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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. I am pretty sure the barrels will be there, you can mod them as well as you wish. About the craters, you can paint them as you like, but no liquid surface reflections can be added, you can try some tricks nonetheless.
  2. Nice finding, I never noticed. Running 1.3 here... Looks like an easter egg, nice teasing BFC"!
  3. For that I belive the editor setting will prove valuable, and don't forget the new feature dedicated to electronic warfare, you can practically turn down to 0 the radio capabilities of all units, thus making a very hard game if you play at high levels of difficulty. I'd like to see such a mod, the absence of evident NBC suits wouldn't be as problematic as the lack of gas masks, which is the most important graphical problem, in my opinion, not sure how painting gas masks on solidier's faces would look like. Just in case I have a couple of modern US and russian gas masks I can take any picture off, if someone is interested. Also, some terrain modding would be nice, scorched earth, burned ground, and some of the trees could be modded to show them without foliage.
  4. Hi all, not sure If I missed some official words about it, but If I am not mistaken a brand new repository was to be added by BFC as part of the forum overhaul, is there any new about it? Thanks,
  5. It's a nice idea, but it's outside the scope of the game. Within CMBS there's no programming dedicated to NBC battlefield conditions, although you can represent some aspects of it by tweaking scenarios settings (check CMRT to see what they are), moreover, you can change all game textures as you wish to, even making a dedicated mod for a specific scenario only (just use the [tag] functionality). Aside from this CMBS represents only a "normal" combat setting.
  6. You don't need a real 360° panorama, but surely you'll need a very long picture or a collection of pictures. Just think about this: each original game section for the horizon is 2048 pixel long, you'll need 8192 pixels to cover the entire in game horizon. Now, first of all your reference picture must be at least 8192 pixels long, because merging different pictures is practically impossible (not just for the different sides, but also different colors, etc.). Consider that if you want a better result than the original horizon you most probably want to double the original resolution, otherwise your modded horizon won't be much better than the original one, like a 4096 pixel long file per horizon section, that's 16384 pixels to cover the entire horizon. So, to make a decent horizon mod you nee a picture: - long at least 16384 pixels - taken at the right time of the day - depicting a landscape that fits the game's - without oddities such as a human face picking from a corner or any kind of foreground obstacle You don't need a 360° view because you can Always stretch the original picture so that it covers the game's fictional horizon, problem is you can stretch a bit not too much, too much stretching and you'll see it by eyes there's something wrong. Another problem: preceived distance, you'll need a picture that does not seem too close otherwise either the horizon will be a joke or the battlefield will look like legoland. Now, don't forget about the business, that 16k pixel horizon needs to be cut in detail, because if you skip a 4x4 pixel shape somewhere I guarantee you'll notice that in game, as a UFO in the sky or a hole in the ground. Suppose you use a 20 pixels large brush to do that, go figure th amount of patience needed to pass that brush all over 16k pixels (16k/20= 800)... Then you need to make sure the sides are merged perfectly, so you'll need the cloning tool and a lot of cut and paste to align the pictures perfectly. Then you need to take out all the small oddities that are in the picture, again using the cloning tool at a micro level. Then you need to adjust color brightness, contrast, saturation. Considering that these operations might ask for more corrections. All the above while loading the game over and over again to check what it looks like. After all of this, you'll need to make haze and thick haze variants, most probably by adding a mask, making sure it fits the game colors and the sky colors.
  7. Yes the top part of the horizon texture must be in Alpha. Anyway, the hardest part of making horizons mod is the lack of high quality pictures, enough to cover all the sides. Moreover, if you want to improve over the original horizons you really need to go up in texture resolution, thus making even more work necessary. It's a very time consuming modding to do.
  8. Because, if you take some time to look at how these work, you'd understand yourself how difficult it is to make a mod for such game item, not to mention the fact they use the same texture file.
  9. To be fair CM1x games also had a random scenario generator... so not a big surprise they had more maps all in all.
  10. Given MOS's citation, I'd like to know if there's a window on the building wall behind that wall. Anyway, this seems a bug to me. It is possible that in some cases the wall placed right on contact with a building might lead to problems, could be Worth to test this over and over to see if there's a problem there. Scenario designers often use techniques like this one to close a building LOS or reinforce the structure.
  11. For what I inferred looking at game files and how the three items in subject here are displayed I belive the system to represent hedge, bocage and low bocage is exactly the same. Therefore I belive the scenario maker should take into account this problem and make sure he prepares an easier to recognize terrain for the players, for example by putting bocage on a +1 elevated ground, adding a specific ground tile under all bocage lines etc.
