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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. What type of tile is it on? What are its exit before/after AI orders?
  2. Hard-coded, under-the-hood gameplay is off limits to us, as it should be for a host of reasons, but namely for what Erwin said.
  3. For what it's worth, I have never had this problem, and I have fought many a battle with A/C's on one side or the other, and against both the AI and humans. No problem with either my infantry machine gunners or HT or A/C machine gunners. From the silence, it sounds as if not many others have the problem either. Save game for us to look ove is the way to go.
  4. Fuser, are we going to be getting that CMBN horizon anytime soon? It looks fantastic!
  5. I've never had a problem even if approaching at an angle to the hedgerow, as long as I give the Face Command before giving the Deploy Command.
  6. This is a great mod! I also have a problem hearing the German's speaking unless I 'm in real close, just like Phil. But it's still a great mod, Stephsen.
  7. Agreed. And we should be getting Market-Garden in 4 weeks by my interpretation of BFC's release pronouncements when CMFI came out. They'll owe me big-time if it is not here by Christmas!
  8. Well put, Michael, and I agree 100%. But you know, a couple of "simple" triggers, along with the increased number of AI groups provided in version 2.0, would be a huge help to scenario designers. I realize the problems that can occur when developing triggers (discussed ad infinitum on a thread here last year), but certainly some basic ones could be achievable.
  9. LOL, sburke and Erwin, you forgot to tell them to get off your lawns. But I am a hopeless luddite myself, so I will. Get off our goddam lawns you kids!
  10. The trouble with the Sharpness tool, though, is that it tends to make the uniform look too "shiny".
  11. The original question was just that, a question. No advocacy.
  12. Norm Hatch filmed skads of footage at Betio. The only know film of US troops and enemy troops in the same frame during a battle. It was taken near the Japanese Command Bunker where Bonneyman won the CMH posthumously, IRRC. It always has given me the chills. Stunning. At 50 seconds in...
  13. If I can be the German defender, I'll bite. (I just realized that you probably meant solo, as opposed to H2H. I'll still bite.) :-)
  14. Guys, I don't recall if this was asked and answered on one of the many "why can't zooks and schrecks shoot from inside a building" threads, and can't find it by searching (and am at work so can't test it) ...so can zooks and schrecks fire from a balcony, or is the balcony considered just an extension of the inside of the building and thus they can't? Thanks.
  15. Phil, would you mind sharing the sfs mod? I've been trying the link Stephson has to Gamefront for 5 days now...it's just all fekked up and garbage (the site, that is). I have Dropbox, I could send an invite.
  16. Stephson, that link (for the sound mod) is no good for me. I get nothing but text/garbage...going on 5 days of trying. Could you please upload it to CMMODS, or else can someone drop it into a Dropbox and send and invit? Or I'll set up a Drop box and send the invite if someone is willing to drop it in. Thanks.
  17. Stephson, would you consider uploading it to GaJ's CMMODS site? I haven't been able to get Gamefront's site to either show up at all (I get a text page with contact info, Help, etc., listed in the corner, and the rest a blank white page---no website images), or it won't download for some reason when I do get "in". It's a real PITA. Thanks. I loved your earlier version.
  18. Plus a teensy bit of armor and playable from both sides, maybe??????
  19. Damn straight! It took me about a year of putzing around before I figured that one out. Like Kohlenklau said, no tutorials seem to give enough detail.
  20. You can import "core units" into any map/scenario in the editor. It's a very simple process.
  21. Okay, ENOUGH! BFC, just hire Fuser immediately and make all of us happier!
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