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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Sequoia made CM:BN Commonwealth Module Dealerships. I don't remember seeing one yet for MG.
  2. "..a track record of quickly fixing bugs that affect gameplay." True from a customer paying attention for the last dozen+1 years "a temperate Europe setting....." near the Black Sea perhaps... the viaduct to Victory
  3. Pre-reading your guidance helped Bil. Thanks for the references: FM7-10_Rifle_Company-44.pdf, chapter 6. Played Elite RT and one US KIA. Points 145 to 8. Will follow and play through your clearly illustrate and helpful CMTP site. Thanks
  4. Thanks poesel71 & Wicky. I am looking at smcFanControl of 39C - 870rpm on the Mac Pro right now. Playing this afternoon only mid 40s C. Hope this helps Michael. I have to return to the focus of the thread. BF did a very nice improvement to speed and appearance on Market Garden for the Mac. I hope the surprises Steve mentions are just as nice for CMFI/GL.
  5. Watching for GAJ / Repository news any minute.... we are very close to Mod Madness Night
  6. Two Base Games are already extremely far along in development..... Bagration and a new Modern game.... Bump me into dream land
  7. "a bit of room to manoeuvre and is less of a slog...." and more fun. Massive MOUT is a slog in a game... requires a stubbornness that is admirable but maybe not as much fun game wise. Interestingly. Iraqi 36th Commando Battalion Operation Phantom Fury: Fallujah Hospital and follow-on targets...
  8. Juju's UI pack v xxxx is almost like saying breath deeply ... everything is OK Thanks
  9. Marco & Juju = all is right in Market Garden. Thank you.
  10. Combatintman - Thanks. You have a lot of possibilities with a US scenario based on the 2nd Battle of Fallujah. "Ground operations began on the night of 7 November 2004. Attacking from the west and south, the Iraqi 36th Commando Battalion with their U.S. Army Special Forces advisers and the U.S. Marine Corps Scout Platoon, 2nd Infantry Division's 2nd and 1st Platoon C CO 1–9 INF(MANCHU), 3rd Platoon Alpha Company 2/72nd Tank Battalion, and 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, reinforced by Bravo Company from the Marine Corps Reserve's 1st Battalion, 23rd Regiment, and supported by Combat Service Support Company 113, from Combat Service Support Battalion 1, captured Fallujah General Hospital and villages opposite the Euphrates River along Fallujah's western edge........" And this appears to be the beginning of the push....
  11. I did fire up CMFI/GL (after removing all 4GB of mods) today to see if the Market Garden improvements were noticeable. Yep - noticeable.
  12. Michael your year and model imac should indicate if it has a fan. Any air vents on the iMac (or any computer) need to be vacuumed to clear dust. I bring my Mac Pro out 2 x year to the shop and use the compressor on a low psi to blow everything off. You would be surprised at how much dust is in what appears to be a clean room. I mention this because IF you don't have a fan you need all the passive air circulation you can get to keep parts cool. One Hackintosh site is http://www.tonymacx86.com/home.php If you are not comfortable mucking around with the insides of a computer or spending time and effort doing what is needed to keep things running smoothly then a hackintosh may be too much work to play CM. You might be better served with a new / refurb Mac every 3 years or so. If you are interested in tinkering then you can build a fine fast monster CMX2-3 machine for less cash than a new Mac Pro. My goal is keeping the OSX Mac running and being able to do work and play w/o boot camping to Windows 7 Pro.
  13. So you are a mod virgin Michael The ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB fan whirling indicates to me that the graphics card is getting used more than normal. I do believe the iMac getting hotter indicates the same. I think poesel71 is correct regarding the fan. Now if you have the spare cash and are interested "older" Mac Pros with 2.9 or 3.2 single cpus are available. You can run NVIDIA PC (non-EFI) Graphics Cards in them and get good performance without a Mac boot screen. Then there is the Hackintosh approach to getting custom. Or if you sold some stocks you could grab a new Mac Pro cylinder and smoke everyone. re: Mac and Market Garden, interestingly I accidentally opened Market Garden twice last PM. The benefit of doing "work" on the Mac and gaming. I had two Market Garden games going and the old Mac didn't seem to mind it much as they both played without sluggishness!
  14. This would be Fallujah General Hospital and villages opposite the Euphrates River along Fallujah's western edge? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Battle_of_Fallujah "The Second Battle of Fallujah — code-named Operation Al-Fajr (Arabic,الفجر "the dawn") and Operation Phantom Fury — was a joint American, Iraqi, and British offensive in November and December 2004, considered the highest point of conflict in Fallujah during the Iraq War......."
  15. Are you using a Z folder full of mods Michael? I did not realize I had just over 5 GB of mods in CMBN/CW! I have to go back and check what I have in CMFI/GL. Before I installed Market Garden on the Mac Pro I removed the folder. Combined with speed improvements of MG v2.10 I am enjoying the game just fine. It will be nice to have CMFI/GL get the speed improvements as well.
  16. Good description of RT. For me MG Out on a Limb in real time is about a perfect size to manage all the elements.
  17. Zumbelay Withdrawal, Operation Glacier 4 , Habibollah Kalay = All good games. Combatintman thanks and look forward to 2nd Battle of Fallujah.
  18. Adding another perspective. Don't remember the exact year (maybe 15 years ago?) but the FBI statistics for "gunfights" were 95% of all gunfights take place in 0-21 feet. Average man cannot draw a gun from concealment in under 2 seconds. The average man can cover 21 feet of ground in 1.5 seconds. The average gunfight takes place in low light conditions and is over in 3-5 seconds with 3 to 4 shots are usually fired. I would suggest any pistol gunfight is a very close and "stressful" morale situation and should be reflected as such for gaming.
  19. Forgot to mention but this morning installed CM:BN Market Garden on the "Rural" 2008 MacBookPro4,1 - Intel Core 2 Duo - 2.5 GHz. Not much time to test but I was very impressed at how good the smaller Market Garden scenarios loaded and moved with almost full graphics settings! Buy everyone at Battlefront.com.... more black beans
  20. Thanks Steve, Moon, Phil, heck everyone at Battlefront.com. You guys manage a great company with exemplary service. I am all in for the scheduled and the surprises heading our way.
  21. Is it possible to list multiple display resolutions in the display size.txt file and have them all display? Tried this inside the Application support folder for the Mac and it appears only one option is allowed. Enjoying CM:BN Market Garden on Mac
  22. Nicely done. How did MG Outstanding Gallantry play for you?
  23. I think the "something" is part familiar with recent and current military equipment and actions.... part the expansiveness modern weapon systems. Modern can impose it's will from distance and ups close yet is not immune to low tech tenacity.
  24. "I enjoy RT because I can enjoy not having to worry about every detail. That is the key to it. It is almost a bit liberating not worrying about each and every thing in micromanaging each unit rather just concentrating on the whole." Well said Vin. Didn't know Steve is a RT player. Should promise enhancements for the future of RT. Good points about RT controls as well. "..keeps the eyes on the screen, while making it easier to control hotkeys with the left hand while the right operates the mouse. Controlling the game fluidly makes RT much more enjoyable, and really is essential to control with speed efficiently..."
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