  12. You got some screenshot of any kind? These would help a lot to better understand these situations.
  13. Thanks for the suggestion, corn is already modded as crop number 3. Unfortunately it will be young corn, since it's impossible to resemble mature/adult plants (that should be common in july/august, at least it is here in Italy) because of the size of game's doodad, which is not tall enough. So, I decided to substitute cabbages and potatoes with corn and sunflower. The information I found gave me a good background for the crops, and I belive that the sacrifice of cabbage is quite acceptable (these are mostly grown in greenhouses or smaller Patches and are, generally, less common as they are in the larger groups of vegetables crops, not to mention that there are more varieties of cabbages that grow during winter than during summer), while I really don't like to ditch potatoes, since they are indeed common crop there, although I prefer the corn (and I really didn't like the bushes of potatoes); I kept sugar beets, even if their visual impact is not great, even my own plants, being made from scratch, still don't look very interesting at medium distances, the plants are too small for a good visual effect. Anyway, in the end people can use what they want out of the mod, can't stress enough how modding is first of all a matter of personal tastes.
  14. Hey Aris, sorry for hacking the thread, just a quick question: will you be modding combat mission black sea?
  15. I noted something similar with sand vs gravel, when I tried making a man-made sand mound for an industrial area. Had some weird returns with gravel, alien spikes on the corners.
  16. Thanks, I am still working on the trees, and some last bits of terrain. I mainly follow my own taste, so I hope you can enjoy the mods as well or, in case, just grab the parts you prefer to use. When CMBS releases I should be able to send out the following mods: -complete terrain in HD, that is, 2x textures resolution (4x in some cases) (standard version under consideration) -roads in HD -improved doodads -reworked foliage -alternative crops -alternative walls Some teasers of the reworked trees and alternative crops, editor button/tiles changed accordingly: And one of the alternative crops in game:
  17. Hey is this thread "ukraine military vs russia" n2 the vengeance?
  18. example of completely free picture hosting site: www.tinypic.com
  19. I don't understand, could really use a picture here.
  20. I'd like to release this mod for CMBS, when it comes out in a couple of weeks; if the files are the very same as I suspect it will fit CMRT as well, and perfectly. As regarding modding, the graphic modding, you might want to take a look at the game manual, where the functionality of RezExplode program is explained, an embedded program to unpack game files and get simple .bmp image format files that you can elaborate and change as you want. Try lookin for Aris terrain/ground mod for CMRT, it was a very good mod for this game.
  21. The trees in the modded screenshot are a fresh mod I am working on for CMBS. I mainly changed some color values and, generally, desaturated the colors (I have a personal taste preference over desaturated colors). Moreover, the distant trees (which by the way use a similar system of the ground Tiles to represent very distant tress) have been changed in order to limit the bloody transition effect. I did a much less advanced and complete mod for the trees in CMRT some months ago, you should find it under the name of "desaturated trees" or something like that in CMMODS site, should take care of the saturation problem at least.
  22. Actually, the only way to avoid, or limit, this visual problem is by modding game texture files, take a look at these two screenshots: vanilla game modded game The still screens don't give enough credit to the modded version, but I can assure you that the effect is bearely noticable with the moving camera, try to move your eyes farther from the screen and see the difference. Take a precise look at the forest terrain on the right side, as you can see, the modded terrain has still a strong transition, that's because I modded the close terrain tile and I haven't done the dedicated mini ground texture yet. Please note that the difference between the grass and Yellow grass textures is due not only to the different color and saturation, but also to the dimensions, the modded textures being 4 times larger than the vanilla ones. The game uses two textures, as far as I understood since now, to represent the ground tiles, one for the closer tiles, another for the farthest ones. The latter, called "mini" texture, is a shrinked version of the standard texture; the shrinking process changes saturation and brightness, depending on the base texture it might also get more or less blurried. All in all, in my opinion, most of the blurry problem depends on the mini textures, if you manage do modify them to practically make them resemble the original texture (by getting the right size/color/brightness) you can actually make the transition line barely visible. Personally, I hate this visual issue too, that's why I am working hard on the mini textures of my modded terrain.
  23. About the matter of the color palette, you might consider modding your game, that will surely let you change the colors and textures as you prefer.
  24. Thanks for the update, it's much appreciated. This means two more weeks, a lot in my opinion, given the previous delay and the date of the initial announcement.
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