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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. No Beta AAR? Maybe the powers that be don’t like chicken? I am sure they like beer so maybe I need to sacrifice more beer?
  2. Thanks Mord. "over 1000 portraits at this moment..." Wow! I did not realize it was that big. I am sure we will dig the end results.
  3. Thank you Combatintman. Your "...scenarios and campaigns for my own interest and enjoyment and for the pleasure of others..." are top notch. Hope the new Modern "Black Sea" will be in your kit in the near future.
  4. Sacrificing a chicken to the powers that be... aka dinner (roasted with farm fresh, braised red potato & beer) .... so Beta AAR must tomorrow
  5. Be careful. Where there is smoke there is often... a conflagration about to happen
  6. Whirl.. spin... revolve... swirl.. twirl, turn.. tug for more... sounds of the BF casting net hauling in a 4.0 non-Eastern Front grog catch
  7. Looks great Mord. Thanks for your application and aptitude to make CM look much "mo beta".
  8. Being a genuine non-Eastern Front grog.. I am on the line. So when do I get hooked
  9. I do play WEGO (Elite) on occasion but RT is easier on my available time in the toy box. I do not pause a lot and definitely do not “micro manage”. My wrist does twitch from an old “war injury” but nit because I am an Elite CM player You are correct that Combatintman’s fine CIMIC House scenario gives the player plenty to mange with variety of actions but not too much to become overwhelming. It is amazing how in some situations multiple RPGs are like fireworks popping off. I can only imagine how …. “Soldiers from Y Company of the 1st Battalion, The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment and 60 from the Royal Welsh Fusiliers felt being isolated some 20 miles from the main Battle Group in Abu Naji, and dependent on convoys for resupply…. Fighting reached a peak between the 5 and 25 August when the intensity was such that armoured convoys were unable to reach the base to resupply the British, although none of the waves of infantry attacks by the Mahdi Army got within 30 metres of the British lines.” Hats off to these soldiers admirable defense. Good observation re: Challengers Erwin.
  10. Steve..."when things are up close time becomes disproportionally important." Very erudite explanation of more than "Hull-down spotting disadvantages"
  11. Good to see you are getting on with CIMIC House Erwin. Give yourself a redo… I often do:D I have played CIMIC House (Elite RT) and restarted 3 different times since Combatintman uploaded this fine scenario…."the longest continuous action fought by the British Army since the Korean War 50 years ago". Interesting that more folks have not tried his wonderful map that offers various ways to win through fire and maneuver. My best result was British Tactical Victory @ 45 minutes left, 2 vehicles dead, 3 immobilized, I think 9 KIA , 6 WIA. The Mahdi Army casualties were over 200 KIA. I used BlackMoria’s advice re: ammunition. Thanks (BM) and Combatintman’s “you really have to choose your battles.” Spot on. I recommend the scenario for anyone interested in modern MOUT that is not a building to building slog. Nice balance of forces, plenty of room to move and plenty of fireworks from the Mahdi Army fighters. Well done Combatintman. Sorry for the delayed posting as real life busy so getting an hour uninterrupted is tough. Also got a bit side tracked with the new GPU in the Mac Pro. Makes everything so pretty i started firing up more CMBN/CW/MG & CMFI/GL BlackMoria’s one day coup of British Tactical Victory with 1 WIA is a pretty amazing piece of work!
  12. Thanks Combatintman. In satellite country but have the Mac Pro in my kit. Only took 7 minutes to download a 1.6 mb file. I quickly checked CIMIC House Al Amarah 2004 and it loads and random orders worked fine. Good to know with my non standard GPU install. Quick look displays another fine battle ahead. Thank you. Will be hunting in the woods this next week and work when I return but I will give you feed back along the way when I fire up CIMIC House Al Amarah 2004. I suspect I will need "hints and tips on this one" but will let you know. Thanks again. so I won't be on
  13. Thanks for the Kiwi Armor Mord. Enjoy Christmas.... around the fire;)
  14. Thanks snake eye for making UK Airborne Helluva Take Over..... Yes. Mac's work well for my needs / work but a Hackintosh may be in the 2014 toy box?
  15. It will get there. Winter weather might slow the repository down Thanks for the heads up "a lot of play time for this one..." as I am only sticking my head up from a full work schedule for a week or so of Holidays and family then back to work but the nice part of CM is I get to play when I can. Save is my friend. Combatintman your scenarios are well designed and challenging so coming back ... even a turn every few days is plenty of fun. BlackMoria, Please post your AARs when you can. It will be interesting and educational to see how quickly you rip through CIMIC House Al Amarah 2004. Happy Holidays.
  16. Thanks snake eye. And thanks to Blackmoria for testing two AARs. The read of the offering looks very detailed and a good fight. I can't load it because my new GPU does not play nice for some reason? Please see: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=112909 Merry Xmas to you.
  17. Could be grogs desire that toasty warmth of knowing they can "Light a hot one up!" int the game... they can already do that in many states legally and I suspect Arthur may uses some of his royalty money for this as well Really nice of you to pop the "plain portraits" under the tree for us. Thanks Mord.
  18. Christmas Bone = CM's return to the Eastern Front: 1. Ground to Air fire. 2. Ammo Dumps. 3. Vehicle Ammo Leveling. 4. Larger Maps. 5. Tank riders And of course the usual things one should expect from a new theater of war... new terrain, new UI graphics, etc. Oh, and obviously what I just mentioned is just a few things that are new to the game. Better still... these new features are going to be available to CMBN and CMFI as Upgrade 3.0. Steve All good Steve, Moon, Phil, and everyone at Battlefront. Sneaky how you didn't mention the New Modern in the East.... Black Sea n' such... in 3.0 Happy Holidays.
  19. Thanks Combatintman. Looking forward to getting some play time in for the Holidays and I am sure you have another gem here.
  20. Dear Morda Claus. Thank you for the gift of "bland stock stuff" No really Mord Thank you. Now it is time to sit back, relax and enjoy the warmth of the often mentioned game feature that everyone gathers round this Holiday Season....
  21. snake eye... "I would like to say and Blackmoria having been in the Army will agree with me, that playing RT and missing some parts and or totally an action not being in the area I am fighting is somehow what you discover in combat." Good description of probably the most realistic CM experience. For smaller unit actions I really enjoy Elite RT NO pauses. It is exciting and fun. It is my .... what happened here! moments when I tab back to what was a healthy unit and is now decimated by .. something somewhere that make me use RT-TB when the numbers of units across a large area become extremely difficult to control in separate actions.
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