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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. I am what probably classifies as a fanboy, since I both love the games and appreciate the massive effort, dedication, and sincerity the very small BFC team puts into this series. But if you can stomach sincere advice from a fanboy:)...I can totally understand the massive frustration you have losing registrations and all. Have you brought this problem directly to BFC through the Tech forum? I recall during CMBN--or maybe it was CW release--that people who lost activations through no real fault of their own were given some activations back. Worth a try, 'cause the activation system is goofy (I lost 2 on an at-first unsuccessful CW install). But I have the discs and I back everything up on a thumb drive, so at least once I get things running, I don't have to worry anymore about activations.
  2. Well, at least I haven't come up with a way to turn the damn things in the last year. :-)
  3. As far as my experience, no there is no way to face fowhooles. Nor is there an defensive advantage from directional fire...just being "in" the foxhole (and your team members might not actually be shown as in a particular hole...it's abstracted a bit) gets you the defensive benefits. Btw, I am certain my pixeltruppen have received benefits from just being prone behind a foxhole group...but that could be my imagination.
  4. I'll just go with JRMC1879's post on this point.
  5. Thanks MikeyD, so it is my system then. I haven't deaf ragged for a while, so I'm sure that needs doing. I will try moving the Rzexplode to my other drive as well and see what happens.
  6. c3k/Ken and Masicle are right on the mark! The sense of entitlement of people these days is simply astounding. For those who find $10 too much to pay for obviously long and difficult programming by BFC, just know... ...Baby Jesus wept.
  7. I am trying to RZExplode the v 2.0 brz files, but I get a message that RzExplode does not have enough space to do the job. Is that really a limit of RzExplode, or my system??? If it's the the first one, how are we gonna open things up for modding? If it's the latter....help!
  8. Isn't this a bug with CMFI v2.0? It seems they fixed that with a hotfix, or was I hallucinating again?
  9. You got to stop with them negative waves, man!
  10. LOL, my German uniform mods already contain numerous camo/no camo/different camo mixes!
  11. Excellent! Maybe we will get Market Garden by, or shortly after, Christmas after all.
  12. Well, it looks like you succeeded, umlaut!
  13. Charles, GaJ, I thought the question was about Aris' vehicles. Yup, translucent trees for sure slows it.
  14. No they won't, or shouldn't anyway, Charles. Think of it as a new paint job, simply replacing the previous one.
  15. Sorry I didn't get back to you, M1. Looks like you figured it out though. I don,t know about the picture shift.
  16. Probably needed more coding than they wanted to expend in order to get this out??? If it's not in v.2, then it's time to really worry.
  17. Whew, disaster averted! I just installed the patch right over the first install, and everything seems to be jiggy now. Thanks again Pete and Martyr. Pretty-near sh*t my pants thinking about having to re-install the game and module.
  18. Thanks Pete! The truly wierd part is that I just double-checked all my CMBN and CMFI folders, and all my drive folders, and I don't have any CMSF stuff on my 'puter at all!
  19. I thought so...I'll double check. ......................... OK, I cut out the z folder completely, just in case. So, what to do next, Pete? Should I just try to reinstall, or do I need to uninstall the whole shebang and start it all from scratch? Gawd, I hope not. For what it's worth, I don't even have CMSF installed, or any residual CMSF files on my 'puter (that I can find anyway)?????
  20. WTF? I downloaded the patch, directed it to the correct location (the default one, actually), it downloads, I start CMBN, the loading screen says "v. 1.11"...I go into the editor to load up the new Lynx, Porsche Tiger, etc, and my unit choices are all CMSF equipment and troops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It won't even let me load a CW battle, saying I don't have it, but I have since day one. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:mad:
  21. Just transfer the bmp uniform textures. I used the stock CMFI Germen uniforms, mostly the pants, for some more variety for my CMBN Germans. The whole uniform works too. Just remember to use the naming conventions for CMBN. The equipment is done a little differently in CMFI, but IIRC, you can cut\paste the individual pieces into the German gear textures.
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