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Everything posted by LUCASWILLEN05

  1. I would definitely need to see the Waffen SS. Hungarians/Romanians/Polish etc) would be nice but not essential. I think a good compromise would be to add the SS as a major new force, expand the existing forces as needed and do the winter/new regions. Add the other new forces (Hungarians/Romanians/Polish etc) later on
  2. I will probably by the battlepack eventually but it certainly is not a priority for me. I am not greatly interested in the Swan phase of the NW European campaign. Final Blitzkrieg however is of interest - I am interested in the Siegfried Line Campaign, the Bulge and the Rhineland Battles. Also the final advance across Western Germany.
  3. Looks like a fine list there Chris. Obviously a lot of projects on the go and much to do. 1 Quick question about Final Blitzkrieg. Will it continue until the end of January 1945? The Battle of the Bulge US counter offensive continued within that time frame, as did he fighting associated with Operation Nordwind 2 For Black Sea I would definitely like to see Eastern European NATO forces such as Poland and the Baltic States (maybe the latter are small enough to make it into the forthcoming module allowing for the possibilities of an expanded war scenario as Russia attempts to divert NATO forces with a "Second Front" invasion of Latvia. Lithuania and Estonia - thwe Marines could then see action in the Northern theater as well as in the Crimea/South Ukraine 3 The Italy module would need the Brazilian Corps and the Volksgrenadiers (there were a couple of VG divisions involved during the final battles
  4. What I find works pretty well for me when assaulting the large buildings is using explosives to gain access to at least part of the building block. Then clear that part of the building to gin access to the flat roof top. Clear that as needed. Then clear the rest of the building roof downwards. Again use explosives if you have them. Pretty much the same if your squad doesn't have explosives. I suggest use of the Assault Order.
  5. The Battle of the Bulge Charles B Macdonald The Battle of the Bulge Hugo Cole Hitler's Last Gamble:Battle of the Bulge December 1944 - January 1945 The 12th SS: The History of the Hitler Youth Panzer Division Vol 2 You will find there is a vast amount of books and documentaries on this battle. Divisional histories should not be ovrlooked. However, do not forget that the game will be covering the Siegfried Line campaign and Operation Nordwind as well. If the game ends in January 1945 we can game the French reduction of the Colmar Pocket as well.The French were organised and equipped as US
  6. One thing I would like to see in QBs is the ability to bring on reserves/reinforcements during the game as we can in scenarios.
  7. A very enjoyable little skirmish. Just finished playing achieving a minor Russian victory. Thanks
  8. That sounds like an interesting idea. A mobile Javelin launcher with some armour.... :-)
  9. Foreign fighter types would probably have more experience. Some AQ types for instance might be graded as fanatical as well as having a fairly high experience level. However. grading troops for any kind of warigame is a very subjective exercise.
  10. I never had a very high opinion of the Stryker anyway. And That was based on CMSF which showed me that, although th Stryker is useful against insurgents but is badly flawed against a conventional opponent that has even halfway decent equipment. And the Syrian army is not even Sir Ivan!
  11. If only Ihad the time and the skills :-) I suspect the next CMRT Module is likely to cover the winter of 1944 - 5 and will include snow. Just no Panzer IIIs which were largely out of service by that stage :-). Besides, we all want to see a real Kursk game and for this to include 3rd Kharkov. A none too subtle hint for the Battlefront team :-)
  12. There was also Operation Konrad and some quite significant battles over the autumn and winter of 1944 - 45
  13. It was probably me Personally I would prefer the 3rd Kharkov and the later stages of the 1942-3 winter offensive n the same module as Kursk. We cannot simulate this now because important tanks such as the Panzer III are not yet available. What I am suggesting is that the Kursk game family actually starts in January 1943 and ends in May/June 1944 Hopefully we will see this much earlier than 2022! :-) It is one of the most iterestng phases of the war in Russia
  14. I would certainly like to see a 1943 game, perhaps actually starting in early 1943 (3rd Kharkov) and Kursk/Orel/Mius River/4th Kharkov coming in the first release together with the Waffen SS who were central to these battles. The retreat to the Dnieper and the struggle for the river line int the spring of 1944 can come in a later module
  15. Depends on the scenario though. Some actually cover an infantry action such as tasking you to clear a BUA. You could set up a game requiring the clearance of a defensive position, set, perhaps during the NATO counter offensive. It is the infantry's job to clear trenches, a task not best suited to tanks or IFVs though they will be supporting this mission. We just haven't seen very many published scenarios of this sort as yet. In other situations such as an open field tank battle which would be fairly common in the depicted conflict we tanks. IFVs and ATGMs will be common. However, i the campaign mission depicted in your first video you might choose to employ infantry to clear the Russian held factory buildings on the US left flank. Arguably this is an important position being located on the high ground. Taking this location gives you a good position to locate Javelin armed infantry to defend against the Russian armour counter attack that comes later in the battle. In one of the later missions of this campaign I recall crushing a Russian tank attack using a combination of tanks, helicopter gunships. IFVs and dismounted infantry using ATGMs to set u a killing zone along a road in the center of the battlefield. It often depends on the mission and how you choose to accomplish it
  16. You need to us infantry to clear built up areas, woods and trenches. They must be used as part of a combined arms approach. The same of course was true in WW2
  17. Similar to the situation I quoted a few weeks ago though on than occasion it was a BMP targeted by an M1A2. Evidence seems to indicate a bug as I suspected then. I would have expected that Bradley to be blown away by that T-90
  18. If I had the spare cash lying around I would. ,As it is though i have quite a few of the better recent books on the battle already. At the price RZM are asking no :-(
  19. These apparitions. Are they the ghosts of Bulge Past, Present and Future? :-) :-)
  20. In fact CMSF2 should portray a Middle East conflagration centered on Syria and Iraq but with scenarios anywhere in he region. In addition to the forces already mentioned there are the Turks, Iranians and Israelis who may be dragged into he conflct
  21. I doubt if it will be released until new year now. People will soon be looking at paying for Christmas
  22. It is harsh but in this case i go for the utilitarian side. I would rather losa a fire team (or just the couple of guys n a scout team than a whole platoon. Which might well be the case if you send them into that unscouted terrain. A couple of casualties or a couple of dozen because you did something stupid? And don't forget modern firepower in BS can be pretty devestating
  23. Lets just say that, if it's a choice between risking fire team or a squad instead of an entire platoon or company i will risk the smaller unit. Maybe tht sounds cruel but, if it minimises casualties ... ~Unfortunate for whoever draws the short straw though. Like the unfortunate GI replacements during the Hurthen Fores who veterans always forced to go first
  24. It was from the Rolling Thunder v1 scenario. As I did not save the game screenshots of the incident would not be possible. If anything like it should happen again...
  25. I thought I had mentioned I do not know the answer to that question. I did not check or record that information.
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