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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Originally Posted by c3k Hi Mom! More characters. Hi Son, bring all the characters you want, I made extra. Hi Uncle Vester, Ready for a game of Dominos. I am buying.
  2. Wrong.. para- an "online purchase" of any firearm must be received from a FFL dealer who must comply with Federal and State laws. Holmes buying spree weapons must have complied with the above. Some FFL dealer had to follow the laws for Holmes to get the weapons so portraying this as "online purchases!!!" is incorrect.
  3. Steve owns a TANK The man has heart and heat I will have to google "concealed tank permit" .. it is possible I suppose
  4. para - I agree mentally ill people should be getting treatment. Do you have laws in place to stop them buying weapons? Checks etc? I do not know all your laws. Yes. I would suggest you google state gun laws to find the specifics in each US State. The standard firearm purchase form asks many questions about the purchaser's history including mental illness, crime, drugs, etc. If they lie and have no "record" on file they get the gun. para- Was he mentally ill before the shooting or once they got him to court? Again if you are deeply interested in the Aurora mass shooting there is volumes of data available for your reading. James Eagan Holmes was mentally ill before his mass shooting. para - Why have a gun free zone if nobody bothers with checks? Is it just gun free on entering the building, the grounds, the complex??? A gun free zone is an attempt do what many anti gun proponents request, disarm anyone in the gun free zone. Unless TSA like resources $$$, training and standards are applied consistently, gun free zones primarily disarm law abiding citizens who comply with the law. The post Sandy Hook proposals to expand gun free zones would not provide any greater safety. Even crazy people can figure out... a gun free zone... means their mass shooting is not likely to be challenged from the start. para- Well he managed to kit himself out like Arnie did in Commando..Someone sold him the equipment. Buying weapons illegally is common in the urban areas of most US cities. You got da $$$ you get the gun(s) no questions asked.
  5. para..."Just had a quick read on the Aroura shooter....." James Eagan Holmes was and is mentally ill. para... "Do cars get searched in gun free zones?" Not usually. No in general. para... "This guy is able to obtain tactical ballistic equipment, tear gas, several weapons and 100 drum magazines..all quite easily." How easily? If it was difficult and the crazy man still was intent on purchasing weapons it can be done even though it is illegal to do so. Mentally Ill people should be obtaining treatment and medication not guns.
  6. para..."I just find it hard to comprehend that you seem quite happy for the status quo to continue." Did anyone suggest they were "happy" seeing mentally ill people shoot children as happened in Sandy Hook:confused: With all due respect para, mass shooting / suicides are NOT the status quo of gun violence in the USA. Thank you JasonC on you Naval Yard shooting description. It would be easy to misunderstand the sequence of events in the Naval Yard shooting yesterday with a causal review of some US media reports yesterday. One initial report of Naval Yard shooter had "Assault Rifle like the military uses in war... witnesses heard 3 shots so it must be an automatic weapon." Several media outlets continued to falsely state through most of the day an "Assault Rifle" was being used. False. As JasonC also corruptly notes most gun crime in the US is committed with handguns. The vast majority of gun deaths I have attended are committed with handguns, often 9mm. Many of the deceased knew their killer as family, or "business associate / competitor". What many do not see is for every person killed with a gun of any type there are several more people injured by gunfire. The US has gun violence. Too many urban youth are the victims and perpetrators of handgun violence on their community. It is disturbing to many that effective measures to reduce / prevent the vast majority of gun violence are essentially ignored when politicians focus on banning "Assault Rifles". As for mental illness let me relate an incident from many years ago. I had to interview / triage a young woman in the Emergency Room. She was known to us as a mentally ill client who was prone to "going off her meds" for weeks, getting really "crazy" and acting out. This particular visit she requested a particular MD on duty. I notified Security she seemed a little more anxious than her normal "crazy". As I escorted her to an interview area she reached in her dress and pulled out a revolver! Security and I pounced on her, disarmed her before she could shoot the MD she intended to kill only 20 feet away. Why did she want to kill him? She thought she heard him say something bad to her when she was out on the street a few blocks away last PM so she got a revolver and was going to kill him to shut him up. para, Crazy people do crazy things. Most of the time this young woman was crazy but did not get a gun to kill someone. She did that night and we got lucky. Mentally Ill people should not have guns. As I previously noted my extensive and intense experiences dealing with real incidents of gun violence and death and personal gun violence encounters.... I prefer to maintain my right to self defense and hope I never have to exercise that right.
  7. para "...live in a place were you do not have to worry about someone being able to fire off hundreds of rounds in a school or a theatre..." Where would that be? para, ".. keep an arsenal of weapons some of which only the military should only have." This is the argument the anti-gun legislators particularly good Senator Feinstein have put forth based on their misunderstanding (from ignorance or intentional) about weapons systems. The mentally ill DC shooter had a shotgun and hand gun and killed 12 people on a Military Base!
  8. "Has your opinion changed on gun ownership?" No. I have safely enjoyed target shooting and hunting since I was a child (many years) Good Senator Feinstein has never changed her opinion either, "If I could've gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them -- Mr. and Mrs. America turn 'em all in -- I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here." I truly wish there was meaningful action on mental illness in the USA. This will not happen. Reforming mental health care will cost billions and there is no political clout to get significant votes for genuine reform. I have seen literally hundreds of gunshot wounds and many (hundreds) of gunshot deaths in my medical profession capacity. I have had weapons shot in my direction with harmful intention. I have had weapons pointed at me with threats of injury. I have never returned fire and hope I never have to. Much of the recently proposed "anti gun" legislation would do nothing to reduce criminals or mentally ill from using weapons to harm others but would restrict law abiding citizens their ability to own or even protect themselves with a gun if they must to survive. I watched many many hours of congressional gun reform debate after Sandy Hook. It is disgraceful how many anti gun senators either do not understand what they are speaking / legislating about or simply provide misleading information as a basis for their plans to address gun violence and "mental illness". So no. Responsible gun ownership and usage is a good thing. para, "Also and i may be wrong here, but it's not the criminals going on mass shooting sprees but law abiding citizens." para, you missed the mentally ill part of mass shooting / suicide. Criminals have little business reasons to do mass shootings. Criminals usually have targeted business reasons to kill.
  9. Just got US Multicam Mod - v1.0. I will load it up later today. Thanks Blimey.
  10. I should have time to give it a spin this weekend Saferight.
  11. Modern Temperate Region game "Combat Mission:Black Sea" would work for me
  12. Yes it would but I doubt this will happen in CMSF-2. Discussion before indicate graphic resources & tactical probability were considerations ... but yes it would be very cool.
  13. Thanks Blimey. I hope you are modding when CMSF-2 & "Black Sea" rolls out.
  14. I am on a Mac with the CMBO disc using Windows 7 Pro in Boot Camp and the 'Radeon Text Fix' Schrullenhaft suggested works fine to improve text readability. I think his suggestion is from a thread in 2011?
  15. A "Mo Betta" secret.... Thanks c3k. I am all in for Market Garden for sure. "My push at the windmill has failed." Then I would Attack
  16. Erwin - "I need to start permanently deleting mods that either are obsolete, or no longer work with the latest patches/versions." Should be an "app" for that
  17. Why is the windmill facade flat gray with holes in it while the adjacent building has a textured facade?
  18. No rushing, move after you have some intelligence on the enemy force or movements, always think through an action and understand the consequences ... is a really solid start to a good game of CM and an attractive woman Your Blog looks great Bil. Thank You.
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