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Everything posted by DaveyJJ

  1. Don't know but that front page has been hiccupping all morning for me ... normally refreshes very fast then every so many (OK, I am refreshing like a drunk fool) it stalls during loading and I get all excited then nothing. I'm gonna get a Cron job written to monitor it for me, methinks ...
  2. But BF also has to follow the laws and postal regulations in their own country which means they have to declare the retail of any merchandise they are shipping via the USPS. Or in other words, they can't lie to the USPS about the sales price of the item(s) they ship.
  3. Every time that home page takes more than a second or two to refresh I think "It's here!" ... stupid connection this AM.
  4. Crazy talk. We all know Hitler was killed in Scenario 6, aka: ADOLF HITLER is KILLED by BULLET WOUND IN CROSSFIRE BETWEEN TIME-TRAVELING ANTI-NAZIS SENT BACK TO KILL HIM AND TIME-TRAVELING NAZIS SENT BACK TO PREVENT HIS ASSASSINATION. John Scalzi clearly explains these sceanrios in his brilliantly funny (short) alternative history missives ... Fiction: Missives from Possible Futures #1: Alternate History Search Results. http://www.subterraneanpress.com/index.php/magazine/winter2007/fiction-missives-from-possible-futures-1-alternate-history-search-results-by-john-scalzi/
  5. Round discs, patience for the demo, and now a time paradox? What are these crazy guys at BF thinking?
  6. Thanks, Doctor T. That's how I'd read that too.
  7. Link please ... it's all but impossible to refresh so fast ... must've missed that post. Thanks.
  8. :D That's a good one. Phil paid, errrr, told me he's the only "normal" one 4PM. 6 hours difference between Eastern and Central European.
  9. "A warning shot across the bow" I think was mentioned in that posting by Steve ... demo proceeding game by a few days (or so). Yes, you do recall correctly.
  10. Actually, the Typhoon hits have been discredited in a recent, very well done documentary about his last engagement. The lead Tigers were hit (from their two o'clock positions) by British armour who were hidden on a small treed hillock overlooking the field they were travelling across at 700+ metre range, while Wittman's tank was hit in the left rear by a Canadian tank from a short range of about 150 yards. The wall the Canuck shot from still stands, as the farmer who owns the land was a kid at the time and has collected many parts from his tank, including Wittman's neck head microphone and many pieces of the turret. http://www.history.ca/ontv/titledetails.aspx?titleid=116485 Preview here ... Recommended viewing.
  11. Tar and feather this man, immediately!!! :eek:
  12. How can you avoid politics living where you do? Don't you have that weird mayor?
  13. VAT etc? Y'all have it easy. try shipping $70 worth of fencing (the sport) equipment up from New Jersey to southern Ontario by UPS. The total COD fee was just shy of $50 ... $30 of that was "brokerage" fees charged by the men in brown. Why does UPS charge that and FedEx never does?
  14. As OP, I'm going to ask that BF close this complaint thread if there's any more complaints about complaining posted. And get off my lawn, too!
  15. Ha! You're all old ... now if you excuse me, I have to stop the refresh monkey and get my orthos on and to my 7AM mall walking group. I'll be back when the shuttle from the home returns.
  16. Music? This is war, man! I've got no time to cart around some 30 pound RCA Victor radio and belt out tunes to the troops, I'm helping them survive. When they get their R&R they can listen to music, but for now they'll listen to their commander's steely voice urging them on to victory!
  17. Actually, it's the 4,964 different combinations of motherboards and CPUs and umpteen thousand vendor-specific video card drivers etc on the PC side that's holding everything up. But I'll go with whatever system Steve is using.
  18. I knew the demo wasn't coming today as soon as I got word at 7:15pm this evening at my kid's baseball practice from my wife that the bloody lumber company failed to deliver anything to my house today ... this despite the fact that my $2500 order was confirmed on May 3rd and I've got post installers coming tomorrow morning at 8AM and NO POSTS for them to install (and most of the day free at home tomorrow to have played). Rrrrrrrrrr.
  19. I do too. 11 years to the day that the CMBO GM demo was released would be an awesome way to celebrate that anniversary. I keep refreshing hoping so.
  20. What's a registry? (Yet another smug OSX user just passing time waiting for the demo. Couldn't resist.)
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