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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Might ned to dust off Firepower but not for the holidays. Too many kids around that might eat the units off the board I only played the Afghanistan demo but enjoyed it. Vietnam has so much possibility in terms of battles, equipment setting but it would have to sell to make it work. But then if CM is dying.... BFC might grasp at that straw before 10,000 views
  2. What's this?! An excellent update of the Mord & DCs MG Portraits. You guys have done some heavy lifting to enhance the game appearance. Thank you.
  3. Since Steve mentioned Avalon Hill does anyone still have "Firepower" from 1984? "A game of man to man squad tactics from 1965 to the present" (1984). The only A.H. game I still have in my possession. Have not played it in a long. long time. Battlefront could create a fantastic Vietnam era game. I have no doubt it would be historically accurate, educational and interesting. The marketing issue is significant for a Vietnam era game. Sales drive the ability for any company to produce the product. To this day, Vietnam is one of the more complex, misunderstood military / social events in US history, IMO. I have no doubt Battlefront could produce an awesome Vietnam game and modules but the market for it may not be broad enough to justify the finical investment for them.... but we can still ask. Maybe BFC could mange this before they die?
  4. After Eastern Front, "Black Sea" and CMSF-2... Vietnam as another new modern family and modules of course. Simply doing my part to arrive at 10,000+ views of the mortal remains of Battlefront You know doing the M50 Ontos after MG should not be too much of a stretch
  5. Got the CMSF Mac Bundle 1.32. Has all the epansions as an ensemle it is a blast! Provides a much more complete package for plenty of fun. I have no where near scratched the surface of all the user made scenarios, campaigns, and even theatre mods available for this game. Be aware that Battlefront is planning a new modern game based on the CMx2 engine possibly call "Black Sea." They may also update CMSF to the CMx2 engine. The future looks good for modern CM.
  6. Vietnam ... Jungle fighting, tunnels, intense small unit actions... potent CAS with realistic ground-fire impact ... River Assault Squadron fighting.... to the huge Battle of Huế 1968 ... much like 2004 anti-insurgent Marine operation in Fallujah. Lots of possibilities to "interact with the subject matter in CM." I would really buy the game and modules and I suspect others would so maybe Vietnam after Black Sea and CMSF2? I am NOT worried about keeping up with Battlfront product releases. As my CM toy box fills with variety it makes for my better understanding the conflicts and a entertainment Buzz up and own military history's timeline.
  7. Thanks. Got the drinks part covered Fired it up to see how the Mac would manage Wittmann's Swords. Only 3:30 to load the scenario =drink fast? Not a bad load time considering how large the battlefield is. Mac Pro 2 X 2.26 GHz Quad-Core ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB DELL U2713HM Display 1920 X 1080p Resolution Activity Monitor showed CMBN was using @ 2.8 GB of Memory. Issued one Elite TB order to test how the 2.11 patch works on CMBN/CW/MG. Fluid and smooth. I am ready Post Holidays. Thanks Sir George, your scenario testers and the "near death" Battlefront crew for making CMBN faster, smoother and more fun to play.
  8. Thanks for the tactical advice. I may just restart run #3 this week using this smarter approach. Who needs "largely unproductive fights with multitude of insurgents" when you yearn for the "smell of victory in the morning" ... after a warm cappuccino
  9. Your results in 4 to 5 hours are still exceptional. Congratulations. I think I need to try the bypass the enemy route. Seems like I engaged plenty around the factory complex and the highway.
  10. Thanks Sir George. I am sure you have Wittmann's Swords at Villers Bocage dialed in very well. My elder Mac may struggle but fear not. I will follow your directions. "PLEASE BE PATIENT. Start it up then go make a drink!" I hope to get more play time over the holidays as despite "cm dying" there is plenty of material begin produced by fans / customers... and if the modern / EF "horse race" is a tie... the New Years babe will be .. plump and happy
  11. Thank you Vinnart & Marco Bergman. Much appreciated UI feature. Downloads: 177 < 1 hour... CM must surely be "dying"
  12. Elite, Real Time, micromanaging 1 KIA, 3 WIA, around 25 squads to coordinate to minimize casualties while assaulting buildings all in about 3 hours real world time is stunning. I had gotten to the hospital complex in run one but had taken too many silly casualties, done too much damage to the hospital and restarted. The work got in the way. The ability to render resistance to a smoldering pile of ash is available but does not get you a win. Thanks for the insight on the commandos. I will be going at it again maybe after next weeks holidays.
  13. Real Life has curtailed my play time last few weeks so have not gotten too far into my attempt #2 at Fallujah Hospital. Enjoyed what I have played so far Combatintman Thanks. BlackMoria good job! Impressive results in Elite Real Time. I start Elite Turn Based and look forward to completing as well but will not keep my #s at 1 KIA, 3 WIA! How much real world time did it take you to "See the Doctor" at Fallujah Hospital?
  14. Works well for me Phil. Thank you for the "optimized the rendering pipeline". It is clear it works on my older Mac. It is easy to get fixated on FPS but the real test (for me) is can I play the game smoothly. The improvements you all made make this happen. ".....Combat Mission, on the other hand, has very few limitations. The only real limitation is how big the map can be, not limitations on how many different terrain types, how many polygon hungry terrain types in a given area, the amount of elevation differences, the number and types of units, the weather effects, etc.variation, map size, unit numbers, unit variations, etc. Tradeoffs different depending on the approach. We trade off some guarantees of speed for little compromise of creativity..... Steve" CM not having limitations does make for a better product and IMO a longer product value. The "creativity" possible in CM is an important hunk of the game's attraction.
