tactical problems for players to solve. But then nothing stopping players using the master map for a little 'what if' for some bloody H2H battles.  
    Omaha and the Commonwealth beaches are not part of this pack. Waffen SS and Fallschirmjager forces were missing at the time the base game was created that focused on the US vs German (Heer only) forces. The ability for CMBN to simulate the battles in this part of the theatre is now possible. So yes, players will require all modules and the Vehicle Pack to get the most out of this pack. (Like other Battle Pack releases).
    Luckily this pack isn't a one man operation to get it out the door. A core group of experienced map makers are working away on this using BIGOT maps and aerial photography to get the most accurate mapping possible in game. Once the more formal announcement is made you'll see what it coming and I think any Normandy wargamer is going to be...

    We just want to make sure we have geography sorted before providing more solid details. This little tease was more about answering some of the posts about a possible 'beach map'.
  15. Like
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from Lethaface in Not really the official Battle Pack 2 announcement   
    Cold. This battle pack is set within the CMBN game family timeframe and geography of June 1944 - September 1944.
  16. Like
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from Codreanu in Can't clear the forest / FR The Battle of Tukums (german side)   
    Ahhh now onto battle three. Now comes the fun part. If you like tanks.
    Yes it is on my list. It was initially meant to be a monster scenario but I feared for people's CPUs and didn't want that to be part of a stock release for BF. I do have a version sitting here incomplete that is the start of a monster version. Potentially for community release one day. Likely only German vs AI or H2H.
  17. Like
    Ithikial_AU reacted to Codreanu in Can't clear the forest / FR The Battle of Tukums (german side)   
    Now done with the fight for Tukums proper, a completely different experience from the first scenario. It felt so good being able to lay the hurt on with proper panzer forces and mechanized infantry but the Soviet forces were also very stubborn defenders as usual. I finished it with 40 KIA 42 WIA, a good chunk of that being disposable SS troops so I'm feeling pretty good about that. Near the end every time I rounded a corner in Tukums a group of Soviets would instantly throw their hands up in surrender which felt good, and they threw in the towel with almost an hour still on the clock so I didn't even get to see the SS reinforcements from the first battle! @Ithikial_AU if it's possible to create that monster scenario using all three maps without crashing the game I'd love to see it, whenever you aren't busy working on the CMBN battle pack, of course 😉
  18. Like
    Ithikial_AU reacted to Codreanu in Can't clear the forest / FR The Battle of Tukums (german side)   
    Made it through the first mission with a Total Victory, definitely a scenario that requires a lot of persistence and patience to pick apart the enemy AT assets. Now I'm getting stuck in with the second one and it's a really beautifully done map, when you go down to camera level 1 to scout out the terrain it feels like you're really there.
  19. Like
    Ithikial_AU reacted to Codreanu in Can't clear the forest / FR The Battle of Tukums (german side)   
    I had no problems clearing the woods of infantry, my vehicles ran them out of the woods rather easily, but my god trying to move on from there is hellish. My vehicles got absolutely massacred by their AT defenses. Without a direct hit to the gun they would just keep popping up to shoot even with multiple MGs providing suppressing fire. I hope the StuGs and Tiger show up soon, I need more vehicles to throw into the meat grinder...
  20. Upvote
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from Rinaldi in Not really the official Battle Pack 2 announcement   
    It was in my plans to add mod tags for the units involved in the fighting including the 4ID. Though adding in modded textures is probably a bridge too far, happy to communicate those modtags at time of release so players can mod their own uniforms and markings.
  21. Like
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from rocketman in Not really the official Battle Pack 2 announcement   
    It is a snippet from the Utah Beach Master Map. The little house and barn in the distance is the 'Red House' that was used as the identifying landmark by the first US senior officers to land to determine they had landed in the wrong spot. The Master Map will extend north to the intended landing spots that were in front of additional German strongpoints that were cleared by 3/22 IR that morning.
    True the Utah landings by the 4th ID were comparatively peaceful (though it could be argued the Airborne forces took the causalities instead), doesn't mean there aren't good tactical problems for players to solve. But then nothing stopping players using the master map for a little 'what if' for some bloody H2H battles.  
    Omaha and the Commonwealth beaches are not part of this pack. Waffen SS and Fallschirmjager forces were missing at the time the base game was created that focused on the US vs German (Heer only) forces. The ability for CMBN to simulate the battles in this part of the theatre is now possible. So yes, players will require all modules and the Vehicle Pack to get the most out of this pack. (Like other Battle Pack releases).
    Luckily this pack isn't a one man operation to get it out the door. A core group of experienced map makers are working away on this using BIGOT maps and aerial photography to get the most accurate mapping possible in game. Once the more formal announcement is made you'll see what it coming and I think any Normandy wargamer is going to be...

