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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Wengart

  1. Infantry in CQC i'll admit is lacklustre and sometimes (especially when clearing rooms) an outright disaster. However, at moderate ranges its passable, and the briefings don't always tell the truth (no armor expected should ring the alarm bells!). This is incorrect. Play outpost assaulted and I can assure you the Muj will have more guys then the soviets.
  2. It would depend on the material the building (or more specifically the wall) is made of and the type of implement you're using to make the whole. (entrenching tool, explosive, or other field expedient method) Anyway, most buildings in Afghanistan are made of adobe brick, I believe, and are quite thick making digging difficult at best.
  3. Sorry it was unclear, I meant that 1:1 doesn't have anything to do with it.
  4. In answer to the original complaint: 1:1 prevents random maps. I believe it was the step from 20 meter tiles to 10 meter tiles combined with the ability to mix terrain (woods on rocky ground with small bushes) that prevents the use of random maps.
  5. Although, I believe the Shilka is going to be present in the NATO module.
  6. Although I understand that Steam isn't beneficial to BF.C. I would like to point out that Tripwire Interactive (Red Orchestra, Killing Floor) and Introversion (DEFCON, Darwinia, Uplink) sell their games through Steam, and in Introversions case have been saved from bankruptcy through steam sales. See, Steam isn't all bad.
  7. I think the complaint is that, compared to Red, there is a deluge of blue formations. Although, we will hopefully see more Blue V. Blue scenarios with the all the added kit. Anyway, it seems to me that bringing items from each game forward seems to be a very small issue (compared to bringing stuff backwards). So, would it not be out of a question to have a CM: Western Europe released after all the western European families+ modules are done that would contain the sum of all of these. Possibly for 200$ (or the combined costs of the entire set of games based in W.E.) that way we could still have a theatre in a box of sorts?
  8. It could even be taken a step farther; instead of what units can see this point highlight terrain and unit that have LOS to this point.
  9. I always enjoyed the secondary objection nature of exiting the map. I still remember the fighting withdrawal the rag-tag remnants of my German force fought in the CM:BB demo's Yelnia Stare.
  10. Actually, sound contacts are not modeled in CM:SF.
  11. Just wondering if it was personal choice to not exit the map, or is the exit ability only active in specific scenarios?
  12. Steam hardware survey, regarding CPUs. http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/cpus/ single cores sit at 18%, while dual cores are currently at 55%
  13. The shape indicators have the added bonus of helping the colorblind.
  14. IIRC Tripwire is implementing the perk system from Killing Floor into RO:HOS. So you will either have an experience pool, or have experience for each individual class. I think that fun and verisimilitude of the users experience need to be balanced with what would realistically happen in the situation. Everyone can understand the concept of suppression, and the enhancement of the simulation in that direction would be accepted, but being unable to pick up enemy weapons to many would just seem arbitrary and confusing. And I also believe in the firm need for allowing player to be "the hero", and if that means letting him pick up a Panzerfaust to knock out that troublesome panzer then so be it.
  15. Speaking of Lee-Enfields, has the bolt action animation been fixed? In CM:SF the round is discharged before the shooter operates the bolt; although, this isn't much of a problem visually when it only effects the odd sniper. However, the farther we go back the more apparent it is.
  16. Exist zones are the ability for your men to leave the map by moving off the board edge; for example, you are in command of some Syrians trapped in a town, and are attempting to break out of a blue encirclement. You would win by fighting out of the town to the designated board edge where your troops would leave the map. In CMx1 you could also use this feature to retreat off the map, and spare your men from destruction should things go badly.
  17. In CM:SF there are only two types of wall; they are either totally okay or totally destroyed. There would have to be and intermediate wall that only has sections knocked out to model it correctly. Also .50 Cal's have quite the penetration and generally tear up infantry in cover.
  18. Currently trenches are our ditches; having a separate terrain type would probably be better.
  19. You can attempt to do some ambushes by giving your Syrians a short cover arc, and when a juicy target appears cancel the arc give 5-20 seconds (the longer the more likely they are to die) and then have them fast to a safe location. I use this during WE-go games. Keyholing (deploy your men so they can only see and be seen from a very specific strip of ground usually used with armor) is also very important, as it can allow you to get local superiority in one location without being exposed to supporting fires. Also for the Syrians its very important that you keep them in C2 with their HQ squad. Otherwise their already poor morale takes another hit.
  20. The first module is the CW so the second campaign will probably be british.
  21. Actually, I've found that infantry will not dismount until the vehicle stops moving. I often give my men 5 second pauses for a 30+ second trip. Arrad, if you give your men a 5 second pause (anytime really), and then give them a move order they will wait for the vehicle to reach its final waypoint and then dismount and move towards their waypoint. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=82036 This should help
  22. I'm with you Boris, I would most definitely take a hard copy over digital. At least for the base game that is.
  23. I was playing Trident valley as the Syrians, and when 3rd platoons commander and executive officer were killed they became 1st team and 3rd squad became 3rd plt. HQ. And later on when 3rd squad (now 3rd plt. HQ) got wiped out a BMP became plt. HQ. Anyway i'm not sure if this is a fairly new feature or what, but I thought it was just too awesome to not post about. (gosh, i'm such a nerd getting all excited over squad leaders ability to inherit command of a platoon )
  24. One of the issues with CMx2s more detailed scenario editor is that their are those who can/have the patience to map makes, but they may not have the skill to deal with actually creating a scenario. And there are those who may not have the same penchant for map design who enjoy creating scenarios. The ability for scenario designers to use put together maps from others work would be invaluable. Would it then be possible for map makers (with the introduction of mega-tiles) to create a tile and then upload it to the repository, and then allow scenario designers to patch together a map with them? Or allow scenario designers to pull apart maps as mega-tiles and insert them into their scenario?
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