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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. I think it was AKD who aptly noted WWII aircraft are really bad at spotting targets. Using area target is a good way for friendlies aka "pedestrians" to get hosed. Use point target and if the weather, trees or smoke does not obscure your fighter results should be better. Boola-Boola
  2. Sounds like an interesting map to fight on Combatintman... "a mix of really close urban terrain and some large open areas." Should allow lots of possibilities in terms of tactics and equipment.
  3. Heading to the Hospital but all these insurgents are in my way
  4. Blimey fights round the world A Future Shock Force - up to date with the latest engine will be even better if we use the huge moms/ scenario work done for the game already. Looking forward to it Blimey.
  5. There is room for Kitty on each number! Think of the posibilities Got the missing textures. No updated MG dealership yet. Thanks Fuser
  6. Dot A or B look fine for spicing up the UI. HELLO KITTY is just fun. Rambler's Kitty is cute. Thanks Juju for spicing things up.
  7. Looks fine Fuser. Like the rusty Rhino effect.
  8. Thanks Juju. They look great. Of course have variety does spice up the play. Don't discount Hello Kitty as being popular. I know two ladies who trimmed their real hunting / target rifles in Hello Kitty furniture! Now I don't know how many ladies play CM but maybe some grogs just like to transform things now and then... and Halloween is almost here
  9. Thanks Steve and all the Chefs working in the Battlefront kitchen
  10. re: modern war.... see http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=112013&page=13 Post #122 "Soon" could be in the near future give or take a little... but is hint
  11. Steve.... "....And of course I sample what I'm about to buy. That is, after all, the ultimate test. Movie trailers, 30 second music clips, first 10 pages of a book... whatever it is, that's the single most important thing for me. And with games, it's the demo. If I don't like the sample then I usually move onto something else. If I do, I buy. Doesn't matter what the reviews say if I am able to form my own opinion. Metacritic scores, themselves, mean absolutely NOTHING to me. Not for games, not for Amazon products, not anything. They are not useful......" Delightful summation of how being FREE to sample and make decisions based on real experience = practical contact with and observation of facts, events and products makes more cent$ than simply relying on another's opinion.
  12. Or Santa Time? Would a sweet New Modern CMX2 bookend to last Christmas CMSF Mac Bundle and am still playing and enjoying the heck out of it. I know I said it before but the Battlefront "complete package" of Game and Modules makes the games feel so much more polished in play and possibilities of play with all the units.
  13. Steve , "I don't think the few cranks out there STILL bleating on and on and on about CMx1 vs. CMx2 is "devastating". What would have been devastating is us being stupid enough to listen to them. Because I can promise you, without ANY doubt in my mind, Battlefront would have been out of business. Just like all the other wargame companies that refused the challenge of innovation in favor of pandering to an every shrinking pool of sycophants." Adjusting to the challenge of innovation = Survival and Good Business.... and better games / entertainment for customers who purchase products they want. I think it was Specialized Bicycle that had a slogan "Innovate or Die"? They are doing just fine with their business model. Specialized Bicycles TDF 2008 Commercial Innovate or Die Shrinking the pool of sycophants has Darwinian implications as well.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Buzz  BTW: I took care of a fellow who put actually a nail gun up against his foot (covered in a fancy new boot with steel toe) and pulled the trigger. Went through his foot. Best part... he was going to test his new plastic construction helmet the day before with the same nail gun but was talked out of it and went drinking. I don't think they should have stopped him. Might prevent him from harming someone else in his lifetime of abject stupidity. If “Stupidity” could be a legal “Cause of Death” CDC would need to print many, many millions of bumper stickers. Quote: I think "the upcoming Modern game"... was mentioned. Didn't quite catch that name & release date Steve  Soon  Steve Thank You Steve
  15. Interesting seeing you "On the Ground" comments. I was just reading "OnPointII" PDF last PM. I don't think many folks in the US truly realize how things really are in a modern... "low intensity conflict."
  16. re: Darwin - Yeah. It is amazing what some folks do after they say Wanna see sumpin cool... Hold my beer and watch this! I am all in for the Eastern Front CMx2 the entire meal because it is just so full of intersteing units features so endless toy box. It will be interesting to see what New Modern does in sales as well. I suspect with CMx2 it will do better than some think despite XYZ reviews. One of the best sales tools Battlefront has are their Demos. Play it. Like it. Buy it.
  17. Sound business reasoning to me.... Eastern Front is huge compared to the Western Front and an Eastern Front fan is likely to purchase all of it. BTW: I took care of a fellow who put actually a nail gun up against his foot (covered in a fancy new boot with steel toe) and pulled the trigger. Went through his foot. Best part... he was going to test his new plastic construction helmet the day before with the same nail gun but was talked out of it and went drinking. I think "the upcoming Modern game"... was mentioned. Didn't quite catch that name & release date Steve
  18. What "two Base Games are already extremely far along in development…"?
  19. Thank you Combatinman for Fallujah Hospital CMSF and the suggestion for the publication On Point II Transition to the New Campaign: The United States Army in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM May 2003 – January 2005. Will fire it up later this week and give you some feedback.
  20. "….That and many of them still buy our games. You know, just to be sure they still hate it." Steve Maybe it is not actual "hate" more like a thorn in one's flesh kinda experience … that prickliy tickle that they might be WORNG that keeps them loathing CM so much they buy $ it .. just to make sure
  21. Thanks Combatinman. Safe travels. Looking forward to your scenario.
  22. Mr complaints office... Please "fix or do somefink" like ground to air combat would be quicker to implement.... or wait... burning terrain! Well that means....cue video You are so lucky it is not Friday Have a great weekend and take nothing for granted.
  23. I have started you King of Oosterbeek vs AI. Good job getting the action going straight away. Nice to see your using part of Pete Wenman's master map PanzerMike. Thanks.
  24. Thanks Marco and all the testers. Stunning mod for the game. I agree the bglow version is the most compatible with the Juju mod.
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