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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by LUCASWILLEN05

  1. It was a veteran crew. Maybe te AP machinegun ammo needs some testijng Maybe the situation was a one off. I for one don't normally engage in tank v BMP knife fights although in close terrain such a thing is possible. If there is a bug here should we call it "the knife fight bug?" That said some testing of these circumstances and this matchup might be needed to determine whether what happened was unique or whether I inadvertently found something. Also whether anyone else has had a similar incident
  2. Interesting. Amazingly my BMP seeme to bar aa continuosly charmed life. It keppt reversing and even managed to immobilise the tank. Maybe it was one of those freak, one off incidents but rthat |Russian BMP crew will be getting free vodkas for a month and dining out on he story of how they went toe to toe with an M1A2 and lived to tell the tale. Immobilizing it, no less!
  3. It still looked odd. The MG fire was obviously having no effect although i honestly don't know whethet the AP rounds were being used or not in this particular instance
  4. One wonders whether it wuld be possible for the system to be fitted to all AFVs at the start of a conflictand to what extent this could keep up with losses. Bear in mind that the conflict portrayed in game developed at quite short notice although the warning signs were there of a possible war. I think it more likely, at lleast in the early days, that some units would have the capability, others woul not. However, towards the end of the war more units would have the capability deployed than those without as you suggest
  5. John Kettler and Slysniper I will give your suggestions a try but given the terrain and lethality of ATGM weapons falling back on late WW2 tactics, sending infantry ahead of the tanks to identift and beutralize the threats seems likely to yield the best resultsUsing smoke (where available) and fast movement rates from cover to cover when the tanks need to move probably helps on a battlefield of this lethality.
  6. The BMP was never knocked out at all. It pulled back, pursued by the tank which had a veteran and well motivated crew. Such a odd result which is why I think a bug is likely, although options 3 and 4 could be possibilities. It may well be that I have encountered a rare phenomenon but it is hard to explain or justify in real world circumstances. Th crew happily blazed away with machinegun fire but with little or no effect
  7. I was gaming the Rolling Thunder scenario. The tank in question belonged to Team Blue Steel 3 for which supply is marked as "adequete. Looking at what this means in combat terms we seem to be looking at APFSDS 18 120mm Multi 18 50 cal AP 1k 7.62mm 11K Given that the platoon in questin had not yet been engaged ammunition stocks were plentiful and one round from the main gun would probably have been enough. As it turned out the vehicle machinegun fire was completely ineffective at poin plan range. Very strange. It would be interesting if we could reproduce similar results under similar circumstances (in and very close to a wooded area at ranges of 50meters down to 15 meters with a veteran tank crew (it must have been the 2nd MBT if 3rd Platoon C Company in the Rolling Thunder scenario that was involved in this specific incident. I just don't see why a main gun round was not used under these conditions
  8. It might have actually been the turret machiegun firing. If the TAC AI does in fact consider a BMP to be light armour and considers machineguns adequate for engaging that kind of target that might explain why this apparent bug occurs. However, in CMSF I have engaged BMPs at close range on occasion and have observbd the tank destroy them ih the main gun which seems like a reasonable outcome. Similarly in Red Thunder and Normandy. It seems strange that the same did not happen this time However, on previus occasions, certainly prior to Game Engine 3 the main gun was used as expected. Very strange.
  9. Main gun was i good condition. In fact the tank had only arrived as reinforcements a few minutes earlier
  10. What annoys me about the the laser warning system is the way the crew always reverse back into cover as soon as the warning goes off. It has reached a point where I just don't want to send tanks forward any more, just putting them on overwatch positions (even that is not foolproof) and sending ATGM armed infantry in ahead to dispose of those pesky Russian T-90s. Sorry Vladimir Tarasov!
  11. I had something very odd happen today. An M1A2 (veteran crew) encountered a BMP-2 at very close range (15 meters) in a wooded area and d engaged the target with the vehicle machine guns only despite having plenty of ammunition on board. The way this happened was I suspected an enemy AFV was near a wooded area on my flank. Being unsure of the exact nature of the threat I moved the nearest tank to investigate and dispose of the threat as I believed it to be a small enemy force. What I encountered was a BMP It so happened that the range of this engagement was extremely short about 30 meters. What I expected was that the M1A2 would engage with the main gun and swiftly dispose of the BMP. This did not happen. My tank insisted on engaging the target with hull and co-ax machine guns even though there was plenty of main gun ammunition on board. Even more oddly the crew were veterans! I then tried giving the tank a target order and it still would not engage with the main gun. This cannot be right and appears extremely unrealistic. One or two main gun rounds would have knocked that BMP out in short order. I have never seen this happen before. It seems to me that there must be a bug here.
  12. I see WW2 Russian Front scenarios, suitably "modernized" as a good source of ideas. For example, late in the war, US forces have made a penetration into Russia and are close to a small town called Prokhorovka. At this point the Russians mount a major counter attack. The game covers a small part of this battle, say a US Company Team which must defend in place or counter attack depending on the part of the WW2 battle you wish to represent. The battle is fought on the same ground as the WW2 tank battle but with modern weapons. A similar game might take place on the 1943 Mius River battlefield. This time US and Ukrainian forces are fighting to eliminate a well defended Russian bridgehead similar to that the Red Army had in July/August 1943 Or one could draw inspiration from the Third/Fourth Battles of Kharkov. Again the action takes place on the same ground in similar tactical situations but with modern weaponry,
  13. My impression is that grende throwing seems more likely if the assault order has been given. I could of course be wrong.
  14. Squads tend to decide for themselves when to lob grenades. They tend to do it when storming positions, often when on an Assault order.
  15. Friendly fire isn't. That sort of thing probably happened to some forward observers. A map reading error perhaps? In game terms though I wonder whether the FO in question was located close to the point hr was calling fire down on. That practice is not healthy
  16. There is quite a lot of forest in Ukraine particularly in the north. Wooded areas make for close range engagements http://people.oregonstate.edu/~peremysv/ukraine/forestry.htm However, further south we have the steppes which are better for tank warfare. I would expect quite a few tank battles down that way in our 2017 scenarios and maybe we can have some scenarios reflecting this? In the steppes we can still have vegetation including some wooded areas as well as hills and balkas (the local term for ravine, Also grasses and crops to hide in http://uk.images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A7x9UnhjkuhV.EcAifh3Bwx.;_ylu=X3oDMTBsYWhiN2NvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2lyMgR2dGlkAw--?_adv_prop=image&fr=yhs-SGMedia-sgm_fb&va=ukrainian+steppes&hspart=SGMedia&hsimp=yhs-sgm_fb However, both forest and steppe maps need sufficient detail to make them tactically interesting. Balkas for example can cut up he steppe and act as useful defensive positions or routes of approach for tanks and infantry. In the steppe even a low rise could be tactically important.
  17. Ready in time for a December 16 release? Maybe that date would be hugely appropriate
  18. Or more accurately NATO members send forces to support the mission in Ukraine.
  19. It would be nice to have a function that lets you select squad/fire team formation including an option t spread out more
  20. Fulda Gap and maybe modern Korea when they run out of ideas for other modern. Another Asia game such as India-Pakistan or Taiwan would be nice but I won't hold my breath Early WW2 would also be fun but we could be waiting a long time even for Barbarossa :-(
  21. Essentially we can do this with Black Sea
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