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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. I also liked this one. It was a pretty vicious fight. Thanks Mishga!
  2. My scenario "Afghani Stan" has the target building rigged with explosives. I don't remember how I set it up, but I have never seen it blow.
  3. It's not too bad. It adds a little dramatic feeling to the game. Pretty good, Kerko, for original stuff!
  4. No, I'm on my second try already (3rd including the first few missions before the campaign update). Minor victory, hoping for better this time around.
  5. There are also some great videos out there. Here are some that may help you. Ben Anderson, a BBC reporter, went out with the Brits in Afghanistan. Watch part 1-8. http://www.liveleak.com/browse?q=ben+anderson
  6. I have had similar experiences as Red Rage. I went to USMC's jungle warfare school in Okinawa. It was very rough terrain. While we did do a lot of rappelling, both off a 90 ft cliff and even more hasty rappelling down steep muddy areas, just a 10 foot cliff was a major obstacle. I also agree with Red Rage about cliffs in CM. It's nice to have some impassable obstacles for the sake of forcing tactical gameplay.
  7. http://www.defendamerica.mil/photoessays/march2003/p030403a1.html
  8. This is why we don't allow hunchbacks in the Army. They duck for cover just fine, but they just don't know how to stand up and fight! You guys crack me up!
  9. As someone who taught some military classes, including Seabee Tactics, I think this would definitely be useful for training. Most of my classroom training involved an instructor going over a handout that had been xeroxed 42,000 times. Some of these handouts had drawings of ww2 guys digging foxholes and things like that. Many times the quality was so bad, you could barely read it or see the drawings. If we were lucky, we'd get a room with a white board or a powerpoint presentation. Most military guys are avid gamers (nothing much else to do when you're stuck in some barracks room somewhere) who grew up around video games, so I think they would pick CMSF up quickly. It would also be a great visual tool. More interesting visuals means less students falling asleep. It would help people like me who are more visual oriented to learn basic tactics. Specific terrain and situations could be easily simulated. Problems: The military would, no doubt, want their own customized versions (the Seabees would need Seabee units, etc.). This would delay our future mods and patches! Screw that! I guess I'd wait for the sake of my country. Beyond that, I don't really see many negatives. I really do like gclfootball's explanation of how he would do it. I would hand out maps and give coordinates. They would have to do every thing as they would in the field. Then the instructor would input the orders into cmsf. Then they would all learn lessons by watching the action unfold. Great idea!
  10. Which one has the brighter rings? That's the one I need (aging eyes).
  11. I've been reading Michael Yon's blog for maybe two years or so. Great guy, ex-Green Beret. His recent blog about Afghan compounds shows lot of great aerial shots, perfect for all of you scenario designers out there. I also recommend "The Gates of Fire", which you'll find on his site. That's just because it's a hell of a story. He also killed a guy with one punch in a bar. (He was defending himself, he's not a killer type). Anyways, I highly recommend it.
  12. George, Played this scenario last night and I loved it. I was able to keep both tanks alive no problem. Spoiler * * * * * * I did exactly what you said in you last reply. As soon as the game started I moved my squads to good positions around the tanks. I left my AAV's in corners of buildings where they had the most protection. Once the enemy attacked, my infantry held them off, concentrating on AT units. Once I thought the rocket guys weren't a threat, I was able to move my AAV's into positions where they could pound guys in buildings and cover the narrow streets. I did have one squad lose more than half KIA/WIA, but reinforced them. I did also use my mortars to area fire the whole area where enemy were located. I'm not sure the area fire was all that effective. Most of the enemy dead were guys trying to fight face to face with the USMC (and ofcourse losing). The Marine squads just have too much firepower for them to handle at close range. Anyways, great mission. I'll be playing that one again soon. It reminds me of an old cmx1 mission based around a Nazi tank stuck in the mud. Thanks for yet another great scenario!
  13. I still recommend this mod. Don't forget to use it as blue.
  14. Very nice. I'll be using the dusty weapons! When I was out playing Rambo, the inside of my weapon was always as clean and nicely oiled as possible, the outside was impossible to keep clean. I worried about that when it came time to turn it in to the armory.
  15. Meach, they are both in my z folder and it works fine. Maybe just take out the older one?
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