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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Yes, and Old Blood and Guts needs some sexy Signal Corps footage for his PR campaign. Let's move it! (But no filming any rear-area hospital visits by the good General, people!)
  2. That could be. All my immobilizations were trucks--4 of them--none of which were actually plotted to move through vineyards. Three trucks backed into two different vineyards (TacAI's decision, not mine) to avoid MG and 20mm fire. One I had plotted to move down a road, but the vineyard was placed such that two of its AS ran into the edge of the road. The TacAI didn't path that truck to move around the edges of those squares.
  3. I haven't experienced any particular problems with them, at least not with split teams. I was retreating a platoon that got into a fix against a larger force, and had to QUICK move some teams through a vineyard. The teams were "rattled" but had no problems moving across the grain in 50 yards bursts with no problems, and most surprisingly, they didn't get "tiring" or "tired" when they finally got through it (in two or three moves, depending where they started the move). But do not let a vehicle even touch the edge of a vineyard. They will immediately become immobile.
  4. Sie Kommen from Fredrocker, maybe? A CMBN scenario (he also has a campaign by that name). I'm going from memory here, because I'm not at my 'puter, but it is a large size battle with the Americans crossing a river against entrenched Germans.
  5. BS, that's a great idea for our campaign. I've been taking notes from INSiS too, and researching a few other sources. INSiS seems the best so far, though, because Kershaw covers the origin/background of every ad hoc kampfgruppe at the battalion and sometimes the company level. For what it's worth, I've been comparing our chosen op-level game's take on morale and strength with Decision Games' Highway to the Reich numbers, because judging by their respective designer notes, both games seem to have done a fair amount of research.
  6. LLF, I think once they decide to do a PTO game, you'll be taken into the BFC fold like they apparently did with sdp because of his Italy mod work. You heard it here first!
  7. drtechno, I believe that was a smart ass remark to a degree, but also some exasperation since the questions have been asked/answered/explained quite a few times before. But anyway, the v2.0 upgrade for CMBN will be $10...Steve/BFC has stated so in several posts. If you wait for the Market Garden release...around December/January???...you can buy the v2.0 for only an extra $5.
  8. Erwin, thanks for the tip. I just bought Apple TV last weekend, and noticed "My Way" in the list of foreign films, and remembered someone here (you maybe?) mentioning it a while back, but wasn't certain if it was a good or bad reference. I'm checking it out tonight.
  9. LOL! This is looking fantastic. What an obvious labor of love, LLF. What's the ETA for us Dogfaces?
  10. That was Mini-Mord looking for a keyboard to piss on!
  11. After the surprising August 1 CMFI release--figuring it would be more like the end of August, early September--I thought maybe MG by Christmas and EF by June 2013. Sounds like that might be about right. Wow, just wow!
  12. BS, you could do what the fellas over at FGM did with their Normandy Campaign, also based on a regimental scale board game (forgot which one), and reduce each regiment to battalion scale: one regt = HQ, 3 line companies and 1 weapons company, etc.
  13. Interesting, JonS. I wonder how much of Iwo Jima pumice or Betio sand is made up of the same.
  14. It is good to know Target Briefly doesn't work (apparently) in situations where you have direct LOS. But in situations where you do have direct LOS, use Target Light. It uses much less ammo, along the lines of Target Briefly.
  15. Double-plus good for that! And for The Teacher's list of flavor objects. Also, we can't have gliders because they're too big, but how about discarded parachutes partially bunched up laying on the ground?
  16. And Mord, you will share it with me, correct?
  17. SPOILER ALERT I agree with all that Broadsword says. Because he followed good tactical doctrine instead of simply charging across the bridge, I was able to get eyes on the bridge "ramp" on the Carentan side (South?) from several good spotting areas as it got lighter out. So adding some trees around there to help limit the German's spotting ability would be a good idea. Because the German's right flank across Purple Heart Lane is empty at set up it takes a while to get even meager forces there to hold his probes up through hit and run/ambush tactics. Quite fun as it turned out, but potentially disasterous if the US briefing hints that the US player should just go all out across the bridge. I think whittling the game down no more than battalion size for the US, and 2 companies (+) for the Germans (perhaps a HMG platoon and some mortar support--there's frankly too much of it now. I was able to destroy the bridge and I wasn't even trying to do that, just by a mostly continuous harassing fire), and keep it too about 1hr 30 mins would work well. The US should perhaps start closer to the bridge, and I would leave the German set-up mostly as is, maybe with a small setup zone across Purple Heart Lane. I would start a second reinforcement German company much sooner, because it takes forever to get them up to the front, and even using a lot of MOVE commands, they arrive tired or tiring in most cases. Maybe have the platoons come in 5 mins apart, starting about 15 or 20 mins in. with the shorter time period Oh, and maybe just a few more bocage openings along PHL, on both sides of the bridge. There are some very loooooong streches with out any, and unless that is in fact historical, I would add just a few in order to ease cross-grain movement. The above comments are for the playability factor, and of course is probably completely ahistorical, so I guess it depends alot on which aspect you want to emphasize. But this map/scenario has alot of potential, and as I mentioned before, it produced the best, most intense, enjoyable 12-15 minute close-quarter firefight I have ever seen in CMBN. Good luck with any changes you make, UGC, and keep making maps and scenarios. Ask for playtesters to help iron out the bugs--they all have them!
  18. "Playing as the Regio Esercito, there are times when it’s bally easy to picture a Spanish Civil War...." Ahhh, maybe someday.
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