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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. "I guarantee the second towel isn't for The Missus." The reindeer I see that the God has been calling around and left some instructions on tablets for Steve
  2. NSA probably knows my shoe size by now I did not realize Vitali Klitschko was a boxer but he sure looks like one! The reports of the meetings did not sound very productive. One BBC story noted how the protests are limited to certain areas in Kiev and other areas are safe and "normal" now. Much of Eastern Ukraine is non pulsed, zero protests and very Pro Russia while some protests are spreading in Western Ukraine. Sounds like a split is on the way unless someone cracks down and holds it all together. "...CMSFv2 is very, very desirable and Ukraine would make a very viable, relevant and interesting AO. The really interesting point would be how the scenario developers keep the conflict regional and to what level of "total war" the combatants go to. When it comes to two tier one class opponents going at it (NATO vs Russia), space (not the sky) is literally the limit. With effects all the way to the tactical level. I cant imagine the US Army having to operate at this time without satellites, but destroying or limiting their use is within easy reach of any tier one opponent and vice versa. " Very good point Gunhappy42. The new modern games will be interesting in many ways and may be Cmx 3.0 versions when they appear "I cant imagine the US Army having to operate at this time without satellites, but destroying or limiting their use is within easy reach of any tier one opponent and vice versa." You think the players have contingencies for an unplugged conflict
  3. "Buzz it was our pleasure to be involved with the community and the game, it seems like a lifetime ago and I thought everyone would have forgotten about me by now. " Forgotten? No indeed. I got the CMSF Mac Bundle @ a year ago and have saved & used some of you QB maps (Mishga ME Search and Destroy 800x1040 - just one example) for some great times. Still use Mark Ezra's fine work as well. Wise words... Be Happy and Enjoy Life.
  4. Looks Excellent. Thanks Bil. Good to see you back at CM Tactical Problems... soon to include the Eastern Front?
  5. Then please pass along to Mishga our appreciation. Sounds like you both (and Wodin) have your arms full. The world is a better place with more compassion and empathy.
  6. Both states include the elemental of .... 1-2-3 and Fire Thanks Mord. You can see the finish line. It is within reach. Just a little more and the East Front will be yours to Mod Honestly I don't know how you do it but you do and Thank You.
  7. The Five- Day War, 2008 South Ossetia Conflict? Has Russia actually moved any assets in response to the protests in Kiev?
  8. Just looking at news Kiev is becoming hot as Ukraine protests are ramping up. A future NATO/Russia conflict or simply strike a defiant tone, blame the victims for their own deaths as they are now "terrorists" threatening the lives of ordinary citizens in Kiev.
  9. Look what comes rolling into town! Merry X-mas from all of us at www.battlefront.com! Just watched the video again so I feel better Maybe when I check later today there will be another East Front video up
  10. All the best you and family Meach and Mishga .Thank you for all the CMSF work you did.
  11. Stockholm syndrome or capture–bonding...
  12. Inhale deeply and watch da glow that gives medicinal insight and the answer is.... Wow.... a blaze of brilliance aka ... Eastern Front on Fire
  13. To back up Mord.... God called me too but I was driving, answering another line so God left a message .... world is ending tomorrow, etc. Have another drink and think about it
  14. Darn... Almost Total Victory in a push 2 of "Operation Pond Scrub" so just give me a couple of weeks to get back in country and I am good before the world ends. Then a FULL - EF CMx2 release notice might save the world Steve! Everything rests in your & Moon's proclivity to save the WORLD as we know it. Have a Stolichnaya (s) and think about your responsibilities to CM customers and ... the remaining non grog population of the Earth
  15. Tactical Victory in a 7 hour "Operation Pond Scrub" . No Bagration Beta AAR Stolichnayas raised in tribute a good nights rest and prep for a final mission win tomorrow;)
  16. How close are we Steve to getting new Bagration intelligence? Off to work on "Operation Pond Scrub." Surely by the time I return covered in mud and pond scum, a Bagration Beta AAR will be underway and Stolichnayas raised in tribute
  17. 5 stars Combatintman with note. Sorry I did not do this before. I should get in the habit of rating in the Repository. I ususally give a scenario a spin and post a note in the forum to the designer. I almost never look at the ratings myself but I am sure others do and I should rate them. Thanks for the reminder. Now is there a Repository spot to ask BF for a 3.0 upgrade to CMSF
  18. "Having had mission command beaten into me for years I don't like putting too many prescriptive instructions in the 'Execution Basic Plan' paragraph in any of my missions as I feel that after all this is a wargame that the player is playing for their enjoyment and one of the reasons that people play them is to come up with their own plan in order to see if they can beat the enemy." Thank you Combatintman. Allow both serious and casual players to explore orders. Enjoyment is not always ultimate maximum victory in a war game.... especially for those with limited "toy time" ..playing for enjoyment. Learning what you should NOT do is an extremely valuable and enjoyable experience.... especially as Battlefront improves their product visuals and combat functions.
  19. Please join me Michael It is Fireday and what better to improve the East Front game experience than....toggle intro video, War Movie Mode ON and...
  20. I do have a very special bottle of Stolichnaya that might work. Has been infusing Ginseng root (and other herbs) since 1998. That might work. Chicken Kiev could might do it as well. Since Chicken Kiev is traditionally a Ukrainian dish it might appease the Modern gods of the "Black Sea" at the same time? If these don't work.... there is always a "fire" offering
  21. Or sacrificing... chickens don't work so maybe more beer or cowbell
  22. Most of the damage I received in CIMIC House scenario was from RPGs and I was well away from buildings. It is amazing how sometimes these "insurgents" can make it things go south fast with well placed RPGs. I also wondered about tanks having such low HE.
  23. CMSF2 might be a CMSF v 3.0 from the sound of development in the WWII side of CM. I think a new version of CMSF is a real posibility especially when new modern "Black Sea" sells well... at least I hope so.
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