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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. "The modern toys are awesome!! All those WW2 gamers who think they aren't or wont be into a CM modern game..will be in for a huge surprise if they buy it." Spot on Wodin. I purchased CMSF & Marines 2008. Enjoy it on a MBP in boot camp. When BF offer the CMSF Mac bundle for Christmas last year I snapped it up and still fire it up almost daily. The Brits, NATO completed the Modern Package for CMSF. I know BF understands how to develop and provide a quality product. I suspect their new modern demo(s) might get WW2 gamers interested. Once they try it many will better appreciate the authority modern weapons systems. I will enjoy, purchase and play all the BF - WWII products. I just am not inclined to be as detailed as so many knowledgeable WWII Grogs are here in the BF forums.
  2. After CM:BN Market Garden's performance improvements I am abstracting what is in store for the New Modern games from BF. I suspect it will surprise folks who say they have no interest in modern. Black Sea/CMSF-2 should convert some WWII only guys to state-of-the-art conflict.
  3. MG Outstanding Gallantry ( one of MG's largest scenarios) loaded in 2 minutes by dropping display = 1920X1080, V Sync = Off. Model & Texture = Fastest. AA= Off. High Priority = Off. ATI Left Click = Off. Shadows =Off Did not play the game but was able to move about the map w/o sluggishness. Not as pretty as the smaller scenarios but looks very playable. A saved game file was @ 20.8MB.
  4. Noted assessment of possible improvement to current RT. I prefer RT vs AI but would love the ability to "rewind" or "capture" some of the full RT action. Reviewing what went right vs wrong is instructive and entertaining.
  5. Yes a version 3 modern war title Santa surprise would be mighty fine
  6. Thanks for the screen shot. Yep actually surprising to see such graphics improvement and a speed bump as well. Buy Phil more black beans What will CM V3.0 be bringing us when we get New Modern to play with. Going to be a really entertaining few months ahead.
  7. Phil, Your "optimizations to the engine" work very well for my Mac. Thank you and all BF for improving the game for us Mac folks and all. I went a little "New Module" hog wild last PM. Bumped the Display Size up to 2560X1440 and set Model & Texture = Best. AA= On. Shadows = On. aka Full Tilt! I know... a little crazy to expect the game to run at ultra everything but I had to try it. The smaller MG scenarios looked just amazing! These were very playable. I did begin to notice some struggle with graphics on my Mac when moving about with everything maxed on such a huge display size but not bad by any means. Very nicely done. Thanks. I had on my headphones so as not to wake the wife, scare the horses or the neighbors. Pulled my headphones off and I head the ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB fan whirling. It hardly ever makes fan noise so I suspect (assuming the new Mac Pros are not selling for <$1K) it is close to time for a new mid range graphics card (maybe a GTX 760) for the old Mac. I tried a MAXIMUM Full Tilt! load of MG Outstanding Gallantry. After 7 minutes and stuck at 36% I had to reboot as I could not tab out. Now I know I should not set my old Mac on Full Tilt! and try to load one of MG's largest scenarios but I did. I will try MG Outstanding Gallantry with more modest settings and see how she runs and post here. Overall I can say the improvement in the game is impressive and evident. It would be handy to have a FPS feature to conduct a Performance Test to quantify the improvement but this not necessary to see the performance improvements. Thanks,
  8. My 1st choice is RT in smaller scenarios. RT without pausing can be fun or a disaster if scenario has too much to manage. WeGo for larger scenarios to help my management and enjoy replay value. PBEM when I have the time = not very often. It is a "good thing" is we have so many options
  9. Just loaded MG Arnhem Road Bridge Master Map with everything maxed and put shadows on. Visually much improved shadows on my Mac. No jaggy lines on the edge of shadows. Nice improvement!
  10. If my limited play time with 2.10 CM:BN Market Garden tonight on my Mac is any indication of the performance improvements coming to CMBN & CMFI, we could be in for a nice bump with the 2.10 patch.