    We just want to make sure we have geography sorted before providing more solid details. This little tease was more about answering some of the posts about a possible 'beach map'.
  22. Like
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from benpark in Not really the official Battle Pack 2 announcement   
    It is a snippet from the Utah Beach Master Map. The little house and barn in the distance is the 'Red House' that was used as the identifying landmark by the first US senior officers to land to determine they had landed in the wrong spot. The Master Map will extend north to the intended landing spots that were in front of additional German strongpoints that were cleared by 3/22 IR that morning.
    True the Utah landings by the 4th ID were comparatively peaceful (though it could be argued the Airborne forces took the causalities instead), doesn't mean there aren't good tactical problems for players to solve. But then nothing stopping players using the master map for a little 'what if' for some bloody H2H battles.  
    Omaha and the Commonwealth beaches are not part of this pack. Waffen SS and Fallschirmjager forces were missing at the time the base game was created that focused on the US vs German (Heer only) forces. The ability for CMBN to simulate the battles in this part of the theatre is now possible. So yes, players will require all modules and the Vehicle Pack to get the most out of this pack. (Like other Battle Pack releases).
    Luckily this pack isn't a one man operation to get it out the door. A core group of experienced map makers are working away on this using BIGOT maps and aerial photography to get the most accurate mapping possible in game. Once the more formal announcement is made you'll see what it coming and I think any Normandy wargamer is going to be...

    We just want to make sure we have geography sorted before providing more solid details. This little tease was more about answering some of the posts about a possible 'beach map'.
  23. Like
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from Strykr45 in Not really the official Battle Pack 2 announcement   
    Cold. This battle pack is set within the CMBN game family timeframe and geography of June 1944 - September 1944.
  24. Like
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from danfrodo in Not really the official Battle Pack 2 announcement   
    It is a snippet from the Utah Beach Master Map. The little house and barn in the distance is the 'Red House' that was used as the identifying landmark by the first US senior officers to land to determine they had landed in the wrong spot. The Master Map will extend north to the intended landing spots that were in front of additional German strongpoints that were cleared by 3/22 IR that morning.
    True the Utah landings by the 4th ID were comparatively peaceful (though it could be argued the Airborne forces took the causalities instead), doesn't mean there aren't good tactical problems for players to solve. But then nothing stopping players using the master map for a little 'what if' for some bloody H2H battles.  
    Omaha and the Commonwealth beaches are not part of this pack. Waffen SS and Fallschirmjager forces were missing at the time the base game was created that focused on the US vs German (Heer only) forces. The ability for CMBN to simulate the battles in this part of the theatre is now possible. So yes, players will require all modules and the Vehicle Pack to get the most out of this pack. (Like other Battle Pack releases).
    Luckily this pack isn't a one man operation to get it out the door. A core group of experienced map makers are working away on this using BIGOT maps and aerial photography to get the most accurate mapping possible in game. Once the more formal announcement is made you'll see what it coming and I think any Normandy wargamer is going to be...

    We just want to make sure we have geography sorted before providing more solid details. This little tease was more about answering some of the posts about a possible 'beach map'.
  25. Upvote
    Ithikial_AU got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in Not really the official Battle Pack 2 announcement   
    Cold. This battle pack is set within the CMBN game family timeframe and geography of June 1944 - September 1944.
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