  15. Nice patches. Thanks Steve and everyone at Battlefront. Both CMBN/CW/MG and CMFI/GL play smoother - a more consistent fps? Unfortunately too much work to play much CM right now but I should have more CM play time this December when the 'horse race' winner(s) are released
  16. I think you are correct Michael. Most modern GPUs will have more than .5 GB VRAM. Thanks Redwolf. Always appreciate your technical input. Mac works for me and many others who want to work with Mac OS/Applications and play w/o rebooting into Windows. As I noted I may build a Hackintosh. Like the form factor and features of the Cooler Master HAF XB EVO. Good Luck SLIM.
  17. Good Luck. I am still considering a Hackintosh myself. Pretty sure I could build one and get it running fine for less than a Mac but it would require tinkering. Never mind Moon's Mac jab. He was probably just expressing new Mac Pro cylinder envy That and the thunderbolt spaghetti he would get to hide behind the jar
  18. A new MacPro would qualify as costing a chunk of money for sure "a machine that can run CMBN at something like above average settings and 1920 x 1080 resolution with some processor power left over" CM CPU's single-threaded performance is probably one of the bigger 'bottlenecks' of sorts. That said I play CMFI-GL & CMBN-CW-MG & CMSF Mac Bundle .. all on an older Mac Mac Pro 2 X 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon 18 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 ECC ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB DELL U2713HM Display 2560 x 1440 Resolution Phil 1st 2nd is correct that adjusting the settings helps and the recent Market Garden 2.10 optimizations helped the game play smoother and faster IMO. Do a search and you will get some good tips. Look at the min / max spec recommendations for the games. Per: Schrullenhaft - The following will have little-to-no impact, STRICTLY of the performance of CM: 1. Multiple-cores. 2. Greater than 4GB of RAM 3. SLI/Crossfire multi-video card setups. 4. SSD loading performance. Phil Culliton CPU and GPU load. CM does more stuff than most games per frame. Way more than most. .... reduce your model quality to, say, "Improved", which adds frames and smooths play quality, and looks great to boot. Turn it up to "Best" for closeup screenshots or smaller scenarios. If you're playing a nasty scenario turn it down a bit to give your CPU and GPU some breathing room - that's why the settings are there... Good Luck
  19. The HBO miniseries for CMBN... Ok Who let that slip! I want names, places and times. So much for "surprises" ER's can be very stressful places to live / work (kinda blends together after years). ER's also keep thing very real. Here today... might not be here... "When I get downtime I want to think about nothing. These games are perfect for that." I agree Zenomorph. CM games are great for minutia of micro management (control) or simply let it rip Real Time - No Pausing allowed and see what happens (free). Enjoy and thanks to the crew at Battlefront, the talented scenario / map makers and mod community. BTW: I never read a metacritic review before it was mentioned here
  20. Thanks Combatintman. Enjoying Fallujah Hospital v1. The baddies are a plenty around Fallujah Hospital! I pushed too fast and hard and did not use my artillery assets wisely in play through #1. Starting play through #2.
  21. "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" I Feel a HEALING Coming On!
  22. Is there a Redwolf Inc. company forum where one can read Redwolf Inc. game sales tea leaves? Grumbling and arguing about something not being the way you want it or think someone else should make it for you does not get much accomplished. For most folks it does even feel good after a while and they simply ... move along. With all due respect, why not start your own company and make your own game Redwolf? I am serious. Then, if you were successful, with Redwolf Inc you could send a big told you so to Battlefront.
  23. I think most took your comments as your own mis-fortunes in using CAS dissatisfaction with the game. Ultradave"..."A fighter bomber low and fast has a split second many times to determine where to drop." I would not want to even vaguely resemble a possible target with a fighter bomber low and fast anywhere near me with a 500lb bomb!
  24. "Unless someone can prove otherwise that default behavior isn't going to change. Why? Because that behavior is already in the game and your desired behavior isn't. " Makes sense to me. If it was "Combat Mission Redwolf" then it would play the default way Redwolf wants it to and his customers would have to enjoy it as is or lobby for changes or not buy the product. Battlefront has a solid track record of proving products that sell and improving products in response to customer input. "....the Army would eventually arm helicopters and turn them into gunships..." I saw the tragic results of helicopter gunship "friendly fire" in Viet Nam. Good friend was really, really messed up because of danger close, unclear location of forces and jungle. I am fortunate enough to often witness Naval Air training with F/A-18 Hornet strike fighters. A couple of months ago walking our dog, I heard the F-18 going very low and slow. I ran out in the road intersection and waved my bright yellow dog poop bag and jumped up and down to get the pilots attention. Imagine my surprise when I saw him salute from the cockpit and dip his left wing 90 degrees at me and my dog! I wish I could pilot one of those birds. I was surprised he could see me that well but then I could see him in the cockpit salute. Now if the pilot was at training speed probably not. I can barely keep track of a pair of them flying low across the sky. Unmistakable roar and .... ZIP! Air power kicks a**! Then there are drones snipers in the sky. Sorry... I will go walk the dog with my my bright yellow dog poop bag cause you never know
  25. Interesting results Jammersix and Whiterider. Hauling 1000 rounds of just 5.56 "Quick" to the end of the map, a flat map with no terrain, 1008 meters long ... in real life.... would be very tough to do. Add terrain features, weather, protection gear, etc. and maybe someone(s) trying to shoot you and getting exhausted would happen fairly soon.
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