  11. CM:BN Market Garden Mo Betta on da Mac MacPro, OS X 10.8.5 - 2 x 2.26 GHz Quad-Core - ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB on DELL U2713HM Display Not desktop display rather set at 1920X1080, V Sync = On. Model = Better. Texture = Improved. AA= On. High Priority = Off. ATI Left Click = Off. It seems Market Garden 2.10 runs faster on my Mac! The blue bar zips across the screen in the few scenarios I have opened. Maybe it is Phil's java jolt magic No exhaustive testing as I only downloaded Market Garden module @ 3 hours ago and only played with it for < 1 hour but noticeable and impressive performance improvement on my older Mac. I removed ALL 5+ GBs of mods before the Market Garden install so maybe that put some zip back in the performance? I did have some unexplained airplane noise in a few (not all) saved games files from CMBN. Plane sounds that were flying over when they should not be. For example CMBN v2.01 Performance Test Medium file had planes flying overhead when they should not. Interested in other Mac CM:BN Market Garden feedback.
  12. I have very much enjoyed your oeuvre / AAR Ken. It has been a good fight Do not forget long ago your brave men arrived on the filed of battle in "stilettos" so forced entry is within the realm of possibilities even in the expiry of the moment
  13. Thanks Martyr, I am currently using "ATI Left-Click Compatibility" OFF on my MacPro, OS X 10.8.5 - 2 x 2.26 GHz Quad-Core - ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB for CMBN/CW 2.01 and have a fine experience. BF is on target with their gaming entertainment value. I am sure bridges required a lot of new code. I really appreciate Steve's sending "minions" sink their teeth in. I will purchase Market Garden but not in a rush if any teething issues need a little tweaking. A "Laughing Gas supplement & Black Sea" bone will work till the teething is sorted out
  14. Your in iMolestCats I have an older LaPavoni (yes I have two!) about to be rebuilt. Gotta get right for the Black Sea adventures
  15. Any bone setters = no formal qualification... even broken or dislocated bones accepted
  16. LiveNoMore Can you post your OS, CPU & Graphics card specs? Now back in the land of cable internet and ready to purchase Market Garden if I can "cross that bridge"
  17. So we get Old Eastern Front (from Wikipedia)... "The battles on the Eastern Front constituted the largest military confrontation in history. They were characterized by unprecedented ferocity, wholesale destruction, mass deportations, and immense loss of life variously due to combat, starvation, exposure, disease, and massacres...." With Modern (more lethal) Eastern Front! Might need some double espressos to manage this double header:eek:
  18. Lobsters of extraterrestrial origin and Finns, though not the same thing they are closely related When the kids draw pictures of the Space Lobsters of Doom do the extraterrestrials have Finns "Seriously looking forward to the modern re-boot as well as the Eastern Front." Me too Captain. I think what Steve was hinting is the new modern "Black Sea" is up next. I hope my guess is close.
  19. :)Yes but if I smoke, ugh... read the tea leaves correctly Steve also said..."...This year looks like it will wind up being two releases...." So maybe just maybe there is a Santa Stimulus Package to evoke the Holiday spirit & spending and new era modern mayhem still within the realm of possibilities... if I smoke read the tea leaves correctly
  20. Oперация Багратион is well earned East Front nourishment and a CM Game I will purchase Bagration for sure. If new modern development team members toss some features here (they may slip while in the limos celebrating MG's release we can submit draft designs for new modern era tattoos and be ready for day one
  21. "Last year we had three including the Normandy Upgrade (which was a huge effort for us). This year looks like it will wind up being two releases. Next year looks to be a very busy release schedule. For sure 4 releases (very safe to say), probably 6, maybe 8. Part of that has to do with our new Pack strategy, part of it has to do with the fact that two Base Games are already extremely far along in development..... Bagration and a new Modern game. But more about that after we get this whole Market Garden thing out the door. And did I mention that would be soon? I think I did, however it doesn't hurt to emphasize "soon" again." Steve over at the Market Garden Release Party 10/11/12 Congratulations BF on MG. Will purchase when out of satellite country. Please deposit New Modern Game osseous clues / facts here Clue #1 New Modern Game sounds as if it is already extremely far along in development. Could this mean Santa delivers Modern War?
  22. “it’s hard to make your best decision when someone is trying to kill you.” Why ‘smell algorithm’ mod can be useful
  23. In the nether reaches of satellite internet country and I got a feeling about "a new Modern game"... and I was right And Steve said "soon":D
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